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Vampire Elf

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Posts posted by Vampire Elf

  1. It's more about fairness than ambition to win If even one of you guys is in the contest, it's like letting Superman play in the Super Bowl. Every team in America could play against him and he'd win every time.

    Plus I've pretty much lost interest in splicing competitions. So I wouldn't be entering either way. A spriting contest between the best, with harder rules and 1 less sprite to use for materials, would pose a curious challenge with interesting results.

    Nayr, I'm a person, not a superhero, I've lost spriting competitions before too!

    It's not like everything I make is perfectly flawless, especially not on my first run through with a sprite, which is about as far as I go with splices.

    It's unfair to say someone is too good(or too bad for that matter) to enter a splice contest.

    Week after week people join these things and you seem to be the only one discouraged or upset about the fact, you've said yourself you've lost interest in this, so why bother QQ'ing about it in here?

    All you're doing is frustrating the experienced spriters and undermining the new or less experienced spriters.

    You need a bit of a reality check mate, and should take a serious look at your manners when you've got some spare time.

  2. Vamp, Anon, Amelia, Char, etc.

    Having you guys in the comps tends to kill chances for lesser spriters. :p

    Many spriters who are decent, good, or even great today started off in these competitions, so it's not about winning but just challenging yourself and improving your own skills.

    Yeah, the thing is Nayr, more often than not people don't go in to win this stuff, they go in for the fun of it? The challenge etc- Not everyone shares your mentality.

    I think that most spriters who like the normal slice comp would be interested in the 'different' comp, and to make a blanket statement: I'd say the 'less experienced spriters would be be even more interested than the 'more experienced spriters', as a lot of the time it's newer and fresher rather than 'stale' and something been done for years and years.

  3. I'm really liking the new gauntlet. I personally think the navy colored shirt would pop more than the black-ish color, just to add a little more color to her facesprite.


    Swapped her darkest skin tone to her darkest hair tone and lightened it a little so it wasn't so start against the skin, implemented the navy shirt and the bright blue eyes! Thoughts?

  4. Wolf, made him for a splice contest awhile back and have revisited him.(The pieces used in the contest were Lloyd, Karel, and Eliwood.)


    cnc plz


    Expression: Ok First and foremost his face has virtually no expression, it looks like he could be sad? but isn't? I'm not sure, take a look at red box for some facial expressions, snarky, pompous and mildly cheerful from left to right, just work on the brows and mouth for this as well as the shape of the eyes. I'd pick an expression, and work on that, whatever it may be?

    Collar: the collar shading's really lackluster, to me that sort of collar looks like the trim would be either chunky and defined line hector(orange box) or flatter and part of the cloth like Celeste(orange box).

    Chest hair: As has already been said, the chest hair doesn't really look like hair, try defining the shape a little more? (Yellow box has some chest hair pics) I'd not go with fe7 fargus as his kinda looks like dirty worms? try for a crisp approach with aa where absolutely necessary.

    Cloak/scarf: Try to define it a little, it's really just melded into a blob, give the cloth some purpose with some defined lines and remember cloth bunches and folds, particularly when it's raises as high as his scarf thing is, it would need some obvious folds to portray this.

    Hair: Lets start with the outline, as you can see when you drop the shading out of his hair, the silhouette and shape of it really reveal how misshapen it is, it sort of lacks any flow or structural form. his forehead seems to go on forever and his head ends almost flatly after that. Try working on the bangs and the actual outline of the hair to remedy this, look at how Eliza's silhouetted hair curves back down on the far side, maybe try something like this? That purple hair spliced thing(Marissa) I made also shows how sharp defined tips can give FE hair a really nice clean silhouette.

    Hair shading: Try to steer clear of segmenting chunks of hair into blobs of 'plasticine' the far side has quite a few of them, try to keep an open path where you can trace the lightest hair shade, only things like parts in the hair or really defined curls and styling should segment this. Add some personality to the hair shading, don't let his hair just sit lifeless like a mop.

    Nose: the far side of his nose (at the bottom) near the tip seems really darkly shaded, it sort of breaks the flow of an otherwise decent nose shape.

