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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. I can't recall if that's the exact order, i'll look it up when i have time, but i recommend having a backup of any save files from the vanilla game. Besides that, no issues should occur.
  2. If you are using Atmosphere to load mods it just goes it Atmosphere folder ----> Contents ----> Game ID folder ----> Romfs folder I believe. Edit, I assume you already modded your Switch. There are tutorials out there for that.
  3. It was... A joke. Since players constantly had to buy new joycons, it likely made more seperately than the console.
  4. I wonder what made them more, the console or people needed to replace joycons? lmao
  5. Reverie is in a whole 'nother league with its horrible voice work.
  6. Dont ever play Reverie in EN, then. It sounds... Really horrible. Lol
  7. Hey, at least they have their descriptions correct. Could be like Trails into Reverie, just saying. lol
  8. This isn't a bad summary of most skills, honestly!
  9. Triple Triad rule manipulation SUCKS in the remaster version of the game. Why would they break or change the RNG? Its just annoying.
  10. This is very true. But swap was always in Fates, I think?
  11. I did say: For a reason. They pad the description with uneeded wording. Yeah you don't need the skill so complex that you need a degree i agree, but some complexity would be nice.
  12. Generally speaking only PRF skills and weapons get that bad. If they get long otherwise its to explain what it does, which they could easily sum it in way less words. You would commit them to memory, same as any skill. C Skill group has plenty of variety that isnt unrealistic. Along with A, tbh.
  13. Mainsteam FE needs to take skill inspiration from Heroes tbh. Their variety is nuts.
  14. Sky SC Orbal Shutdown is evil. The mark that hits twice and has deathblow is annoying as hell.
  15. What does this mean? I bought Reverie knowing full well the gameplay was trash. I dont feel as though I did this out of obligation to the series, either.
  16. I seen the CS arc through knowing the gameplay was utter trash. Does that count?
  17. I suppose? I would think that it would end up being too easy and thus not ending up enjoyable.
  18. Though it would need a rehaul balance-wise (the game already does lol)
  19. Yeah... Compared to CS, that's not even close to bad.
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