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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. What Czar said, I think this also applies to Taguels, Dancers, Villagers, Dread Fighters, Brides, and Walhart's Conqueror.
  2. To be perfectly honest, I only voted for Virion!Brady mainly because my father options for Henry and Libra are already taken by both Cynthia and Owain (respectively). But if it was up to me, I would have either Henry if I hadn't gone for Olivia!Lucina/Chrom!Inigo...
  3. Well one thing's for sure, war exists no matter what. As for WWIII, I'm gonna go off on a limb to say that its an unlikely scenario (give or take).
  4. Brady would want Galeforce because DSp+ isn't really worth the trade-off imo.
  5. To be fair, I've always thought that the concept of 'the west' has some sort of derogetory discourse then eurocentrism...
  6. Okay yeah, I'm dumb my bad. :x But even still... Gaius!Noire looks aesthetically appealing with Orange x Green Henry's hair is kinda a closest resemblance to Cynthia's canon-hair. Donnel!Kjelle too? Same applies to Libra, only Libra>Vaike for obvious reasons.
  7. Maybe its just me, but I find Virion!Brady to be an effective as a DK imo.
  8. DK is kinda a equivalent of Paladin, but with Tome and much higher Mag caps imo.
  9. If thats the case then why not just have Lissa, Chrom and his other kids to support with Gangrel for that matter. Seriously, such a vague reason imo.
  10. Gangrel's support with these two makes no sense whatsoever...
  11. If Priam is considered then I would also add Emmeryn w/Chrom/Lissa/Lucina/Owain/Chrom's kids/?!Morgan.
  12. Is this topic gonna end up being one of those flame wars?
  13. In that case then all i can say is that Inigo with non-Galeforce will suck balls imo :T
  14. Okay I see where you're getting at, but I'll be perfectly frank: when I meant on avoiding S-Supports at all times, I absolutely intend to prevent this by maintaining the kids' non-existing presence at all times. The fact of having them exists, even in their respective paralogues (as NPC), seems like it would ruin the experiences for this walkthrough for 1st Gen characters in a way, but that's just me. Edit: tl;dr: 2nd Gen Kids > 1st Gen Adults, because they get more attentions over the latters imo. <_<
  15. What?! No! Thats so inhumane! But in all seriousness i feel that having them nonexistent is more motivating imo
  16. I did imply all of the first generations so they obviously counts. And fyi Brady called Ricken an old man if you Marribelle x Ricken support : P But like i said thats not going to happen <_<
  17. The problem is that in Paralogue 15 Noire is automatically recuited in the next turn so yeah : /
  18. So for my future playthroughs, I'll attempt a classic Lunatic run which consists of using the 1st generation characters only, and will not involve any children. To avoid all marriage/children influence, I've considered the following rules: 1.) Avoid any S-Supports at all times, especially for Chrom. Because Maiden!Lucina is automatically recruited after Chapter 13 for story purposes, she gets off the hook as a Female Chrom. 2.) That said, there's no children's Paralogue for this. 3.) No Barracks: to prevent free supports. Any thoughts?
  19. I never said that Ricken!Severa would be terrible as a physical unit, I only recommend Severa as a magic unit so that she can take advantage of Ricken's Mag mod. : T
  20. To be fair, I can make my Gregor!Severa work in Apotheosis, and while its not the greatest pairings (compare to the more obvious being Lon'qu, Vaike, & Stahl), its certainly not the worst and is o_k at best. Of course theres going to be differences in people's discretions, but the point is theres more to team building and optimization that its not really a matter of 'who is the best father for _____?'
  21. Well in that case then I've just ran out of ideas. Swapping Bowbreaker and Tomebreaker back-and-forth is really the only think that I could think off. : /
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