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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. Here;s what I've made today. http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/Another-game-mock-up-26-656177084
  2. Extra update! I've made these today as well! http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/That-one-rock-monster-animated-655978870?ga_submit_new=10%253A1483806955
  3. Here's what I've made today. I hope you guys like it. http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/Another-game-mock-up-25-655933208
  4. Another update! This time I've finished that wall jumping animation so here it is. http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/Cliff-Jumping-655736919
  5. So I made...this...today. It's pretty shitty honestly but I was having such a hard time getting the feet to look right and I don't think I succeeded in the end. Here it is anyway...obviously still WIP...
  6. Could you point me to something that is the holy grail of story telling since I'd very much like to read something like that.
  7. Hi guys! You probably know me as that one person who gushes constantly about the tellius series...but recently that's starting to change ever since I've truly asked myself "why do I actually like these games so much?". At first I thought it was because they were more serious than the newer games (where things like crashing into Camilla's...assets...wasn't a thing) but then I thought about the fact that fates has loads of death and sadness in it. I thought it was the one note characters but then I thought about how I like characters like heather (mainly because the rogue class is my favorite) even when they are pretty one note. Basically, long story short, I'm wondering why I began thinking that the tellius series were some sort of holy grail that all future games should've aspired to become like. Now that I think about it, the fact that I paid so much money of it, combined with the fact that it seemed like everyone was praising that one game (as well as the Jugdral ones), could it be that others like me have possibly been influenced into thinking they were special when really they weren't any different from the newer ones? I'd like to hear what you all think about this. If you like or dislike path of radiance (and other highly praised games on serenes forest) could anyone explain why they like it/hate it/or a meh about it.
  8. I see. So in other words, because there's such a focus on the game play side of fire emblem (letting players marry whoever they want, reclassing into whatever classes they want, etc...) that makes the game play more non linear and so naturally it's harder to craft a better story for since there's too many options to account for. This is a massive shame imo since, when nintendo gave a damn about the stories, they were usually pretty good at them so it's a shame to them wasting their talents on literal sex appeal(like Camilla's design) and the whole "marry whoever you want" schtick. If you couldn't tell already I think sacrificing story to "enhance" the game play isn't something that appeals to me. I guess the real issue is that there's so many people who don't really care about having an enjoyable story and tone and, as a result of this, IS focuses on what the fans want...which is the game play and not the story. I know that isn't the case on serenes forest but I'd argue we're the minority in the grand scheme of things. The majority of consumers for fire emblem if I had to guess are probably the Etika crowd or maybe simply the silent majority. The only solution is the potential of garnering more fans of the more-story-orientated fire emblem games by re releasing those two tellius games and the Jugdral games...the first two of which are infamous for being hard to find. If they do that, things can only get better from there if they become a success. Despite all this, I still love fates quite a bit since it does have its moments...but I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't worried about where fire emblem is heading. I just want the series' tone and atmosphere from the older games to be preserved and no longer dampened by anything.
  9. Between all the different fire emblems in the series, I'd recommend these 3... 1. Path of radiance since it's superior to radiant dawn in a lot of areas and has the best story in the series imo (although RD has the best story tone in the series) 2. Sacred stones is my personal favorite of the gba games simply because it has the most classes as far as I know. 3. Fates conquest for when you've finished both of those two. If I had to rate all the FE games I've played it be something like this... 1. Path of radiance 2. Sacred stones 3. Fates conquest 4. Radiant dawn 5.Fire emblem 7 6 Fire emblem 6 7. Shadow dragon
  10. In terms of fire emblem's direction, I wouldn't say it's "screwed" but it could be much, much, MUCH better in terms of story, reducing fan service y designs that strip the games of any ability to be taken seriously in any way (you actually crash into Camilla's...coconuts in a cut scene! Who thought that was a good idea?!?) and the ability to grind using pay to win DLC all add up to make the newer fire emblems more disappointing than enjoyable. However, now that I've actually played fates, I like SOME of pretty much everything. Some of the designs are cool and others are blatant fan service. Some points in the story are cool and have that game of thrones vibe I desperately want in fire emblem and others are...well...Camilla...ugh...*pukes* Sorry I just thought of that one cut scene that focuses on Camilla's "assets"...oh god *pukes again* And the game play is good most of the time but the pressure the game puts on players is sadly lessened with all the pay to win DLC. Sure it's technically optional but then again so is playing the entire game! I guess we can't criticize any of fates since playing it is technically optional! A self imposed challenge is never as fun as one given to you in my experience with games. That being said, conquest at least has the game play down mostly. When I finally beat chapter 10 on hard mode (after failing to do so many times before) the sense of satisfaction felt immense. That was something the tellius series has yet to offer me. I don't know about lunatic mode but hard mode seems to have a great balance of difficulty...again at least I think so. I JUST want a fire emblem with the tone and story quality of path of radiance and some parts of radiant dawn. I want the tellius style to return dammit!! I'd give everything I own to get another game like 9 and 10 but sadly it seems IS is more interested in fan service and waifus than crafting an actual good story. Oh well, at least the game play is still alright (mostly). Of course, when I say shit like "an actual good story" I'm talking about my opinion. But it's obviously not just me who thinks this way since plenty of other people who've actually played the tellius series, even if they enjoyed fates overall (like I did) will admit the story, world building and all that was pretty disappointing in fates. So in conclusion, in my oh so humble opinion, fire emblem is not "screwed" but it's in a state where it's still great but could be massively improved.