    Anyway, that should give you somewhere to start :)


    • No mass Customing, you may custom a bit to make your mug look good/making it work, such as working on shading a bit, but try not to go overboard.
    • You can use any color palette, you aren't chained to FE colors, go ahead and recolor to your hearts content.
    • You have to use at least 1 piece of each mug, that shouldn't be too hard.
    • You may use only the set given, no other mugs.
    • 16 color limit, don't go crazy with your colors. >_> 15 on your mug +1 for background. This might be a bit of trouble for some, so I'll be a bit lenient with this rule. I just don't want to see mugs with like 50 colors with rainbows.
    • The winner will be determined by voting, if there is a tie, the poll will be edited to include only the ties, and revoted upon.
    • FOR VOTING, YOU MAY NOT!!! VOTE FOR YOURSELF, it is dishonorable to yourself.
    • Hosts may enter contests
    • Only 1 mug per member
    • Winner of the contest will choose the next set, but seriously, don't be a jerk and choose a set with all different body sizes/things that won't fit, choose things that would be an interesting set

    DEADLINE: June 1st.


  6. top left is my fave

    The design of the gauntlet is a little odd to me though. It doesn't look like she'd be able to move her wrist properly without getting the back of her hand impaled.

    Hmm, I might round it, if it doesn't work, i dont think it'll be too terrible if it stays.

  7. x4RS.png

    Ok the top two are the fixes, I've got two neck variations, lighter and darker, I dno what I prefer.

    The two below are just alternative colour schemes to give the undershirt some colour.

    (Bottom left) Uses a dark navy for the shirt and eyes

    (Bottom right) uses a navy for the shirt but keeps the blue in the eyes and drops the yellow trim.

    (Top 2) use a hair tone; dark grey for the shirt and keeps the bright blue for the eyes.

  8. Nofuckyouvamp lol

    Wait, where the fuck was aeo, yoshi, and/or mew in this comp? SLACKERS!

    Hey vamp can I use that for Medallion of Hope? That'd be great for one of the Intel/Sidden gods.

    It doesn't fit in a hack box, and I'm not really fully happy with it, I don't really want crappy stuff in hacks or w/e, sry.

  9. The shoulderpads look better now.

    I think the neck is a bit to thin, maybe a couple pixels wider would look better. Also IMO it's too much shade (still talking af the neck), she has short hair so light should be able to reach her neck.

    Yeah, I'm thinking I'll widen it a pixel or 2 and lighten the shading!

    I think I need to shorten her neck too.


    My current wip/idea for the splicing comp actually isn't so different from this. Must find a way to make it different now :/

    Looks really good though. The hair that goes down the back is rather...smooth. Like it doesn't really look like hair.

    Yeah, that's Ismaire's hair (unedited iirc), I probably wont edit the splice further, but down the track I might use the helm as a base for a hack size Elysium, I really want to re-do her(kinda like I did with my ishtar splice, but more heavy duty)

  10. New sprite wooo~


    But enough of the backstory no one cares about. Please feel free to tear this sprite a new one, because I've never worked on leather pauldrons and I'm a little worried that her hair looks more chunky than badly cut.


    Ok so her shoulders are also really really wide, Celeste(far left) has really broad shoulders(and although her perspective's slightly shifted, she seems more bulky than Kon), So I'd try to narrow the shoulders a bit. Try lightening the shading on the collarbone also, and maybe define it underneath a little or in the neck chords?

    The head's a bit small, so maybe try increasing it a little, the pink haired Marissa splice and the Karla head might be better indications of size, although they sit on the larger size of the head size scale so maybe go somewhere inbetween. Her forehead seems really marge atm, but if you make the rest of the head bigger, it might alleviate this.

    The hair shading could also use a little work. Try adding some depth in the hair flicks and have it tiered a little, kinda like this: http://puu.sh/wqr4

    The yellow and green coloured pads are an indication of the 2 directions you could probably take with it, either follow the line of the top pad, or clip it off like on Wills shoulder(below) and Eliza's(further below). I won't overwhelm you just yet with some hints on leather shading and theyre more minor, but I might go through that once the proportions are a little better.

  11. So amidst working on eliza fixes I started a splice contest entry, inspiration was Elysium from SC5.

    Any cnc would be nice, I'm hating the hair and body atm but I can't see much in the way of fixing them without overhauling it and it no longer being splicey.


    Wtf I did :/ I don't even...


