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  1. Paint Job Larissa and Emily gathered around Serge, ready to listen to their commander's woes. It wasn't what they'd been expecting, but so far their boss hadn't done anything to the detriment of the Reliants. Larissa decided to speak first, it was better to get her own opinion in before Emily's... enthusiasm kicked in. "Commander, I was more worried about you feeling like a fool for painting a fence." Larissa explained, knowing too well what it was like to be looked down upon. "I'm more than happy to help you do this, as long as it's what you want. I suppose there are worse things to do... at least you're not shovelling manure." Emily wiped her eyes, was her boss really willing to degrade himself to ensure that the group had somewhere to sleep at night? It was beyond all his heroic deeds, no number of armies slain or children saved from burning buildings could match his humility. "Boss, I would shovel manure with my bare hands if you ordered me to." Emily said firmly, her eyes sparkling with determination. "A great hero like yourself... doing such a simple task for the good of his allies, that's why you're a real hero." Old McKearney had a Bear Perroy looked at Angus, nodding his head agreeably. He'd heard the name Kearney before... but it had been a good number of years. "Well then, Angus. We don't do titles and formalities around these parts. I'm Perroy, you're Angus and your prince is simply Owen in these lands." he replied, his gaze drifting over to Esclabor. "Sounds like there's a lot of people with you, I might be able to spare a barn or two... you seem like an honest one, Angus." "I'm Ba-... Thomas, this is my friend Ceirch." Esclabor replied, giving a shallow bow. "We were told that you might be able to help him. He's taken a grevious wound beyond healing magic. Please, I beg of you." Esclabor waited for the farmer to reply, the man deciding to ponder over their words for a good few seconds. "Leave your friend with me, I'll see what I can do sort him out. If it's a wound, I might be able to figure something out. I'm more used to treating animals, but they're not that different from people." he replied, Esclabor letting out a sigh of relief after his words. "Mind you, you did make a promise to my boy. It might have been an unreasonable price, but I won't have you lying to him. I expect to see each of you at dawn." Faraway World "Owen... where are you now? Have I brought fear and doubt into your heart? I did not imagine you would rise against me, I had pictured you too meek and feeble, serving under me would have been an easier fate. A lesson has been learned though, you are not Oswald... but you are not compatible with my world any longer..." Malaphar muttered, still sat on his throne. "Oh? You bring me news? How intruiging, you and your sister are such wonderful pawns. I made the mistake of underestimating his group, but once my strength has returned... Owen, your fate belongs to me." Library Much was going on at the library, and oddly enough none of the villagers seemed to be remotely bothered by the ruckus. Either it was a result of combined apathy or lack of curiosity, not one person outside of the group had even thought to check the building. However, behind one of the shelves, only poking out an eye was Morganna. It was a lot to take in, almost everyone seemed to have a death wish. "Scuttle?" she whispered, far from the drama. "I knew she was obnoxious... but scheming and insane? This can't be right..."
  2. Atmna lk ywma tyba Rashid's father waved a fairwell to Adele, disappearing back into his tent. "You have a long life ahead of you, young lady. It would be a shame to continue with such regrets. I hope you are able to move forwards. My life on this world has been a good and long one, but I do not fear my fate, for it will come for everyone one day. I must rest, but I wish you the best." With that, Adele could hear him sitting down on a chair, presumably to rest. He'd recommended the Seer, and the charm he'd passed her gave off a gentle energy. It wasn't powerful or forceful, but it was enough to bath her hand in a light warmth. What a ducking duckhead Morta was rather baffled by Alain's comments. Was he trying to help her or just try and look clever? She wasn't too sure, but he was far too preachy for her tastes. "Idiots shouldn't try to be clever, they're far better at being stupid." she grumbled, turning her attention to the ducks at the pond edge. Brushing Up The old man looked rather surprised, perhaps at the mention of a mercenary group painting his fence for him. "Very well, sonny boy! I live at the house next to the chapel, bring all your friends and you're free to start when you're ready! I've got the brushes and paints and everything!" he laughed, scratching his head. "That makes me wonder... I hope the paint's fine. It might be a little old and difficult to deal with... just like me!" "Commander, are you sure we have to do this?" Larissa asked, beginning to regret Serge's decision. "I can go find the others if you want everyone to help... it might take a while otherwise." Sinside Out "It is hard to go through life without making a few wrongs, my child." the woman replied, without an ounce of digust in her voice. "Do you regret why you did these deeds? Sometimes the best people are the ones who question their actions the most. Only a truly amoral individual would go forth without contemplating their acts... would they not?" Sliding a book towards Sidney on the bench, the woman smiled. "Perhaps the tales of Engel will be able to guide you. There are tales of old that still have meaning to this very day. Sometimes all it takes is an amusing tale." The Farmer Esclabor couldn't believe Angus, did he actually enjoy doing these things? He was only in it to help his friend, but Angus seemed to be completely fine with peasants' work. He now understood why the Kearney clan had such a reputation - he'd thought Nelon's stories were too farfetched to be real. Milking cows? Esclabor knew he'd sunk to a whole new low... but there didn't seem to be many other options. "It sounds like you've had experience, Kearney." he grumbled, following after the boy witb Angus. "I'll be sure to remember that when we return to Wyke." It took a good few minutes for them to reach the farmhouse, a quaint structure that wouldn't be too far out of place in the Kearney territories. An older man, perhaps about fifty or so, was sat in a chair at its front. With a straw hat on his head and coveralls on his body, it was likely that they'd found Farmer Perroy. "Orphy, this better not be a plan to get out of your chores." the farmer warned sternly, staying put in his chair. "If I find that you've been slacking, it'll be more than the cows that will know your secrets." The farmer cast a glance at the nobles, coming to a conclusion once he saw the injured Nelon on horseback. "Now, you don't look like the kind who'd steal my sheep... what's a pair of Wykian nobles doing in a place like this? State yer names, fellas. I'm Perroy, I see you've had the pleasure of meeting my youngest son." Love Broadcast The woman pulled Doug in closer, wrapping her arm around his shoulders as she showed him a small silver pendant. "All the girls will go nuts over you with this. Even if you're not the most handsome, they'll feel the purity of your heart and soul, your love will shine through!" she whispered, making sure nobody else was in earshot. "I only have one, so it's a little expensive. Three grand will net you the admiration of every woman you see." Slow Watch "Outskirts or in town, as long as there's no trouble, I'm happy." he replied, adjusting his helmet. "There was apparently some weirdo with a turban on, freaking people out... but nobody else has come complaining so they must have gone away." He looked over at Freya sleepily, amused at her curiosity. "If yer feeling brave, you could go hunt them down. Somewhere between the market and the library, all I know is that they've got a turban on their head. It sounds like too much effort for a guard as good as me."
