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Posts posted by Seafarer

  1. ...American politics is asinine.

    "We have to defeat Trump! Let's spend the year prior to the election shouting at each other about how our diverse plans to fix our country absolutely won't work even a little bit! I can't see how handing Trump that much firepower against us could possibly backfire!"

    In other news, most young Americans apparently don't want change; they just pretend to want change to look cool on the internet.

    I guess Biden is likely to be the nominee, so the election is now looking like Dementia vs. Racist Dementia, and nobody wins that matchup.

    And I saw on Facebook someone saying "Bernie lost? Better vote Trump!" and I just can't even. How the heck does that work? You wanted to vote for the centre candidate, he didn't get nominated, so you go as far right as possible? I will never understand some people. 😕

  2. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Why is Annette having Crusher surprising at all when Hilda got Freikugal?

    Because Freikugel's available pre-skip.

    @Glennstavos Yeah, because Hanneman's going to get anything better than a shitty GHB. Though admittedly I did forget his Crest (because I never use him).

  3. 3 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    I'm referring to Spear of Assal.



    Blah, blah, it's actually Seteth's, blah. But be real, you're giving it to Ferdinand anyway.


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    Also, Seteth ironically lacks the starting weapon ranks to use his own lance, which is just hilarious.


    ...That's not exactly something I'd say they "took away" from him. If he had it, it'd be fair to say that he "took it away" from Seteth. As it is, he just didn't get it.

    Actually, why does pre-skip Annette have Crusher? They kept Areadbhar et al off the house leaders, so I thought they'd stick with not putting post-skip relics on pre-skip designs. Eh, another pattern broken.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Another TH banner and no Sylvain.

    Yeah, he's not getting in for a long long time.... Sigh...

    And why did the Black Eagles get two characters on the banner AGAIN? They did last time, another house should've gotten a chance at that here.


    Three, even, if you count Edelgard.

    I guess it's to be expected, given that their marketing encouraged BE to be the most popular. Where the heck is Dedue IntSys

  5. 1 hour ago, XRay said:

    That is the problem with non-voters, not the Democratic Party leadership itself. It does not do the party very much good if they prop up someone frequent voters do not care about. If I remember correctly, most Democratic voters still chose Hillary last election.

    Yeah, Clinton won the nomination by total votes in 2016. I was referring to the financial support the party threw behind Clinton, which may have influenced more people to vote Clinton over Sanders. And the reason I brought that up is that people are dropping out and endorsing Biden, which makes me think that the party leadership is going to throw the same weight behind him to encourage people to vote him over Sanders as they did for Clinton in 2016.

    And you're right that the nomination going to someone that frequent voters will find distasteful is a potential risk, but I think that a frequent voter is more likely to hold their nose to get rid of Trump than someone who supports Sanders is to go out and vote whoever gets nominated.

  6. Aw, heck. Please don't let it be Biden. I was so hoping that the Democratic nominee could be an actual centrist (instead of an American-style "centrist") for once after Bernie surged last week.

    I'm a bit surprised that Mayor Pete dropped out, but on reflection, it seems fairly obvious why he did it - his donors will have asked him to. From my perspective, his main flaw was that he was quite content to let the oligarchy continue to buy politicians, so I think it makes sense to suspect his every action of angling towards that outcome.

    From my naive, not-very-poltically-adept viewpoint, it looks like the Democratic party is aiming towards exactly the same thing as in 2016 - propping up an establishment candidate against Bernie, despite the latter's substantial support from demographics that don't usually vote in presidential elections. If Biden is nominated, I suspect voter turnout will be similar to what it was in 2016, with probably the same result. I don't know whether Biden is more popular than Clinton was, but I expect Trump to get a boost from being the incumbent. Bernie may not do better, given that many Americans are so scared (and ignorant) of socialist policy that they actually think the Democratic party is left-wing, but he may cause a surge of voter turnout in his favour.

    If I was a Democratic strategist, I'd be thinking that the conservative approach utterly failed to stop Trump last time, so gambling on Bernie is probably going to have a better chance at taking the executive branch. But then, I'd probably also have some very conservative bosses leaning on me to appease their rich donors. *shrug*

    I'd also like to note the irony that the candidate with the highest support from the progressive youth is the oldest in contention. That's just hilarious.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Okay, you've been talking a lot about what you think a violation of canon is, and your definition is so strict that I'm not even sure anymore what you think would be a violation. Could you explain what you think a violation of canon would be?

