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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. *Falcom* "Nobody cares what the guys look like!"
  2. I would say to get alot of Sepith, things get exensive later on (Sepith is buyable in CH 7)
  3. Kill enough and what it drops wont really mater. Rinse and repeat every new area basically lol. Later on, killing all of them in 1 hit is very easy.
  4. And that is exactly why I said Death Scream is broken. Deathblow indeed works on Shining Poms. Of course thats for later in the game, early game its Morale + S Craft, which is why Agate is so useful. Wild Rage S Craft bombs.
  5. Still farmable in any of the towers. A group of 8? I believe it is.
  6. Well sure, but in the end it's still just grinding, not anything special, really.
  7. on the topic: I always found it funny that getting the Ares 90 was some kind of milestone for the game, even though it's just tedious grinding not unlike many games. XD
  8. *Worst sidequest chain in XCX* *Anything to do with Tobias* Seriously, i really hated this guy. XD
  9. At this point, I just prefer to to back and play older titles. (I generally do, anyway)
  10. Lmao. Grandmaster needs to actually do something in the upcoming Trails game. Xd
  11. Have faith, Shrimpy! And most importantly, stay strong!
  12. In a battle system such as Tales, why would they think it would be a good idea to give moving a cost to the player? That just restricts way too much of the gameplay at base imo. (Graces is what i am speaking of here)
  13. Well, that was my mistake. I apologise. - Level 157 in Tales of Xillia 2, 172 in Vesperia, 150 in Berseria, 120 in Zesteria, only around 60? in Graces. Sorry Graces, i really don't like your gameplay. XD
  14. The HDR mod along with many Lucina skins overall!
  15. Oh boy, CS fishing might not be your thing, then...
  16. Couldn't this be said of most people? Not the same scenario, mind, but never growing out of specific things?
  17. "Stahl" also means "Steel", so it could be that! XD
  18. I always thought it was supposed to be close to "Fairy" since "Fee" also means "Fairy" lol
  19. Sweet XP is a good enough reward. Makes endgame battles much less... stressful. XD Of course, that's on higher difficulties, so I don't think you need to worry about that!
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