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Posts posted by Seafarer

  1. 7 hours ago, starburst said:

    I will tell you what is senseless: We both agree on Xander’s being a good unit. But between you and I, I am the only one who have used him without Siegfried and who has replaced him by other units on multiple campaigns. Therefore, you may give me the benefit of the doubt and trust my word when I say that he does not shine without Siegfried and that he can be replaced in Hard and Lunatic without issues. Or you can try it for yourself and come back with your own conclusions. Otherwise it is my experience across many campaigns against just your suppositions and ideas. And I am at a clear disadvantage for it is way more difficult to prove something than it is to doubt it.

    Using Xander without Siegfried is pointless, though. It's not a resource that can be allocated elsewhere; it's something only he can use. It's like saying Lewyn isn't as good as people say because he's comparable to other units if you take Forseti off him (i dont know if he is this is just an analogy). Taking away something that makes Xander good in order to declare him lesser than another option isn't intellectually honest.


    I like Spear Master Hinoka. Master Ninja Xander has also done well for me, though it requires A+ Kaze.

  2. 2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Somethings been off about Dancing Ishtar's artwork for a while now and I finally figured it out. Her tits are showing. The right nipple is in full view, areola included. And the left is blurred out.

    Congratulations, your hyperbole made me spend five minutes staring at a cartoon woman's breasts, trying to decide whether the artist actually sneaked in defining nipples through the cloth, or whether it's just the way the light falls.

    Based on the fact that Fire Emblem humans apparently don't even have nipples, I'm going to go with the latter.

  3. I got Darting Blow 4 on Boey and Ragnarok [Brazen Atk/Spd] for Celica. I've only done three battles so far, but the novelty of having these expensive skills available to me is really cool!

    EDIT: Also this is about a specific mode, so should it be in the War Room?

  4. 1 hour ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Personally as a developer I'm strongly opposed to any sort of misinformation about mechanics, so I prefer single-RNG as somebody who values being honest to my player base.  But I suppose this is more a matter of personal values than anything else.  What do you guys think?

    The thing about this is that most people are really bad at interpreting probability information. 2-RN skews towards human misapprehensions, so actually makes it easier for the player to make informed decisions based on the numbers they see. Sometimes the truth is less helpful than a useful lie.

    That said, I don't care one way or another. I'm not the sort to get mad about a 99% missing, so I'm quite happy with 1-RN.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

    Are we expecting the Brave Redux banner later this month or in November?  Has it been November the last couple years?

    I also wonder if they'll give us 5 this time, since pretty much every banner has been 4+1 this year.

    Year 1: 15th of November.

    Year 2: 23rd of October.

    It's anyone's guess which (if either) this year's will line up with, especially since the monthly banner patterns have changed each year.

  6. On 9/28/2019 at 5:22 AM, XRay said:

    The vast majority of players want: (1) all rewards/rank high; (2) to spend little time, effort, money, resources, etc.; and (3) to play how they want to play. Getting all three to go your way is impossible.

    I mean... it's not quite impossible. I manage all three of those things (although I only just hit T21 AR two nights ago, so I guess I'm interpreting "rank high" fairly broadly).

    Speaking of which, I hit AR T21 this week! I had an almost-perfect offence season, only missing one Aether structure, and defence was kind, with only three losses, only one of which was the full -80. Nino makes a surprisingly good tank.

    Now it's time to relax, switch my defence map to a free win, and be content.

  7. 5 hours ago, Cysx said:

    I copy paste the quote from the new post box to the edit, personally. Might not be the most practical way though.

    Each student gets a fixed amounts of levels after the timeskip:

    Edelgard: +2 levels
    Hubert: +2
    Ferdinand: +3
    Linhardt: +1
    Caspar: +3
    Bernadetta: +2
    Dorothea: +2
    Petra: +3

    Dimitri: +3
    Dedue: +4
    Felix: +3
    Sylvain: +2
    Ashe: +2/+5 if rerecruited
    Mercedes: +1
    Annette: +3
    Ingrid: +2

    Claude: +2
    Lorenz: +2/ not sure if rerecruited, about +5 I believe
    Ignatz: +2
    Raphael: +2
    Lysithea: +3/??? if rerecruited.
    Hilda: +2
    Leonie: +3
    Marianne: +1

    Seteth: +1
    Flayn: +0
    Hanneman: +1
    Manuela: +1
    Catherine: +1
    Shamir: +1
    Cyril: +3

    Byleth doesn't get anything, just like Flayn.


