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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Or if you're like me being a fucking bias that I am, theres the FeMU x Priam option instead. jk. Otherwise, Gregor!Laurant!Morgan seems to be a reasonable magic user.
  2. Aside from giving Speed mods, I don't think Virion gives any proc-skills to Nah (not that she really needs it anyways imo).
  3. Well since its the 29th in Japan, I guess its safe to say Happy Birthday Izana!
  4. http://i.imgur.com/djUB8U8.jpg?1 Also, there's one minor mistake in Maribelle!Lucina mods which should be +5 in Luck.
  5. Magic+2 is unnecessary if you're sacking with All Stats+2 imo. For Maribelle, I'd go for either DSp+ or Lifetaker, while Lissa probably w/ DSp+. Though mind you, Lissa isn't really suited for Apo (at least not inherently...).
  6. I just realized, I spelt his name wrong. :x Thanks for pointing that out!
  7. Seeing as there's a 'Awakening Birthday Thread,' I'd figure I may as well start this topic, considering the fact that Fates is already out in Japan. So why not! List of Birthdays: January 1: Asugi January 8: Fuga January 21: Selena January 24: Arthur January 31: Nina February 5: Rinkah February 7: Subaki February 17: Nyx February 19: Felicia & Flora February 26: Beruka March 3: Azura March 13: Forrest March 19: Elise March 24: Benny March 28: Hana April 1: Rhajat April 9: Sakura April 13: Effie April 19: Kana April 22: Niles April 28: Yukimura May 1: Ryoma May 4: Charlotte May 10: Hinata May 17: Midori May 20: Setsuna May 28: Siegbert June 6: Shigure June 10: Anna June 13: Gunter June 19: Orochi June 26: Mitama June 30: Leo July 4: Kiragi July 6: Caeldori July 12: Kaden July 15: Odin July 21: Sophie July 26: Kagero August 3: Scarlet August 7: Laslow August 16: Ignatius August 18: Hinoka August 22: Shiro August 31: Soleil September 5: Percy September 8: Azama September 15: Ophelia September 19: Hayato September 27: Hisame October 2: Kaze & Saizo October 6: Mozu October 11: Velouria October 20: Selkie October 27: Xander October 30: Keaton November 1: Silas November 7: Reina November 16: Dwyer November 28: Oboro November 30: Camilla December 3: Jakob December 14: Takumi December 21: Shura December 24: Peri December 29: Izana Update: English names
  8. Niall Ferguson's The War of the World.
  9. oic, well anyways if you all would be so kind to simply get back on topic that would be great. Thanks. n_n
  10. Don't know how this topic went from being all about Awakening...smh
  11. Ignis has a cool-looking battle animation IMO, I'd go for that.
  12. Yes. Priam is definitely the best husbando for your FeMU as well as the best father for your Morgan. I like to pretend that its the best pairing, because I'm fucking bias and thats how Priam is awesome. But realistically speaking, the best potential father(s) would statistically be the 2nd Gen units/children in terms of mod-wise.
  13. Now if only Flora x Saizou support was possible, it would have been conveniently fitting for Felicia x Kaze...
  14. Wonder Twin powers activate! I've always wanted to make this topic rofl: Felicia & Flora VS Kaze & Saizou. GO!
  15. For Chrom!Inigo: Swordfaire is usually good as a Paladin IMO, while Axefaire works as a Great Knight. Edit: Also, he gets Bowfaire, so he works well as a Sniper.
  16. And here I thought Virion!Brady has Bad Def overall...smh...
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