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Everything posted by Lightcosmo

  1. Yeah, because FE8 engine is superior. Why bother? Xd
  2. I really would like to know what the devs were thinking with these:
  3. Well, we realise eventually that vanilla runs no longer cut it, so good on you. XD
  4. Everyone is allowed to appreciate what they like in art.
  5. This isn't a good sign for the side of gameplay balance. XD
  6. There are many possible factors: they could have imagined that her skillset was overpowered and made her worse for it as well.
  7. That's what you were going to walk into playing that 776 mod, but i saved you! XD
  8. I'm sorry. What? Way to copy/paste Heavenly Gift's description into True Radiant Wings description. The people that did that job, did they know what they were doing at all? XD
  9. Nightmare mode tutorial boss incoming. lmao
  10. Literally most people when in an argument. XD
  11. And that mod wasn't created by the JP fanbase? Impossible. XD
  12. I believe if posted something about Trails having way too long endgame dungeons just a bit ago, did i not?
  13. Presentable game/10 For anyone curious or has played CS previously: no this is not what Cross Crusade does for an effect. Please, this quality is a joke. XD
  14. Here is something i don't understand when players argue "time" when losing a unit. Say Seth dies right off the bat in FE8 (somewhere around CH 8. Yes i know this is basically impossible but bear with me) Sure you may save some time that chapter by not resetting but what about the rest of the game? As far as time is concerned, the game goes by much quicker when he is around. So in the end wouldn't you want to reset for time in the long run regardless?
  15. I played it earlier this year, so when they added the ascended Mareeta portrait basically?
  16. Its starts out fun, but when you hit like ch 13 or so it starts to get... Annoying. Of course that may have changed since i last poayed it, so who knows?
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