    The bolded ones don't match up with my experience: Bernie gets no levels, and Hilda gets +1 (on Normal, btw). The others all match what I've recorded (though I haven't checked re-recruits yet, due to doing minimal recruitment for my first runs).

    @GinRei The Ferdinand/Lysithea and Caspar/Mercedes Paralogues are not available on Crimson Flower. Nor is the Rhea one. All of these deal with situations that logically don't arise if you're on Edelgard's side.

  8. 7 hours ago, dragontamer said:

    I remember two Knowledge Gems: is the Sothis Paralogue the only knowledge gem pre-timeskip?


    Either way: Knowledge Gems are rare. The Knowledge Gem may help your first recruit, but your 2nd recruit (and onwards) is now competing for the gem. IIRC, Silly was advocating for route-specific tier lists to account for this... using the units associated with your house has a lot fewer resource constraints than using units from outside your house.

    You get a second Knowledge Gem after C11 if you save all (some? not sure of the exact requirements, since I've never lost any) the Crest Stones.

  9. 7 hours ago, Jotari said:

    As opposed to what they actually do, which was to reward him handsomely and give him an entire fortress right beside the capital to defend, making him one of the most vital pieces of Rigel's home base. Keeping a traitor and arms length and sending to the front lines to make a win win either way would be far smarter than entrusting them with a massive amount of authority that continues late into the war when a betrayal would be far more devastating. Of course Rudolf actually wanted to lose the war, so maybe that was fully intentional and Slayde was expected to betray Rigel but didn't.

    ...after he proved himself useful with his information. Besides, he wasn't the only commander at the Last Bastion (he isn't even marked as a boss!), so it wasn't necessarily total trust even then.

    In Act 3, it's unreasonable for them to send him to the front lines against his former allies, because he defected a matter of days beforehand, as opposed to Act 4, when he's had an entire season (canonically 90 days or something - that's in the Valentia Accordion) of providing good intel.

  10. 2 hours ago, LegendOfLoog said:

    To answer your question:

      Hide contents

    Wilhelm was the first Emperor of Adrestia iirc, and Chevalier is the name of a Crest. What exactly that means is anyone’s guess, but I wouldn’t doubt it if their Crests were somehow inside those Golems.



    The question wasn't "what do these names mean"; I singled those two out because they're the names of other significant backstory characters.

    The other golems are called Iris, Bernhard, Gajus and Luca, for the record.


  11. On 9/21/2019 at 9:06 AM, Timlugia said:

    Not as he would write it down, but providing some reference to his true background

    Like if he mentions he witness the rise of Alliance, we would know he's at least 250 years old; or the founding of Academy in 980 we would know that he's already working for Rhea at the time.

    Given that Claude and Byleth both read the diary and don't comment on his surprising age, it seems likely that nothing of the sort was in there.

    I have an unanswered question about a very unimportant thing:


    Why do the golems in Crimson Flower endgame have names?! One's called Wilhelm, even, and another is Chevalier. What's going on here?


  12. 12 hours ago, Jotari said:

    Well 1) Did he? When is that revealed? I just checked all the text in Alm's route for Chapter 3 and Slayde isn't mentioned once. Ah, I see its cryptically put in at the end of Chapter 2 when Slayde is talking to the Cantor. You'd think if they were going to make that an aspect they would have, you know, made him actually part of that plot line. A rival for Luther. Have him actually be a force the protagonists need to contend with.

    2) That's something that never needed explaining. Rigel was already in control of that area. Finding a powerful mage while searching villages isn't questionable.

    3) If it's really so contrived for RIgel to find Delthea, the Zofian traitors could have revealed her whereabouts before that point anyway. The village is only a stone's throw away from Desaix's forces anyway.

    4) How does Slayde know about a powerful mage in some backwater village anyway? He's a noble, what's he doing hanging out in the middle of the forest? Either it's common knowledge in which case his intel isn't actually all that critical, or Slayde has some connection to that particular village that is never elaborated upon. I find Rigel discovering Delthea's existence while scouring the land trying to establish their control more believable then Slayde being informed of the abilities of the peasantry. I guess he does end up in Ram village for some reason in the prologue, so him randomly wandering out isn't unprecedented. Though any lines from that interaction would just suggest he's less likely to pay attention and notice any adept mages, unless Delthea had a hot relative nearby. It's at least as equally contrived as Rigel finding out on their own.

