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Admiral "Bull" Halsey

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Everything posted by Admiral "Bull" Halsey

  1. Despite the fact that Owain is meant to be a physical unit (as far as his character goes), he may as well be better off as a magic unit because Lissa's -2 Str mod is a let-down. Also, Vaike!Owain is probably terrible because he doesn't get any procs and the rest of his mods are below average... : /
  2. Nah its cool, I just thought you should know for future reference. (Especially since you're new I can't blame you lol) Oh and btw, welcome to Serenes Forest! n_n
  3. Instead of making a new topic about it, you could try posting at the 'Pairing Thread'...
  4. The article was written before the said DLCs were released...
  5. I think this article will explain, and its possible that more DLC for Fates will be released in the future.
  6. I would argue that Priam's hair colour is nearly the same as Morgan's official artwork and is indeed worthy for my FeMU: Male Morgan: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/7/76/Male_Marc_FE13_Artwork.png/revision/latest?cb=20121214124157 http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/3/3f/FE0_Morgan.png/revision/latest?cb=20150628032844 Priam: http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/9/9f/Priam_%28FE13_Artwork%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20130615221907 http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/0/0a/Priam.png/revision/latest?cb=20151114043127 And being a fucking bias that I am, I believe FeMU x Priam makes more sense and nothing is going to stop me from getting Priam!Morgan! Anyways here are my current list atm, too lazy to make some explanations :x: FeMU x Priam Chrom x Olivia/Sumia Lissa x Lon'qu Cordelia x Gregor Tharja x Gaius Nowi x Stahl Miriel x Ricken Maribelle x Virion Lucina x Priam!Morgan
  7. The only downside is the lack of support bonuses, other than that they're pretty useful.
  8. Here's a theory of mine: Apotheosis!Anna is the main antagonist all this time, while Grima is not. It makes sense because she is the hardest boss in the game!
  9. More or less irrelevant, but theres a part of me that believes Owain/Odin, Inigo/Lazward, and Severa/Luna/Selena might actually not be the very same Owain, Inigo, and Severa from Awakening due to the DLC Future Past event. tl;dr in short, time travel multiverse complications ftw!
  10. Sounds like you're asking two completely different things. Though iirc, Awakening's DLC was officially released in EU and later in NA months before Japan first announced theirs, when the game got released. In any case, I can expect more or less the same for Fates (since it has yet to be released in NA/EU). Though eventually all of the DLC will be released one way or another...
  11. Happy Birthday Say'ri even though I keep forgetting that you exist!
  12. Speaking of Lunatic+, I do recall that in Paralogue 1 Archers have Pass, making it difficult (and near-impossible) to level up Donnel in order to recruit him... =_=
  13. Thats like asking what is your favourite colour...? <_<
  14. In that case, I may as well say Walhart!Morgan is the 'best,' because Conquest is unique.
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