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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. To be fair, I did stated that: "...if anyone says otherwise, fuck you! jk," which is why I have parts of my comments striked as a warning. While I don't expect anyone to take my posts seriously, just because I'm fucking bias who thinks FeMU x Priam is awesome, your post was in response to my previous post (which is explicitly towards me) - and I prefer not to be told otherwise. As for the whole excuse of how Priam lacks character developments just doesn't get some back story, etc.,etc., well I don't touch any of the other paralogues until I first play through 23 - that way he has more playtimes with my FeMU and to get Priam!Morgan of course. o3o Also, if you think that Priam and Ike are both condescending, rude, etc., that just means they're total badasses (in the good way), which is all the more reasons why I prefer them 10x over the 'nicer' Marth and Chrom. (I mean have you ever played FE9/10...? <_<) Point is, do I think FeMU x Priam is awesome? Fuck yes, and thats not going to change! And no, I don't expect you or anyone to try that pairing nor am I encouraging it either, unless of course 'you like Ike!' No puns intended. Anyways as for Gaius!Yarne, I have no opinions with regards to this set besides some class-overlaps. : I @ Yumi_Fujibayashi: I generally prefer FeMU & Male Morgan just to have Galeforce for both. However, MaMU have its own purposes as a non-Galeforcer by benefiting as a potential father for other children, while Female Morgan can always learn Galeforce on her own anyways. As for Assets/Flaws, the most ideal for Lunatic classic is +Speed/-Def (iirc?), though I normally have mine as +Magic/-Luck because thats just me.
  2. Teron Gorefiend, I am...

  3. In that case, please leave this thread or STFU because I'm fucking bias. jk But even still, I would argue that Priam is so much better than Chrom that Priam can kick his royal ass any day, any time and any place, thats just the way it is. Also, if you find that his paralogue chapter is tedious, its either because Priam is too good for you or you haven't tried hard enough, so there's that. o3o As for Ike, he is so much cooler than Marth because at least he ain't no royal-bishonen snob, but thats beside the point.
  4. FeMU x Priam FTW because I'm fucking bias and nothing is going to stop me from getting Priam!MMorgan!
  5. To be frank, Armshrift is in no way a bad skill at all. But when it comes to making use with the 5 available skill-slots, I just don't see Armshrift as a priority besides Limit Breaker. Also, another skill worth supplementing for -faire is All Stats + 2. Otherwise, its up to you.
  6. Happy Birthday old friend! :]

    1. Raven


      Cheers man :D

  7. Armshrift is one of those skills that can only be useful for preserving weapon usages. Other than that, I would recommend against having it as part of your main set (especially with any -faire skills). For my Gregor!Severa @ Hero, I have it with: Axefaire, Vengeance, Galeforce, Lifetaker, and Limit Breaker.
  8. Imo, FE was declining in its popularity in NA since Shadow Dragon, so I can't blame IntelSys.
  9. IMO I find that Azura could have been much better, she seems a bit boring.
  10. uhhh...yes she can, through Sumia...<_< She could reclass through a Knight > Great Knight.
  11. I had my Gregor!Severa passed down. But to be frank, Axefaire is the only male-exclusive skills worth passing onto for certain daughters (i.e. Henry!Cynthia via Great Knight). Otherwise, I can't really recommend any other skill choices though. Edit: Also incase if anyone is wondering why this topic is slow, its probably because everyone is playing Fates by now...so yeah... <_<
  12. Once Revelation comes, I'm gonna make Nyx a mother of Rhajah o3o.
  13. Well in that case: Chrom x Sumia (Lucina and Cynthia): One of the best pairings F!Avatar x Virion (Morgan): Okay I guess Lissa x Lon'qu (Owain): Not great due to Myrmidon overlap : ( Frederick x Nowi (Nah): Good skill inheritance, but bad speed mods imo. Sully x Stahl (Kjelle): Not good because of class-overlap :/ Kellam x Miriel (Laurent): Slow though... :I Maribelle x Gaius (Brady): I guess the mods are okay... Ricken x Panne (Yarne): uhhh is it to run a Magic Yarne? Gregor x Cordelia (Severa): An okay pairing imo. Cherche x Henry (Gerome): Not really sure about this one... Olivia x Donnel (Inigo): Terrible mods/class overlaps : I Tharja x Libra (Noire): I guess its good for getting Tomefaire, but thats really it. I don't really have anything to say for the children...
  14. Well it was sort of implied, judging by your list. If its not for optimization then you're free to pair with whichever characters you want at your discretion.
  15. Do people still complain about the lack of feet in Awakening...? -_- Seriously though, I find it kinda cute but thats beside the point. o3o
  16. Come to think of it, Awakening's Dual System sounds pretty broken on paper imo.
  17. Imo, there should be a poll for this. o3o Anyways, I choose Kaze mainly because he's loyal to your Avatar regardless of which path you choose.
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