    5) Desaix's just as unscrupulous as the Duma Faithful. Why wasn't Delthea already in his service? He might not have mind control powers, but there's other means of persuading people to do things, like holding Luther hostage. Delthea's considered a valuable resource by Slayde yet Desaix and him weren't doing anything with her.

    I like Slayde's appearance in the prologue, as it directly influences the plot, being the trigger that forces Celica out of Ram Village. But his survival was basically one scene where we established he survived, and then another scene at almost the end of the game where he appears only to actually be killed. Really, why? What would change if Slayde was kept dead like in the original? Nothing. His survival accomplished nothing. It'd be like of Hyman survived his battle with Marth and then joined Macedon and served as the boss of Chapter 21. If you're going to retcon a survival, then sure, but you have to actually do something with the character. One line of text hinting at the fact that he sold Delthea isn't enough. If he actually appeared in that plot line and made himself relevant, then I wouldn't be complaining. It's like the writers decided they'd let Slayde survive, and then completely forgot about him and had to shove him into the end of the game to resolve the plot point.

    I was under the impression that the existence of Delthea and Luthier's powerful magical bloodline was a secret known to the kings of Zofia and their closest advisors, which presumably made its way to Slayde from Chancellor Desaix... but I can't find a citation for that.

    The most likely reason Slayde survived, though, is that, in Gaiden, he retreats and is never heard from again if you kill Fake Desaix. Instead of making two branches for whether a relatively minor villain lives or dies, they just decided to have him live either way and implicate him in something that didn't previously have an explanation (then he shows up at the end so you can still have the satisfaction of ending his smug smirk).

    And he has every reason not to appear in the Delthea part of the plot, given that he's an obviously-untrustworthy defector from the enemy side. He's not the kind of person you'd immediately throw back into the fight, lest he sell you out as easily as he sold out to you.

    (We can only speculate on Desaix's motives for not trying to make use of Delthea.)

  13. On 9/8/2019 at 12:37 AM, Jotari said:

     16*Alternatively, pull a Llyod and Linus let Desaix die if you can beat him early, and have him swap roles with Slayde for the twenty minutes or so of plot that takes place between then. I didn't really like how they also kept Slayde alive only to do nothing with him.

    They used Slayde as a reason why Tatarrah of the Duma Faithful somehow knew where to go to kidnap a powerful mage girl, and he shows up at the end on Rigel's side, showing us he's a self-centred opportunist. Not sure how that's "do[ing] nothing with him".

    I wish the Desaix thing had been changed to "oh no I shall retreat", since that's popular among modern FE bosses.

    EDIT: Oh, the sword thing. Well, everyone knows how to use swords, because everyone can become a villager or is Alm/Celica. Doesn't seem reasonable to me to suppose that Rudolf can't; it's just that he doesn't in gameplay because of his class. He must have used a Pitchfork before going to fight Mila.

    Valentia is objectively cooler than Valencia.

  14. 8 hours ago, Othin said:

    What sorts of approaches are people using for 150k damage Rokkr scores?

    Against reds, like Nah, Brave Lance+ / Triangle Adept 3 / Galeforce Cordelia with base-kit TLB!Mia support (Witchy Wand and Hone Fliers), while Reinhardt and LH!Azura run around handling the reinforcements. This gets 200,000 on turn 7 quite reliably. I'm thinking that something similar with Cherche should work for blues, but that's higher-investment, and I can't afford it right now.

  15. Moving this here due to not being on-topic in the other thread:

    Just now, Timlugia said:

    You really only get a few more pages, how about thing like true age of Jeralt? Or any info between Jeralt and Rhea in the past 100+ years?

    Honestly, even after beating all routes, I still don't know much about Jeralt. Even Byleth himself express the confusion and/or desire to know more about him in several supports.

    It is implied that Claude interrupts you partway through reading the whole thing. Honestly, having a scene of Byleth reading all of Jeralt's sappy lovesick entries would have made the game worse, not better.

    As for his "true" (which I take to mean exact) age, why would Jeralt write his age in his diary, especially if he'd already forgotten it?


    We know that he's over 100, which is plenty for the story's purposes.