  3. Have a yearly reminder that you smell bad. Especially so on this day!

  4. It seemed more than logical to leave Vera be, especially with the parameters that Juria had gathered. The specifications were far beyond anything their own units could produce. Letting her escape was perhaps the safest option, even if it did cost one of the colonists. Nikolai had been dead serious when he'd warned him about Vera, Tarquin only hoped the rest of the team could hold their nerve. One itchy trigger finger could result in a massacre - and Tarquin had already risked been blown to pieces this mission. He hadn't quite seen the result of Kim's shot, although the act itself was mad. Was she trying to rescue the hostage or simply trying to take out Vera? It didn't matter, neither seemed to have occured. There were more pressing matters, such as the oncoming enemy squads. They were outnumbered again, but they'd acquired another ally. It was a rather ragtag group, with Nikolai, this woman and what appeared to be a police vehicle, joining them. The mission had been nowhere as straight forward as he'd expected, but they were all still there. "Oni Leader, I'm currently out of operation range." Tarquin replied, preparing to move his unit. There were a lot of targets, and his rifle was starting to run low. It had been playing up the entire mission, something about it wasn't quite right, how could it be so badly aligned? He'd need to inquire about it after the mission, for now he'd just have to put up with it. "Moving to a suitable position, I am beginning to run low on ammunition for my primary weapon. Alternative arms have been prepared." Tarquin moves to 10,10! - "I'm sure once the big wigs get back they can sort something out. Might be worth taking the chance to be a bludger whilst you can!" Bill laughed, blissfully unaware of Christina's position. For all he knew she was just a visitor! "Haha, yeah, and I talk funny too! I'm from Down Under, a stone's throw away from Sidney. Mind you, I've been hanging with the seppos for a good while, and now I've ended up in space. That's a corker, isn't it?" Swiftly removing the bag within Kim's trashcan, Bill wasted no time in swapping it with a fresh bag. "The television playing up? Can't say I'm a fan of that channel, too much buzzing for my tastes. I'm not sure if the reception's good in space, never thought about watching anything when you can see the moon!"
  5. Charge isn't affected by Awareness. FE4 has some very powerful units, but even Ardan and friends can get some use. It's not like they're completely incapable of fighting. A lot of the units you get in FE12 are just so bad that they can't function unless you pump a ridiculous amount of resources into them. FE4 only really has Hannibal as a deadweight, everyone else can at least contribute even if they're not the star off the show.
  6. Travelling Turnips "Yes, my dear. I had been here for many years, managing the chapel for longer that you have walked the world." she replied, amused by Sidney's curiosity. "At first I thought he spoke nonsense, almost even heresy as his words challenged my values. But the more I thought about it, the more I wondered whether the world would be a better place if people accepted one another for who they were. He only stopped at our village for a single night, yet his words have changed how we all see Engel." The woman laughed, wiping a tear of joy from her eye. "But you probably didn't come here to listen to an old crone tell you stories from her youth. If you feel able to speak, I would be more than happy to listen to what you have to say. Engel does not judge those who seek answers, we may never know without trying to learn." - Pay aTENTion Adele had already taken note of the unusual design of the tent, its exotic patterns decorating the structure. The entrance flapped in the wind, the ties having been undone. A strong spiced aroma seeped from within it, tickling Adele's nostrils with its sharp odour. As she approached, an elderly man slowly emerged from the tent. He was unusually dressed, and dark skinned, far beyond what the harsh sun of Magonsaete could cause. "Greetings, visitor." he wheezed, putting his hand to his mouth to surpress a cough. "I assume you are not looking for my son's stall, for it is in the village. I do not get to see many people, for my health is poor. I fear I shall not return to my homeland... Rashid will have to venture back alone." The man seemed to be interested in Adele, something about her had sparked something within him. "Your eyes, they tell me that you have parted with those dear to you. There is a woman in this village that can aid you. Head to the seer's shack, I know that you will be able to find what you search for... and please, take this with you." Taking Adele's hand, the man placed something within it. It wasn't very big at all, a small metallic charm on a chain. "I do not ask for money, only for your happiness." he added, heading back into the tent. "You are kind to listen to an old man such as myself, I am very grateful." Adele acquires a foreign charm! - Serge Sawyer The old man took Serge's hand to shake, his grip firm for someone his age. "If you have any friends that could help, I would be very grateful. It's been years since I've worked on that fence, mind you. The old hip isn't so good for moving about!" Larissa was impressed by Serge's ability to find opportunities, but fence painting handn't been quite what she'd had in mind. Emily however was more than ready to begin, already beginning to make practice brush strokes in the air. The old man laughed, giving Serge a nudge. "What I'd give to be in your shoes, youngster. Two lovely ladies following you like ducklings, what I'd give for a few quacks." - Beyond the Grave The woman closed her eyes, placing her hands on her crystal ball. "This one you speak of, his soul has passed within the last month... am I correct?" she asked, her tone more that of a statement than a question. "The spirits tell me that Jeeves would be able to visit this world again briefly. His will to serve still remains even in death... but I cannot draw him forth to speak without a suitable medium. Too much time has passed for you to be able to bring him back. Your bond with him was positive, but it lacks the strength to open the gates beyond." She stopped for a moment, staying as still as a statue for a good minute. "But... there is one among your group who possessed such a bond with him. An unconditional link that has survived his voyage to the realm of the dead. With that I will be able to grant you the seance you desire, as long as their heart is willing. The villagers know me as Celia, the Seer. Prince Owen, the spirits see great potential in your future... but the destiny you possess, it is yours to sculpt, if you choose not to give in to inherited fate."