    In a vacuum, I probably wouldn't use it of a published work at all. Awakening is canon, because it's a published work. The better term would probably be "retcon".

    As I've been using it, it'd be a change to established facts with no reasonable in-universe explanation, or where all reasonable in-universe explanations are equally likely with no evidence supporting one over another. For an extreme example, a change where the best possible explanation is "and the aliens came down and did magic then went away again", in a universe where said aliens aren't referenced or even hinted at in either the original work or the changed sequel, is a violation of canon in this sense. Closer to home, if The Binding Blade established that Eliwood and Hector were brothers, then Blazing Blade came out as it is, with them clearly being not brothers, that would also fit.

    The reasons I consider the explanations I proposed reasonable are as follows:

    She's established in Awakening as sleeping a lot. This fits with Akaneia, where she was put to sleep for a thousand years or so. I think Gotoh implies that this is why she didn't degenerate during that time even after the Binding Shield was broken? Additionally, before you can recruit her, she performs a ritual to draw in power in the Divine Dragon Grounds - that's her paralogue. The conclusion I draw from these things is that she doesn't keep all her power in her mortal body, and that she sleeps a lot, which combined allow her to resist degeneration without the Binding Shield being whole.

    Earth dragons
    The Dragon's Table, where Grima feeds on souls, is clearly meant to be the same place as the Dragon's Altar, where the earth dragons were sealed. That combined with the fact that earth dragons aren't rampaging over Ylisse leads to the obvious implication that Grima consumed them at some point. (There's also the alternative explanation that the Binding Shield has never been broken for long enough for the seal to completely erode in the 2000 years since Marth. I don't like that one as much, but you might prefer it.)

    Each of these would fall under my definition of a canon violation if these pieces of evidence were not present.

    You may disagree that these are reasonable conclusions, but at that point we just have to accept that our opinions differ and leave it at that.

  8. Oh, that's right, it's kept apart to make it harder to revive Grima.

    I think what it's used for is being confused with what its powers are here. It was originally used to complete the seal on the earth dragons, so as long as it's whole, the seal is complete. The rituals used in Awakening tap into its power and use it for other purposes (reviving Grima, summoning Naga's spirit). I don't see a contradiction there.

    I don't agree that it was a bad idea to use the existing item of power on the continent as the MacGuffin for Awakening, for the record.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If it was genuinely important to the story that the powers of the Fire Emblem change so radically, and it was, because if it weren't acceptable to split up the Fire Emblem then we wouldn't be on a big cross-country treasure hunt treating the Fire Emblem spheres like dragonballs we need to collect before the bad guys do, then a simple explanation of why the Fire Emblem needed to be split up in the first place would be the perfect opportunity to explain why it no longer does what it used to. And the topic of the spheres being split up is something Tiki brings up shortly after waking up if I remember correctly.

    Fairly sure the answer to this was: they didn't need to be. They just were because who cares. And I still don't see why Tiki would possibly bring up what it used to do, because what it used to do isn't relevant to what needs to be done with it now.

    Obviously, if it was still needed to keep the earth dragons and/or Tiki in check, she would have explained that. But it isn't, so why would she bring it up?

    EDIT: oh, and there are hints towards the explanations I've put forward, especially the one about Tiki. Three Houses is praised for leaving some things for the player to piece together from clues; why doesn't Awakening get the same allowance? (Answer: because the people likely to care about lore don't like Awakening.)

  10. 22 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:


    I don't understand this viewpoint at all. Just because it's physically possible for an explanation for something bizarre or significantly contradictory to exist doesn't mean it's remotely acceptable form to make said changes on the fly and then leave it to the fans to play the guessing game as to what that explanation is.

    The writing of Awakening is entirely consistent with someone who either didn't know or didn't care what the Fire Emblem originally did. I don't think a single one of the powers the Ylissean Fire Emblem has overlaps with a single one of the powers the original one had. These are major, major changes to be made to the lore, and explaining them would not remotely derail the story. It would take one cutscene at most if the explanation you gave is the correct one. They have no excuse not to take the time.

    Can I ask you: would Tiki take the time to, unprompted, say "the Fire Emblem used to seal away a bunch of evil dragons and also help keep me sane while it had all the gemstones on it but then during the last war all that changed for the following reasons:"? Because she's the only character in the game who would have any of that knowledge, so nobody else could ask her about it or bring it up themselves.

    In other words, the only option they had to impart this information was to turn Tiki into an infodump bot, which I seem to remember you criticising Mystery of the Emblem for doing. You might argue that they could have brought in another character who could bring this information in, but then you're asking the developers to spend time on something that really doesn't affect the story.