  16. 4 hours ago, Gregster101 said:

    Did you not see what I said? Xane can transform into anything but a dragon. He can't be a dragon unit.

    I mean, he used to have a dragonstone, so they can just be like "this is Xane from 500 years ago and he looks exactly the same because manakete".

    Or they could make him a Sword Fighter, like he originally was, preferably with an Assist that mimics his transformation ability somewhat.

  17. On 9/7/2019 at 9:33 AM, Ottservia said:

    Note the underlined portions. BR!Corrin would never say this in the game ever! because she hates Garon in this path. She hates everything he stands for and refuses to acknowledge him as her father in any context. It shows here that she's sort of reverted back to that ignorant mindset for a second thinking that Garon is her true father and trult cares for her so she trusts him but when Xander questions her on that she realizes the truth again. Garon isn't her true father. This is not reality. This is a dream. this is a lie and it is only after realizing that that she can wipe it away. 

    Also Leo being easy to sway? Are sure we're talking about the same character here? because throughout 80% of birthright he basically calling you a traitor and saying how much he hates you every you encounter him. Like the conflict between Corrin and Leo is when Corrin first is finally able to prove to one of her nohrian siblings that she hasn't abandoned that trust and rebuild it. I mean if you want in game dialogue evidence for this claim just read the entire script for chapter 18 of birthright. It's all there.

    You said: they keep trying to use the trust fostered between them and their siblings to sway them over to their side but it doesn't work they betrayed the very trust they trying to use


    Leo holds back and lets Corrin kill him, even though he could easily stop them:

    Leo: Heh, I don't doubt your ability to hurt me, dear brother/sister. Go on. Kill me. End this battle, just as you wish.

    Corrin: ...

    Leo: What are you waiting for? I'm not helpless, even in this position. I could kill you right now with a spell. Make your move.

    Corrin: No...

    Leo: Why? What's wrong with you?

    Corrin: Me? What's wrong with you? Why haven't you cast your spell?

    Then he admits he never hated Corrin, even after they went to Hoshido (bold mine). There's no mention of betrayed trust, only conflicting loyalties (between Corrin and the Nohrian royals):

    Leo: I never hated you. Not...not ever. I was jealous at times, sure. You were always Xander's favorite. And Camilla...she always doted on you so...

    Corrin: I understand. There's no need to say anything more. But, Leo...please. Please join us, Brother! Help us put an end to this war.

    Leo: You're asking me to betray my father. And Xander. And everyone else... How can I do that? I can't hurt my siblings! I won't do it!

    That looks a whole lot like "using the trust fostered between Corrin and Leo to sway him to their side" (or at least, away from the opposing side) to me.


    As for the rest, that's the point. Corrin changes a bit during the prologue section, then doesn't change on BR/RV. The change from "Garon is my daddy and everything is good" to "Garon is suspicious and worthy of mistrust" doesn't take place in BR, but in C5. I suppose I should have clarified what I meant by BR!Corrin.

    If I had more time, this would probably be something I'd dig into further, but I don't, so I'll leave it there. I look forward to seeing your thoughts on Revelation.

  18. 1. While it felt a bit odd coming off 3DSFE, I got used to it. It usually takes me a while to get used to new FE soundtracks anyway, so there's no major difference here from my perspective. Slightly related: I like the way that most or all of the support themes are based on Life at Garreg Mach Monastery.

    2. Uh... The Edge of Dawn, People of the Marketplace, Life at Garreg Mach Monastery, Scales of the Goddess, Beneath a New Light. Chasing Daybreak grew on me, and Roar of Dominion was sufficiently intense on my first playthrough that I commented on it to my friend. But number 1 is one of those first five four.

    (i really like beneath a new light ok)

    3. Haven't beaten Verdant Wind yet, so I'll just say that The Apex of the World is currently beating A Funeral of Flowers. Neither of these comes close to Twilight of the Gods, though, or even Id (Purpose).

    4. Fódlan Winds (Thunder) just isn't great, due to the lack of the melody. Fortunately, you don't have to hear it much, and it just blends with the Rain version. Other than that, nothing's been terribly grating.

    5. Not a chance. Echoes and Shadow Dragon say hi. Even original Gaiden is probably a bit higher thanks to its strong melodies. Fates, Awakening and even Heroes have more themes that I'll catch myself humming, though they're probably about equal to TH overall.

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