  7. Fix it up The blacksmith was perplexed by Emmet's weapon, he knew that it wasn't an ordinary bow by any means. Standing up, he stared intently at the bow, his face right up against it. "How unusual... a weapon like this doesn't cross one's eyes very often." he replied, returning to his seat. "I can't say I fully understand the exact workings of your bow, but it's definitely showing some wear and tear. The materials won't be cheap, but if you leave it with me, I'll try and reinforce it. Might cost a grand or two though, it's much easier to make a new weapon than try and patch together one that's falling apart."
  8. Closer to Home Leaving Rashid and his assortment of unusual weapons behind, Emmet had managed to find a source of more conventional arms. It wasn't much more than an anvil next to a shed, but the man hammering away seemed to know what he was doing. Wiping his brow, he looked up at Emmet. "Howdy, stranger. It ain't much but welcome to the village forge." he greeted, extending a gloved hand. "I've got a bunch of fairly simple stuff ready. But if you wanted something more special, give me enough cash and a day or so and I'll get something sorted. Met two men earlier, I thought I was seeing double! They looked exactly the same." Blacksmith is revealed on the sheet! Easy Watch As Freya approached the guard outpost, she could hear a gentle snoring sound. The outpost wasn't any more spectacular than any of the other buildings, it was a glorified market stall will walls around it. Inside sat a middle aged man, wearing a rusty helmet with a spear by his side. Opening one of his eyes slowly, he yawned sleepily, taking a good few moments to notice Freya. "I'm awake, I'm awake." he groaned, stretching his arms. "Haven't seen any trouble all day. That weirdo skulking about town has probably wandered off, a good day in my books... can I help you at all?" Bidding War Rashid watched curiously as Cass inspected his wares, not taking much issue with her hands on approach. "It was crafted with the finest steel from my homeland. It is a glorious country, where the pure white sand stretches for miles and the sun brings passion to those that it touches." he replied, standing proud. "It is many miles away, it took me two months to travel to this village." Another man, most likely one of the villagers, had approached the stall, eying the sword Cass had been inspecting. "Excuse me, but are you intending to purchase that?" he asked Cass, removing a small pouch from his belt. "I've never seen such a sword so exotic... I would be willing to pay fifteen hundred pieces for such a weapon." The prospect of a higher price seemed to tempt Rashid, his eyes swapping between Cass and the man. "Hm... that would benefit me greatly. I did not bring much coin from my home country, I was not sure that they would be accepted here... this does prove a predicament, it is the only of its kind that I took with me." Meanwhile, Claire felt someone bump into her, passing her without as much as an apology. They had however left a piece of paper in her hand. A small note with only two words on it. "Library" and "Alone". Tiny Bargain The boy stopped for a moment, weighing up his options. "I don't know, a single day isn't worth that much. I've worked more than I can count... although that's only as many as I have fingers." he pondered, tempted by Angus' offer. "Pa's a busy man, people come to him for all sorts of help. He'd much rather help someone in the village than complete strangers. "Then I'll do a day too." Esclabor proclaimed, desperate to win the boy over. "Kearney will do tomorrow and I'll work the day after that. That way you get two days. Every single chore that was yours, we'll handle. You won't have to pay us a single piece." That had been enough to win him over, clapping his hands in delight, he turned around, pointing towards a fenced area, one with a house right in the middle of it. Beckoning them forwards, he began to walk towards the house, and presumably his father. "I'll take you both to see him, you can bring your friend too. Just remember who you're talking to when you get there." Esclabor shook his head, choosing not to share some choice words. "I'd like to give him a good whack over the head with that shovel of his... I can't believe we're at the mercy of that runt." he complained, keeping his voice low. "Let's just hope he's doing this because he's bored... and not because he has a lot of work." Eager Beaver "Odd jobs?" the barkeep asked, rather puzzled by Serge's offer. "That's awfully kind of you, but we don't really have many spare rooms. Probably one or two, but they're not huge. You and your two lady friends could probably squeeze into one, but it'd be easier to pay." Larissa wasn't entirely sure that they'd have much luck, especially if they had to cram the entire party into one room. Maybe it had been too ambitious to find a place for all of them to stay. However, one of the men at the bar seemed to have a solution to their problem. Slowly rising to his feet, the elderly gentleman drew attention to himself with a cough. "I think I might have something that could keep you busy, youngster." he announced, grinning like a fool. "I've got a fence that needs fixing up... there's broken panels, needs painting too. If you could sort that out for me, I'd be happy to lend you my house's hall. Easier than finding enough coins to pay someone!" Quack Attack The duck troupe had been ready to close in on Alain, but his offering of bread seemed to be more than enough to take the heat off himself. Swarming his loaf like a pack of vultures, it was a free for all among the fowl. No longer were they united in their attack on Alain, but were instead at each others throats. Alain could here an unsettled huff from beside him, one of the pegasus sisters had joined him at the pondside. "Those ducks are idiots, things were going fine until they saw what they wanted. Some of them spoiled their chances entirely." Morta complained, her criticisms extending even to birds. "It's like that Esclabor, he would have been fine if he didn't try to push further into Magonsaete, no wonder he got caught." Love and Peace "Engel wouldn't have made people if he were going to ignore half of them." the woman mused as they walked into the chapel. Wiping her brow, she took a seat on one of the benches, rather out of breath from the short walk. "If you punished everyone who didn't follow his teachings, you wouldn't have time to be grateful for those who do. Even if our brothers and sisters stray from the path we take, there's more than one way to get to a destination."
