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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. I am okay with this enlightenment. Edit: Obviously the topic here is the girls' outfits.
  2. Couldnt you do the same with fanslations, by that logic?
  3. What is the point? Hoping for the best! For Kuro No Kiseki, since it has potential.
  4. Should I really get such low quality? I AM paying good money for good quality, not to get cheated. I have a right to be upset, I think.
  5. Yeah... If they keep that quality up, i'm just done. $60 for a 2020 game released way later than it ever should have been, only to get screwed over? No thank you. I apolgise for my sins! Xd no complaining, since I clearly do not matter. Lol
  6. So then... My opinion doesnt matter because its one company? How does that work?
  7. Does that matter? Imo, terrible quality deserves to be called out, does it not? The fanslation of Reverie was better lol
  8. Saying "other games" is an excuse to say its alright to be low quality cause its consistent. Which it isn't imo. And what's worse is someone screwed up a C/P job, how hard can that be? You tell me, lmao
  9. So... As i said earlier, you are basically trying to excuse the terrible quality. Impressive.
  10. And of course: Link Attack: was clearly their favorite Link Skill (Side note that Link Attack doesn't actually DO anything, so it's a wasted slot. Can you guess the other 4 empty skills? lmao) This was present in the translation only, so they fucked the file clearly when importing text. XD How the hell, I have no clue though.
  11. I'm bad because I know they are capable of something better? XD Like, at least in III's case i can say they had to remake the groundwork for everything, past that point no excuses. Yeah, with the fishing minigame lol
  12. This feels like an excuse to say "X side did no wrong", to me. Xd
  13. This gives me Reverie vibes. Arguably the most trash official translation i have ever witnessed. Its not bad enough with all the errors and memes, they clearly just couldnt handle a C/P job going from IV lol.
  14. You mean Reborn? I wouldnt say recent for that, but yeah.
  15. Do what I do and rate off character designs. Lol
  16. This is much more a compliment when comparing to new age Trails storylines! XD
  17. This seems to be a Tales staple haha. Though Trails isn't much different, moreso later on in the series fairly.
  18. My Tales of Graces stats so far: shitty max hit rate lol
  19. Well, I understand the line of thinking "if the MC sucks, this game could end up being a pain" in certain scenarios at least. Well, this could end up two ways: 1: the MC is very fun to use, at the cost of being over-centralising though. 2: the MC is too good and the game is balanced around you utelising them to the fullest, killing the enjoyment for many.
  20. This final battle is pain: It seems like the player has the upperhand being on the outside while the enemy is trapped... Not really how this works.
  21. Is having gameplay fit around the narrative a good thing? Like, if a character is claimed to be absurdly strong, should the gameplay reflect that?
  22. Tales of Arise has a muliplayer mod now, hmm...
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