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Everything posted by MercyWalk

  1. Kick Start My Heart - Motley Crue Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne Crosstown Traffic - Jimi Hendrix Aruarian Dance - Nujabes Up Up and Away - Kid Cudi Cryin - Aerosmith Stone Cold Bush - Red Hot Chilli Peppers Should i go on?
  2. Fluent English and sort-of Cantonese.
  3. God you just reminded me of Star Ocean.

    I'm pretty sure i gave up after the second disk.

  4. FESS or FEFF, don't remember. Either way i was looking up on supports.
  5. Crush, huh. That would be Rayna, Kindergarten to about grade 2 i think. In kindergarten the whole grade would play tag girls vs boys, she would always try to kiss me, but i ran, haha.
  6. Well, went to my cousins BBQ, only a few of my family were there, namely my brother, myself and two cousins, everyone else were mates of ours. Didn't do much but eat, drink and talk, i left early because everyone but me could drink Alcohol :(
  7. Spread The Wings, Rock Howard's Theme
  8. Speaking of Zelda and amazing, deep, thought-provoking and etc.
  9. The most? God Hand. Honourable mentions to Jet Set Radio and Power Stone. That would be for under-rated. Over rated, def. FFVII.
  10. I just went up against a team of Morg, Garen, Sona, Kog and Xin. Not fun. Anyway, new champion has been leaked. http://leagueoflegends.pl/forum/showthread.php?tid=4491&page=1 laser girl http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjEzMjI0ODQw.html gameplay vid
  11. Sona does way too much damage early game for a support in my opinion. Also it's a free champ weekend so everyone is free.
  12. Is there an autosave feature? I'm fairly sure it would be in the manual...
  13. Swain's balanced from what i've been seeing. His snares don't go for too long, and his ulti isn't too hard to counter, as he is still squishy. To be honest i don't see him contributing much, but then again he has just been released. i'm still fed up with spin-and-win Garen's.
  14. So I go away from not keeping up with KH series anymore after finishing KH2 on 100%, which was quite possibly the easiest game to 100% and i'm presented with this? How am i meant to keep up with this stuff? Is there a general timeline i can read to get updated?
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