  9. Quackity Quack As one would expect, the duck pond was indeed a pond where ducks lived. It wasn't a large area, the pond itself was perhaps ten feet across, and not terribly deep. There were a few of the villagers pottering around its edges, mostly the elderly and the very young. The only sounds around Alain were the rustling of the bushes, being blown gently by the wind. There was no real sense of danger, if anything it was a little dull - but there were certainly no evil wizards to murder them here. Nobody had really paid much attention to Alain, but the ducks were gathering around him. There were easily a dozen of the fowls, most of them a murky brown. Quacking at each other, almost like they were giving orders, the ducks slowly started to waddle towards Alain. He was almost entirely surrounded, there were very few narrow gaps in their formation. Had he survived Malaphar only to meet his end by a crack team of ducks? - As-salām 'alaykum The stall owner looked down at Emmet, still with his arms crossed. "Greetings, traveller. I assume you take interest in my wares?" he asked, his accent rather peculiar, like nothing Emmet had come across before. "I am Rashid, I come from a distant land to bring you exotic goods to purchase. If there is something you are unsure of, please do not hesitate to ask me." He certainly wasn't wrong, the armaments were certainly unusual. Theirs shapes and forms were strange and curved, similar to the weapons of Angelcynn but still very foreign. It was clear that one was a sword and such forth, but the chances were that its swing was different to what Emmet's allies were used to. Rashid was definitely from somewhere far away, but he did not resemble the natives of any country on the continent. "You are unlikely to find weapons such as these within the countries here." Rashid boasted, taking pride in sharing his culture with Emmet. "Perhaps one day you shall venture forth and find my homeland. It would be a glorious sight to behold." Rashid's wares are available on the spreadsheet! - Love Forecast The woman seemed almost amused by Doug's request, especially in the manner that he'd made it in. She leaned in close, her face only inches away from Doug's. He could smell the aroma of peaches, most likely coming from her golden locks. "I think I might have something that could help you find your heart's desires." she whispered back, playing along with his self-perceived secrecy. "You look like an honest guy, it'd be a shame if you were too shy to confess to your beloved. I've got all sorts of charms that can help you. Anything from helping you find your true love to making yourself completely irresitable. All you need to do is buy the right one and you'll find the love of your life... love isn't cheap though, what exactly are you looking for... and how much money do you have?" - Diet Engel "Lacking direction? You are a curious girl." the woman replied, slowly rising to her feet. Wincing a little as she stood, the woman gestured towards the chapel. "It would be rude of me to keep you waiting, please do come inside. My poor legs aren't as spry as they used to, I could do with a break from tending the flowers." The woman stepped towards the chapel, hobbling along slowly. "Engel is a lot more tolerant than most people think. In countries like Deira and Raewald, our lord is portrayed as a powerful overseer... but I've come to see his kind and caring side. His love for all his children goes beyond his desire to punish non-believers. It was only a few years ago that an unusual man helped me realise that. To think, fifty years of following Engel's teachings... to have my eyes opened by a stranger. I hope that more people can see Engel in a different light." - The Tiniest Guard The young boy stuck his spade into the ground, stepping his foot onto its head. "It depends who's asking. My papa doesn't just let anybody take a stroll onto his land. You could be a bunch of chicken stealing barbarians." he replied, almost blissfully unaware of how outmatched he'd be in a fight. "You don't look like you're from around here, none of the bandit tribes dress like you people. Are you from the north? You don't talk like them, you better not be swindlers." Esclabor wasn't impressed, but his manners were stopping him from just knocking the boy down and walking along. "My friend here is badly hurt." he explained, wondering if he or Angus could convince him to allow them passage. "The sooner that your father can see him, the sooner we can leave. Please, I'll give you anything, just let me get him some help." He didn't seem to be budging, the boy was rather stubborn, or just enjoyed messing around with the pair. Looking at the pair with suspicious eyes, he leaned forward, almost in a pitiful attempt to try and scare them away. Esclabor turned to Angus, unsure of what to do. "Your family's big, it could be its own tribe here, don't you know how to shut kids up?" he asked, glancing quickly over at Nelon. "He's pissing me off, but he's our only chance to see that farmer." - Sight Beyond Vision The shack had an odd aura about it. The feeling was not like the dread that Malaphar had taken with him, but an eerie uncertainty that left a strange taste in Owen's mouth. It was rather non-descript from the outside though, it could have been a shed or even an outhouse for all Owen could tell. Bells chimed as Owen passed into the shack, its interior was rather dark, only lit by a single candle at the table in the middle. The lighting flickered, the shadows of the bizarre decorations dancing across the walls. A woman was sat at the table, her face mostly obscured by her mass of red hair, its tangled clumps sprawling down past her shoulders. Tilting her head up slightly to look at Owen, she stared at him silently for a good half minute before speaking. "Is there something I can do to assist you... Prince Owen?" she asked slowly, the pause before Owen's name particularly pronounced. "Do you come for advice... or reassurance? The spirits tell me much about you... but what do you want me to hear?" Seer's Shack revealed! - How Dank are your Boots? Emily nodded her head quickly, taking Serge's words to heart. "It's OK, boss. I'll make sure nobody hears anything about you. It would be awful if people started asking you to become village chief, you're too young to settle down in a place like this." she assured him, taking his hands and shaking them vigorously. Larissa chuckled gently, amused at Emily's continued enthusiasm. If anything, she was glad that someone could remain positive after all that had happened. Unlike the Codger, there was no doorman at all. In fact, getting inside the Boot was actually very easy. With clean walls and actual lighting, the interior was rather pleasant. Rugs lined the wooden floors and various paintings hung on the walls - there were not even any broken planks or vomit stains, it was an entirely different establishment. It was rather empty however. A few men sat at stools in front of the bar, most of them old enough to be Serge's grandfather... if not older. The bartender was a younger man, most likely Serge's age. Wearing a simple tunic and apron, he was almost surprised to see him. "Welcome, stranger. I don't think I recognise you... or your lady friends." he laughed, taking a glass to wipe down. "It's a little early for anything too exciting, but you're more than welcome to stay. If you need anything, I'll do my best to help you."