    So I accidentally jpeg'd my inital working file, but thanks to the magic of photoshop I was able to set it to 9 colours and retrieve my shit :D and then drop all the shading I'd lost from the splices back in :/ *beats starting it from scratch though*

  12. Thanks For the cnc so far!

    I'll get a crack onto it when I get home :)

    @Nayr: ATM her undershirt isn't shaded, when I get to it I'll be using her hair tones.

    @Anyone who cares: I pretty much only use Skype now, feel free to add me justin.ilijevski just put your username in the add so I know who imtalking to ;)

    Which shoulderpad type should I got for? Simple or tiered, I feel tey should be the same, she's a lord, but she's also t1, so I dno

  13. *Really should sprite more often and consistantly*

    Fe7x Eliza


    Far arm's too dark? And maybe shoulderpad's should match? I dno

    This is like, first draft. (Yeti's battle sprite, I couldn't be bothered re-uploading with it removed as I'm at work, so yeah, that's not mine)

  14. I'd put the derpyness of the shading down to the way you dropped elfins hair to 3 colours, his shading isn't amazing to start with, but these squiggly line things at the moment look nothing like hair.

    I'd suggest fixing the shading on the hair and the ear, you're allowed to fix shading and stuff, take a look at some past comps to get an idea of the level you can edit stuff to.

  15. Ok There are a few things I can see at first glance that could be easily fixed on the Elliot mug.

    Her head's about 2 pixels too tall for a pose like that, it ends up looking quite large, I compared it to a few other profile mugs(Ismaire, My Vaida and Skirmir) and I also think her face is a bit too wide.

    Try making it a bit smaller and possibly extending the body a few pixels to help 'reconstitute' her overall size.

    The far side bangs could be raised to a similar height to the hair on the near side, possibly fixing it a bit to curve smoothly with a small dip at the hairs part rather than a vaguely squared off top.

    I think her near eye sits a bit high on her head, dropping it a pixel may help with that. Her chin also seems quite square.

    I really like how you've shaded the hair the only thing I can pick on that is the near side hair above the shoulder seems to have the same continued perfectly diagonal lines, I find I sometimes fall into that habit as perfect straight and diagonal lines tend to look cleanest, but messing with that a little might end up giving you an overall more natural look in the hair shading.

  16. Yeh she was done when I was a bit out of practice and was more of a test mug into a few things I hadn't sprited before/in a while. At the moment I don't have much plans on fixing her but I'll keep it all in mind for down the track, I always seem to get back to sprites and stuff generally sticks in my head :D

  17. Ughhh I'm gonna sound like a total mum right now.

    @Nayr: Retaliating isn't going to help, try not to take stuff personally, even if it was meant that way. Assumptions don't help either.

    @Seph: Likewise.

    So why not just make a proper version of it without the hackbox restrictions, so that is looks good, and keep the older, non-hackbox one, so that it can be used?

    Useful suggestion is actually decent.

  18. d1b18f2d962f0944dd5782547e5fc8be.png

    So i'm trying to go through and finish off my unfinished stuff before I start anything new.


    Morrigan? (I think) From Dragon Age, Was told her feathers feathers were impossible or something, so I tried. I'm not happy with the horizontal one but the others I kinda like.

  19. Guys there's a way and there's a way... You're being more than just blunt, you're being bitchy... Blunt cnc that is to the point is helpful, being rude cows isn't.

    That said how about I go onto some cnc, the neck is very wide, too wide even, something I didn't see when I was fixing the sprite up, I also agree that the headband could affect the hair around it better, so don't flatly refuse any cnc k Nayr? The head size seems fine to me, correcting the neck would more than likely have the head fix itself, it's a pretty good face for that pose if i do say so myself and I don't really think it needs tampering with.

    Now, regarding the arm, when I was editing it and re-shading the cloak, I did the best I could in the hackbox restrictions to make his chest seem decently broad(cloak shading) and leave enough space for the arms. If his chest was any thinner the pose wouldnt work, if his arms were any more 'relaxed' he wouldn't fit in the hackbox.

    I've tried a few things just now where I've messed around with it to make the chest smaller to allow more shoulder room so that I could cnc it for Nayr, but they all end atrociously so if anyone has better suggestions on how to alleviate this issue in the hackbox, letting him know would be a good idea cause I'm sorry Nayr but I can't see how to fix this.

    I'll finish by saying that buckles are a bitch :(

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