  11. 1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

    If they made a Dragonball sequel set in the distant future, and the dragonballs didn't grant wishes anymore, and instead they did something completely different, like they instead now have a superpower each, and they grant it to anyone who holds them, and nobody in the entire story acted like this is remotely weird or abnormal for them... would you be satisfied if the story ended without this being explained in any way?

    Depends. Is the change relevant to to story at hand?

    (Maybe someone gathered the Dragonballs and wished for them to do different things. If it's relevant to the story being told, the circumstances of that should probably come up.)

    "nobody in the entire story acted like this is remotely weird or abnormal for them" - this is kind of how things work. If something's been one way for a thousand years, nobody is going to comment on how that way is weird, even if it wasn't like that two thousand years ago. The writers of Awakening didn't want to tell the story of earth dragons rising or Tiki going insane, so they left a 2000-year gap for things to change and then become normal. And I don't see how that's a canon violation.

  12. 1 minute ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I disagree. When you have one story say "The Fire Emblem must never, ever be split up again, or else Tiki will go mad and the earth dragons will rise and doom us all", and then have the sequel story have the Fire Emblem split up apparently as some kind of diplomatic ceremony with multiple countries holding onto a piece each, with no consequences involving Tiki or Earth dragons ever happening, it's the duty of the sequel story to explain why the thing that was so important before is no longer true. A failure to, as if forgetting it's important in the first place, is something I treat as a canon violation until and unless an explanation arises.

    But if it's not relevant to the story of the sequel, an explanation has no business intruding. 2000 years is a long time in which a lot of things can change. The splitting of the Fire Emblem happened 1000 years before Awakening; who's to say they didn't have any earth dragon-related problems during that period? Also, would explicitly spelling out "Tiki sealed more of her power away and takes regular naps to stop her going insane" really make the story better?

    ...if they ever make the game set during the Schism that a lot of people used to want, there's a lot that needs to be done properly.

  13. 2 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Yeah, that was another bit of weirdness. The stuff @Nintenzero brings up does seem to suggest that Awakening has plenty of other canon violation problems though.

    Yeah, I was ignoring that because it pissed me off. There are feasible explanations for those things, and it's not a canon "violation" unless there's no feasible explanation.


    Gotoh was super old, so he died in the 2000 years since Mystery.

    Xane hated humans (mostly), so he went off in search of some privacy.

    Grima ate the sealed Earth Dragons during his first rise (he's made from Divine Dragon; it's potentially within his capabilities). Also explains why the Fire Emblem could be re-purposed for the Awakening ritual.

  14. 5 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    Waaaaaaaaait a goddamned second. I just remembered some info I heard in FE3, and having recently discussed Nowi...


    ...Aren't Marthverse Manaketes supposed to be sterile? How the hell did Nowi have kids? Wasn't there some weird cosmic shift that stripped the dragons of the ability to have children or stay sane in their dragon forms without sealing them? If Manaketes can have kids again, why do they still need dragonstones? Why would one change but not the other? Was the fact they both happened at once in the first place some crazy coincidence?

    Based on New Mystery's translation, it reads to me like the sterility is part of the degeneration, so becoming a manakete should prevent / reverse it.

    Xane: At first, they couldn't bear children. Then they began to lose their minds, goin' berserk one after the next. ... However, there was one way they could survive: to discard their identities as dragons and live on as humans.

    Besides, earlier in this thread it was brought up that the wyvern tribe-Medon connection contradicts that anyway, given that the Medonians supposedly bred their wyverns from degenerated dragons.

  15. On 2/17/2020 at 2:13 AM, Gregster101 said:

    I should note that the Charon crest she has was also implanted on her, so if it were a banner where she and Edelgard weren't experimented on, she probably wouldn't have Thunderbrand either.

    Predicting what weapon Brave Lysithea will have is kind of tough though. They could have her use the Hades spell with the Thyrsus as one of her skills, they could have her use the Thunderbrand since the Charon crest allows her to use it, or they could have her use the Axe of Oooga Boogaa (I can't say it's actual name for the life of me) since the Charon crest allows her to use that as well.

    No, she was born with her minor crest of Charon. Because of the recurring ancestor/family theme, she could easily wield Thunderbrand for her Brave alt, especially since she has a budding talent in swords. Edit: Welp, I'm wrong. I just really don't want her to get it before Catherine...

    The Axe of Ukonvasara is a crest of Gloucester item, btw.