  10. Tarquin watched as Hilling's unit took Elaine's attack, the shot passing through it and doing enough damage to shut it down. Better aim could have probably taken the pilot out with it, but at least she hadn't missed. The fact that the other rebels had fled didn't really bother him, shooting them down wasn't their main objective - making them leave the colony was good enough. Vera's mech hadn't made any hostile movements, perhaps she was occupied with something else? They would deal with her when they had to, there was no point sacrificing their objective to take a few pot shots. Abby was a completely different matter though, she was still an active target. It wouldn't be an easy shot, but he was more than safe at his current distance. Tarquin attacks Abby with his Sniper Rifle - Bill stopped for a moment, how many other custodians were there? He was supposedly the head of the department, but other than during the morning briefings, he never really saw any of them. It was an art of the trade though, getting in the way of the crew didn't really help anyone. It was one thing to stop for a chat, but he certainly didn't want the crew tripping over him! "I think there are a good dozen of us or so, we're all over the ship like swaggies, doing shifts and all that. Can't win the cup with just your goalie!" Bill replied, wondering if he'd forgotten about anyone. There were the automatic floor sweepers - but there was much more to being a janitor than simply cleaning floors. "The Captain would probably break my mop over her knee and make me live in the dunny if I tried something like that. I'd prefer to keep my uniform, wouldn't want to be left in my grundies!"
  11. Made for Walking Serge's plan made a lot of sense, none of the other Reliants seemed to take any issue with their commander's plan. "I might check the library, perhaps there may be some information to our advantage." Morganna announced, already heading away from the rest of the group. "There's a few things that don't quite make sense." "We might head to the Blacksmith, boss." Hans added, Lars no doubt tagging along with him. "We'll let you know if there's anything worthwhile. This place is pretty small, the chances are it's going to be slim pickings." With that, Serge had been left with Larissa and Emily, with a tavern to investigate. The building itself wasn't like the Dank Codger, it stood completely separate, on its own in the village square. Its roof was thatched and its walls wooden. Considering the stone huts that the other tribes used, it was remarkable that a place like this existed in Magonsaete. Serge's followers waited for their boss, making sure he got the Prince's blessings before wandering off. Bargain Hunting The market was in the centre of the village, little more than a collection of about a dozen stalls scattered randomly. Many seemed to be selling local produce, clothes and fruits for the most part. The village women had gathered in groups, most of them dressed incredibly simply, comparable to the peasants they'd seen in Alleun's lands. Oddly enough, the relatively well dressed Cass and Claire didn't draw a huge amount of attention, nor did Emmet. If anything, it was a passing glance, with them returning to their own activities. One stall was a little different though, a young woman had a variety of trinkets and charms laid on the table, standing out among the other commodoties. Giving them a friendly wave, it was clear she wanted to try and catch their attention. It wasn't as if her wares were junk, but they certainly were unusual. On the other hand, there was another odd stall. The man at it towered over them, his tanned skin glistening in the sun. With a cloth wrapped around his head, he looked rather out of place. However, there was a collection of bizarre weaponry, blades that they'd never seen before. The stall owner stood there stoically, glancing over at the nobles carefully in anticipation. Mooncalf Junior Esclabor followed after Angus, bringing Nelon along with him. "You sure that this farmer can really help Ceirch out? I mean, he's a big guy, but he's not exactly a farm animal." Esclabor remarked, urging Nelon's horse forwards. "Not sure how well you know him, but he knew one of your brothers pretty well, Kearney. I can't remember which one though, there were always so many of you." The farmland seemed relatively well kept, the young crops were arranged in neat lines and cows stood collected in a fenced area. It was something that wouldn't be too alien in a Wykian countryside, not a country full of barbarians. However, about a hundred or so feet into the land, the pair were stopped by a young boy. He couldn't have been much older than seven or eight, he was a reasonably tall lad but his face didn't quite match his size. Pointing a shovel at Angus, he stood proudly. "Hold it! You can't just go trampling on my pa's farm without a good reason." he barked, standing his ground despite his clear size disadvantage. "If there's two things I don't like, it's people who have secrets and people that don't share them." He looked back at the cow pen, slightly wary of the beasts. "Just make sure they don't hear, you don't know who they might tell." May Engel be with you The chapel was nowhere near as grand as Wyke's cathedral but the structure offered its own charm. Roughly the size of a small cottage, its stone walls were at least clean. There didn't appear to be a service in session, the doors were open but nobody was there to be seen. As Sidney passed into the hall, this became more apparent, the benches were all empty. However, an elderly woman dressed in a yellow robe was knelt outside, tending to some flowers. She had to be somewhere in her sixties, her hair was grey and short, and her face wrinkled. "There will be a service this evening if you're interested, my dear." she announced softly, gently pulling a weed from next to one of the flowers. "If you have any worries or concerns, I can be with you shortly, I only have a few more spots to sort."
  12. He'd spoken too soon, their battle had only just begun. He'd barely seen it enter, it was more of a blur than anything else, but a menacing unit had joined the field. Was this the Apotheosis lieutenant that they'd been briefed on, Vera? It wasn't like anything he'd ever seen before, he couldn't even tell what it was based off of, let alone the model. Its sheer speed, and the bold position it'd taken - it was like the pilot knew that they had a massive edge over them. Black and Purple... Nikolai had mentioned Vera's machine to him before. He'd warned them about engaging with it, and if it was enough to scare Nikolai, he didn't want to know what it was capable of. "This is Oni Three. Unidentified enemy unit has been spotted." Tarquin radioed in, hoping that command could shed some light on their mysterious foe. "Unit is not recognises as a standard model, description... it fits with Vera's unit description." Tarquin swallowed, Vera had appeared almost instantly, could they even keep up with something that fast? "Nikolai? Is that Vera?" Tarquin asked, part of him hoping Nikolai would say no. "You told me that she was dangerous... I think I can see why." - Bill still didn't have a clue who this woman was, but she seemed to be nice enough. Anybody who was polite enough to stay where they were told couldn't be too bad. It helped that she just gave off good vibes in general, the enemy would never offer to help a janitor! "Don't you worry there, I'm sure the diggers will be back soon, probably easier if you're not on a walkabout." he replied, giving his feather duster a twirl. "Just gonna give this place a quick dust, don't worry about helping an ocker like me, just relax and enjoy a bickie or two. I'll only be a couple of minutes, then I'll be out of your hair like a limey on a sunny day. If there's anything grotty or manky that needs sorting, just call Bill and I'll be there in a jiffy." He still didn't understand how she'd ended up in there, was the Taco girl giving her piano lessons too? Bill had never really been very music, perhaps it would be worth seeing if she offered lessons?
  13. Tarquin was still aware of his injuries, he'd have to put them to the back of his mind for a little longer, just enough for him to finish the mission at hand. They'd decimated most of the enemies, they'd be able to reach the colonists. The last few Heracles were definitely not standard, their pilots were most likely more adept than the others they'd faced - their previous actions had been proof enough of it. They were also being cautious, Tarquin could tell they weren't as keen to charge in as the ones from before. "Oni Three, currently in operational range of two targets." Tarquin announced, ensuring his rifle was ready. "Both targets lack suitable equipment to return fire from this distance, a ranged engagement would provide us with an advantage. Remaining on standby, awaiting further orders for a coordinated attack." A civilian unit had apparently joined them, Tarquin wasn't entirely sure how they'd survived, let alone escape, but at least they seemed to have the sense to take cover. Did that person want to live so badly? They probably had their own reasons, but the risks they'd taken were enormous. There were still a lot of enemy units unaccounted for, as well as the Apotheosis commander - would they have to face them next? The Heracles had proved somewhat of a problem, his own wounds a testament to their threat level. Playing it smart was their best bet, faulty tactics could completely eliminate their advantage in numbers. - With the oil spills in front of the hangar vanquished, Bill was still no closer to identifying his newfound enemy. "Could do with a few more conchs around these parts." Bill pondered, his eyes scanning the halls for any more defilement. The crew for the most part were reasonably tidy, but there was a bad egg among them. An egg that scuffed floors, an egg that dripped oil. That was no egg that could exist within his nest of a ship. Speaking of the crew, now the pilots were out, he had some time to do a quick tidy up. He hadn't had a chance to do a general sweep of their quarters, and it was long overdue The musical girl from earlier, Bill could swear she was in a taco commercial or something, probably needed her bins emptied - she just looked like the kind of girl who would. A man on a mission, Bill swiftly passed through the halls, arriving at the crew quarters in an almost inhuman time. It was only polite to knock on the door, even if nobody was home, it didn't mean manners went with them. Giving the door a quick tap, Bill pulled on the cuff of his rubber glove, letting it sound a satisfying snap as he released it. "Custodial service, emptying bins like a father-in-law empties coldies." he announced, stepping through the door. His janitorial instincts could sense someone in the room, a potential source of mess was present with him. Looking over at the bed, he could see a different girl rolling around on it. Had he gotten the wrong room? Impossible, he knew the ship from top to bottom, the taco girl definitely had this room. Unless she'd had extensive surgery since he last saw her, also rather unlikely. Approaching the bed curiously, Bill peered down, wondering if one of the kitchen staff had gotten drunk and lost. "I'll be stuffed, I thought there was a reffo in here." Bill laughed, glad it hadn't been a rat or a dingo. "You don't look like a swaggie, can't say I recognise you as one of the rellie's though."
  14. Departure With Owen's return and Nelon's health, there did not seem to be many other options other than to move forwards. Decima had returned with news, she'd spotted the village Esclabor had mentioned. Esclabor's intel seemed to match up, and if anything it wasn't a huge detour. Staying at the castle was a poor choice, even if Malaphar were to take his time to return - and it got them no closer to Raewald. "From what I remember it's not too far from here, perhaps a day or two by foot." Esclabor remarked, looking over at Nelon. "Ceirch probably wouldn't want to be a burden, but he deserves at least a shot at staying alive. I don't know what he was thinking, he's always pulled stunts like this." It hadn't taken long to pack everything away, there was no time wasted in ensuring the group left the beach promptly. The Reliants and assorted nobles they'd acquired were ready to leave. Esclabor had placed himself on Nelon's horse, carrying the injured knight behind him on the saddle. Captain Haddock and his men stood at the shore, watching as Owen and his group prepared to leave. "This be where we leave ye, Prince Owen. We sailors aren't so useful on dry land, more comfortable out at see." he laughed, still trying to light his pipe. "We be letting Duke Herman know that ye be unharmed, and be warning him about that wizard fella. Mister Sebastian has written a fine report for him to read. When ye be ready to return, it be easier to pass through Myrcia, the boat journey be far easier when there be no bandits to try and steal yer skin." Saluting Owen as his group left, the Captain couldn't help but feel oddly proud of the young prince. "Ye be just as much o' a leader as yer old man, Prince Owen... in yer own special way." he muttered, adjusting his hat. "Ye will be seein' it soon." - Silver Lining The next two days were rather uneventful, their passage past the mountain fortress proved no issues - although the dead remains of Ywein's wyvern brigade were somewhat unsettling and Ywein's grave stood as a reminder of Angus' battle. The hills grew gentler as they passed the fortress, the steep mounds becoming flatter and wider with even mile. Nelon seemed to be holding it together, although he was drifting in and out of consciousness, barely muttering more than a few words every couple of hours. On the morning of their third day, the plains had opened up, grass returning to the soil and bringing life to the barren land. Much as Esclabor had said, a settlement had peeked over the horizon, coming into view as Owen's group grew closer. The sun was high in the sky as they approached its edge, the day was still young and bright. Oddly enough, the village was nothing like the barbaric structures they'd seen so far. The buildings were still crude and lacking finesse, but they were oddly reminiscent of Wykian architecture. There were no wooden spikes or walls, simply a collection of buildings, the village wasn't prepared for war or raids, just life. A man in a peasant's tunic walked across their view, looking over at Owen's group curiously. Probably somewhere in his thirties and not terribly intimidating, he was more puzzled than frightened of the pack that had arrived. "Welcome to Magon, strangers." he called out, giving a lazy wave of his arm. "We're a simple place, ain't got too much for travellers. If yer looking to stay around, it might be worth talking to Farmer Perroy. He ain't in charge or nothing, but we all listen to him anyways. Might be able to sort you somewhere to stay an' rest. He ain't bad with fixing people up either." The party has arrived in Magon! Please check the sheet for details! Nelon is no longer available for deployment!