  16. 1 hour ago, Shadow Mir said:

    It's still better balanced than Binding Blade and Genealogy. I mean, jeez, the cast quality in both of those games is laughably lopsided... and that's just ONE of their problems.

    Eh. Awakening's unbalanced in terms of player vs. enemy, not between player units. You can't destroy Binding Blade Hard with one unit who you get before the Prologue afaik.

    Also, @Alastor15243 Yoder starts with S staves.

  17. Something I think they should have done is given everyone a free 1-month trial. Sure, it'd delay the extra revenue, but it would achieve a few things:

    First, every player would feel like they got something from its announcement. Extra resources for a month and two free five-star units, plus permanent stat boosts for Lyn and Cordelia. That's worth a lot of goodwill from the player base.

    Second, it would get people accustomed to having the extra benefits, so some people who in our timeline refuse to subscribe might choose to re-subscribe just to avoid losing them. I mean, people might be mad about being made to pay to avoid losing the benefits, but if it was clear from the beginning that this would happen, I think that most people would accept it. So likely a net gain for IntSys's revenue.

    Third, it'd make my +10 Cordelia even stronger.

    ...what? I like strong units, okay?

  18. 3 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    By all means, lemme know! I'm not likely to do challenge runs on my marathon though, full disclosure; that doesn't seem like a good way to assess the base game's actual difficulty or balance.

    Also, is New War Chronicles the dlc remake of the Satellaview stuff? If so, that sounds like something I really should play.

    Yeah, that's it. It's way better to play than the original Satellaview version. I speak from experience. *shudder*

    And that's the problem: Awakening is so broken that its difficulty is basically zero if you know what you're doing. Actually, just running it as hard and fast as possible might be for the best. I don't know.

  19. 4 minutes ago, Alastor15243 said:

    That reminds me of a challenge run idea I had where the idea was I had to do every single chapter, paralogue and xenologue exactly once, with no skirmishes. which would obviously mean an absurd amount of support management for all the parents if such a thing is even possible. And then ending it with Apotheosis, without grinding. It's a fascinating concept, but I'm not sure if it's even physically doable, on any difficulty, mostly due to the parent supports. And given that even with the xenologues I have my doubts... doing just all the paralogues is probably questionable.

    That said, FEA is so mindless and so outrageously easy to break into a million pieces that I'm pretty confident that if I buckled down and played on Lunatic or below, I could do that entire game in one weekend, from Friday evening to Sunday night. Which would be hilarious, but probably not conducive to the most in-depth assessment of the game's qualities.

    I will try if people insist though. I still have no fucking clue what I'm gonna be doing with that game. I don't think it's a bad game, it's just... good for reasons that are almost entirely alien from what I'm ranking the games on.

    Technically, clearing Apotheosis only requires clearing the first wave and choosing to finish, so my first astonished "that's friggin' impossible" reaction possibly isn't quite correct. The secret route has been cleared without Limit Breaker, but it still required capped stats and a very specific Morgan build.

    How about I give my suggestion a go (on Hard, I think) and let you know how it goes?

    (I once cleared Awakening start to finish in just over 2 hours, heh. And I agree with that last line. I noted to my friend that Awakening just doesn't teach you to play Fire Emblem; it only teaches you to play Awakening.)

  20. 2 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    I don't have any preference on way or the other, but judging how things are going, I'm headed to Sacae unless Thea really impresses me.

    Also, seeing a random video on YouTube about the 3H DLC reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask: how much, if at all, do you guys want me to use/check out the DLC for later games on the list? I'm talking about DLC in general, extra missions and bonus items/characters/etc.

    Please do New War Chronicles when you get to New Mystery.

    Awakening is already easily breakable, so I'd rather you ban Bonus Box/Renown rewards. For DLC in general, I recommend having it as a) optional and b) each map can be played only once.

    As a side note, how many side quests are you going to go for in Awakening/Fates? Because one idea I had for making Awakening more of a challenge was to require all Paralogues to be cleared with no grinding (so you'd have to manage support gain for at least 13 units).

  21. 3 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Final ballot:


    Yup, I totally voted for duo Alfonse because I like him and not just to try to bump a certain Adrestian scum out of the top 8. I'm being 100% sincere here.

    I suppose it'll be a shame if I contributed to bumping out legendary Leif instead......but I already have him myself so it wouldn't be that big of a loss for me.

    I also contributed to NY!Alfonse! I wish I could have summoned for him, but that time of year is rubbish for me because of all the overlapping seasonals, so I didn't quite get there (dammit, Chrom).

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