  15. Oatmeal Repair Hans and Lars had found Larissa within less than a minute, the woman had come running towards the group. Serge's bandages seemed to be holding, but Nelon didn't appear any better from them. Pulling out her staff to heal Nelon, Larissa didn't seem entirely confident. "I'm not sure I can fully mend these wounds." Larissa sighed, looking across at the tears in his armour. "These cuts are too long and deep for someone like me to deal with. He'd need a proper healer or herbalist to treat him, my staff's far too simple." The chances were that finding a suitable individual would be difficult in Magonsaete, and a friendly one would be even harder. Hans looked at his brother expectantly, although he didn't get any real response from him. "It's gonna be at least another week until we get to Raewald, ain't there somewhere on the way to stop?" he asked, completely unfamiliar with the geography of the nation. "Gotta be a village or something in the area... one that didn't get slaughtered. Might a little further out." Esclabor had approached Owen, waiting patiently as he finished with Sidney. "The Princess slumped like a sack of potatoes when you vanished. She hasn't gone anywhere." Esclabor replied. "She probably isn't going to be much better. I remember we'd mapped out a village not too far from here, not sure if it hasn't been hit though." - Sky Stranger Decima watched as Doug descended, perhaps not entirely intentionally. A new lord? He seemed a little odd, but he was very polite and friendly. Maybe getting to know him would not be a bad idea? If anything, it was nice to have someone her own age that she could talk to. If the Prince had returned, the chances were they'd be moving soon. Decima looked across at the horizon, the barren plains didn't have very much to offer. Did people really live here? Other than the places their groups had been, which were now in ruins, there was nothing. Maybe the glimmer of a settlement in the horizon, but even then her hopes were not high.
  16. Pent's old enough to order a drink from a bar, the choice is obvious.
  17. 1. What job do you have/do/work? 2. Favourite band? 3. Hobbies outside of video games? 4. What's your favourite vegetable? 5. If you could visit any foreign country for a holiday, what would you pick? 6. Do you speak any languages other than English? 7. Which countries have you visited? 8. Ambitions in LIFE? 9. If you were to show a foreigner around the UK, where would you take them? 10. Who would win in a fight, Grape Ape or King Kong?
  18. Release Malaphar's tendril darted forwards, piercing armour as it drove into his back. Nelon let out a pained cry, losing his balance as he began to crumble. Nelon could feel his legs grow weak, the world around him fading, perhaps this was death? "Prince Owen..." Nelon spluttered, blood dripping from his mouth. "Please... flee..." It would have been the end of the knight, the vine was intend on shooting through his chest and he was powerless to stop it. But Claire wasn't. Claire's blade of wind shot forth at a wicked speed, tearing through the vine as it made contact with Nelon, causing its body to drop to the ground spasming and oozing. Precision hadn't been on the mage's agenda, the force had been enough to cut into Nelon's back, felling him like a tree. Hitting the floor, Nelon cried out in pain, his blood starting to pool under him. Malaphar barely had any time to gloat, any other time he would have began to mock Claire for killing her own ally, but Angus and Emmet were still very dangerous. As was Owen. Either by his own aim, fate or dumb luck, Owen's sword hurtled through the air, his blade glimmering in the darkness. Malaphar watched in horror as it flew towards his face, ready to impale itself in his skull. He would have had no time to react to such a reckless move... but Owen's sword simply vanished from in front of Malaphar. A trickle of blood dripped down the man's forehead, trailing past his nose. Letting out a malicious laugh, Malaphar raised his hand. "Fair well Owen, perhaps I'll have more time during our next encounter..." he sneered menacingly. "Because I'll be preparing for it." And with that, Malaphar and his world disappeared from view, the void they'd passed through entering the strange realm replacing it. Their exit wasn't as prolonged as their entrance, an unsettling hurtling feeling engulfed them all, as if they were being thrown out of Malaphar's world. - Return "I really can't, Alain." Morganna replied, highly suspicious of the man. His words made no sense, how and why was he experiencing these strange hallucinations? Perhaps he was mad after all? Her questions would have to wait, as a loud thump drew her attention. Without any sign or warning, Owen and his group suddenly dropped into existence, at the exact spot Malaphar had vanished from. Owen's sword dropped to the ground in front of him, the blade's tip wet with blood. All his group had returned, Angus, Emmet, Claire... even Nelon, who looked like he needed urgent attention. The man was still breathing, but he was lying limp on the ground unresponsive. There was a brief moment of silence, Esclabor, the Reliants, all of them were silent, completely in awe of Owen's return. Malaphar's evil aura had lifted, his presence was completely gone, although the bitter aftertaste of his actions was still very real. Morganna was stunned, how and why had Alain mentioned what he'd heard at that exact moment. Had he caused this to happen? There were so many questions, and no answers that she could find.
  19. Beat It Malaphar had expected Owen to run, it was the most sensible option considering how blindly loyal his minions were. Nelon had joined Angus in his charge, approaching head on alongside the Baron. The two knights had already made a charge, charging head on towards his menacing vines. "You really think that you can take me on like that?" Malaphar scoffed, commanding two particularly thick vines forward. "Dedication is only a virtue when it is backed by the power to carry it through!" Their combined charge was halted by vines, shooting at the knights at a frightening speed. Angus felt a sharp pain in his shoulder as one's spiked tip glanced him, crashing against his armour violently. A foul dark fluid spurted from it as his axe cleaved through its shaft, the tendril flailing wildly, lashing at Angus the best it could. It wasn't going down without a fight, leaving its master Nelon was fairing similarly, hacking away with his blade as he attempted to fend it off. The vine pounded against his chest, intent on felling the man. Malaphar watched as Claire and Emmet went for a less direct approach. Raising a vine forth from the earth in the nick of time, Malaphar grunted as the dampened blade of wind whipped him, forming a shallow cut across his chest. That girl annoyed him, he hadn't expected her to stay as well - without his powers she'd have hit his throne. Emmet's arrow suddenly came rushing in, grazing Malaphar's cheek as the wizard made a rapid reaction. These people were intent on stalling him... were Owen's minions really that loyal? Speaking of Owen, the Prince had run. Malaphar smirked, he wouldn't have the time to finish him this time... but he could do something more spiteful. "Owen, I believe Nelon said that he was willing to die to buy you time... let's see your loyalty!" he boasted, his smug superiority still present despite his assault. Before Nelon could react, a tendril had appeared behind him, its tip viciously spiked and thick, primed to pierce his back. "May you become breakfast for the buzzards!" - Moonlight Madness Morganna had been searching around with the others, her luck as poor as everyone else. Turning to face Alain, she noted the exasperated expression he possesed. Was he not well, terrified of Malaphar? She hated to admit it, but Morganna was powerless compared to the sorcerer, his control far greater than her simple illusions. "Voices? Prince Owen? I'm not sure what you're talking about." she replied, baffled by his panicked state. "You need to calm down, are you really hearing them? Is this a power you've been hiding from me? It takes a great deal of power to be able to listen from afar... are you really as junior as you've made me believe?" It wasn't a matter of power or superiority, did Alain actually have proof the prince was safe? "What else did they say? Where could it be coming from?" she asked, curious as to how Alain was so shocked by what he heard. Had he been aware he could do it? - All Glory to Dougistan Decima wasn't sure if the prince had really become invisible, but had this... man(?) saved Prince Owen before? He was a noble, so it wasn't that farfetched, and she'd heard rumours of an ugly pegasus rider and a dungeon, but it couldn't be him, right? "Oh, Doug... that's very nice of you." Decima replied, somewhat perplexed by his forwardness. "I don't think I've heard of you before? My father did say that there were some new nobles... but he was too busy talking about Ang-... Baron Kearney. Are you the other one?" He seemed pleasant enough, he'd been decent enough to introduce himself. Perhaps there were some normal people like her in the Prince's group, everyone else had been so loud and strange.
  20. He's good filler, but his speed and durability aren't fantastic. He baits wyverns pretty well if you put him on a mountain.
  21. Out of Time "Your ideals are incompatible with life, Owen. I was hoping you had more sense than your father... but a fool will father another fool." Malaphar smirked, they were beginning to put the pieces together, but it was all too late - he was certain about his superiority and victory. "Then I don't think I have any more words for you, Owen. Only I can reside in this realm for prolonged periods of time, but your life shall not leave it. Goodbye, Owen!" he laughed, the menacing joy he showed rather unnerving. "Prince Owen, you must flee." Nelon warned, drawing his sword. "My theory was that Malaphar expends great amounts of energy using his abilities, he can only afford to perform actions he deems crucial. I will distract him, by the time he has defeated me, you should be safe... or at least I hope so. I've observed his previous battles, he is most vulnerable when he is faced with multiple threats... he cannot use his power as liberally as it appears." Ushering the others back, Nelon looked at Malaphar, his menacing throne of vines beginning to carry him closer to the group. The man was clearly mad, and letting him get his hands on the Prince would be disastrous. More vines had snaked from the the ground near him, twisting as they started to target Owen's group. Each was a good ten feet long, and a few inches thick, cutting through them wouldn't be too difficult - if they would stay still. Listening in Whilst the previous echoing voice had faded from Alain's mind, it was soon met with another distant phrase. "Your life shall not leave it. Goodbye, Owen!" It wasn't the same voice from before, the cruel sadistic tones almost identical to Malaphar's. It was clearer than the one from before, far closer, far more present. Nobody around him seemed remotely aware of these utterings, either he was going mad or there was a deeper connection that only he shared. The rest of the party were preparing to search the area for Owen, even Doug had taken to the skies. Skyward Doug's search had provided fruitless, there hadn't been a single person, even a clothed woman, that he could see in the surrounding area. It was a testiment to his imagination for anything he could think of. However, a pegasus had begun to fly alongside him. It wasn't the two girls he'd met before, it was the other Valter sister, Decima. She seemed to have had the same idea to scout the area. Looking across at Doug, she gave him a nervous wave, taking her time to actually say anything. "Hello? I haven't seen the Prince yet... have you had any luck?" she called out. "I'm Decima, one of the sisters... I don't think I recognise you."
  22. All the enemies seemed rather far away, and there was only so far Tarquin could shoot. There was also the matter of his misaligned sights, if things got tough it'd be hard to aim then unaim in order to him. The others had recommended that he stayed back, and for the most part, he'd been managing to do so. The structural damage to his unit had been patched for the moment, and his chances of any more heavy damage were relatively low. It'd require a little teamwork, but Nikolai was the perfect candidate to help him out. "Oni Three moving forward, Nikolai, the target should be easy for you to finish." Tarquin announced over the public channel. "They appear to struggle with longer range engagements." Tarquin moves to 9,15 and attacks Heracles #5 with his Beam Rifle
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