  11. Update time! Here's an animation and a mock up that I made in gimp to celebrate the fact that I've somehow managed to get 50 watchers on deviant art. Here they are! http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/Crouched-turning-animations-655361950 http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/SECTOR-2-scenery-655362393
  12. I'm bad at a lot of things to do with making sprites since mine tend to be anatomically incorrect and somewhat cartoon y. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but the thing is that I eventually want to be able to make sprites in a more realistic style. I think what I'll do about that is just keep practicing. Anything more and making sprites will start to feel like work rather than a fun activity. Also I've updated the "fire stage" mock up that I've made...here it is again! Annnd here's a link to the DA version of it. There's no difference other than it being on DA though http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/Another-game-mock-up-24-655149386
  13. Hi! Welcome to serenes forest! Did you know I used to be just like you where I got into the series through awakening and I thought it was the best thing ever? I genuinely felt that it was one of my favorite games of all time and it helped me through some difficult moments in my life when I was dealing with a lot of stress. But man, if you loved awakening and fates you'll (probably) love the other games in the series! I know I do! If you're looking to play some of the older games in the series I'd HIGHLY recommend 9 and 10, as well as pretty much any title in the series. 9 and especially 10 do have a stigma for being difficult but in my experience they weren't too bad on easy mode for both. There's a few people on this site like me who praise those games almost non stop (though I can admit they're both flawed in some areas) and there's a good reason why...they're damn good games (imo don't kill me pls) and barely anyone has played them compared to the other entries in the series! Of course, in terms of more easily obtainable games (because 9 and 10 are very rare games) I'd recommend the GBA fire emblem games. They have their own charms and qualities (like the legendary battle animations) that even 9 and 10 can't match. I'd personally recommend 8 (Sacred stones) since it has the most classes as far as I know. It also has the Rogue class and the Rogue class kicks ass! Don't get me wrong, I still regard awakening and fates as really good games but I can't help but feel like you're me from a few years ago and I just want to encourage you to play the other games in the series because I think you'll like them.
  14. Thanks for the compliment! What would you like to see me make next? Also, if anyone's wondering why I linked that fire emblem animation and didn't post it here as a gif, it's because in order to see the guy's sword properly you can't have a pure white background.
  15. Hi guys! It's been a while hasn't it since I've updated this thread and normally this would count as necroposting and all that, however, I've spoken to eclipse and they have not only seemingly given me permission to update this thread but also showcase my other, non-fire emblem artwork (as long as it isn't NSFW that is) through linking my deviant art since my intentions aren't to get paid for this but rather showcase my art. Here's my DA account if you're curious about what I've been up to recently. http://dinar87.deviantart.com/ And here's another fire emblem animation that I've made. http://dinar87.deviantart.com/art/Wanderer-Class-ALL-ANIMATIONS-653827380 I'm not going to risk posting my game mock ups or anything non-fe here other than the link to my deviant art account since that's all I know of that's been allowed. I'd really appreciate people checking my work out if anyone has the time for it!
  16. Dinar87


    How long have you been practicing mugs for? Because these look amazing!
  17. Just in case anyone still cares I've beaten chapter 10 on hard mode. I used a combination of tonics, using Hiataka for rally defense, level 10 archer mozu (you can boss abuse on chapter 9), lots of camilla and getting lucky missing two lethal 60% hits from the enemy. I plan to eventually try the same tactics on lunatic! Wish me luck on the rest of conquest hard mode because I'll certainly need it!! In other news, my teacher has been helping me with game maker pro and we've FINALLY been able to implement slopes...sort of. I'm sure we'll be able to fix the rest of it but that, plus beating chapter 10 on hard mode, has really made my day for me!!
  18. That's funny because, while I am only playing on normal, 19 was easy peasy! Then again, it would've been more challenging if more enemies had that skill that deals bonus damage to beast wielding units.
  19. As for my play through I'm currently at chapter 18 on normal conquest and damn, the game has ramped up in difficulty. There's not a single non-promoted enemy unit to kill...and most of my characters are just barely below level 20. As you can imagine, fun times all around! Using Great knight Effie to murder everything seems like a good idea but then again I want my other units to level up. Hmm decisions...
  20. It's funny because, after over 30 resets, I STILL haven't beaten chapter 10 on hard mode. Yet the moment I switched to normal mode I beat it on my first try! Who'd of thought normal mode would've been THIS forgiving!?
  21. Oh god it gets worse than that? I have a feeling takumi becomes even more of a dick in conquest (more than that damn dragon vain in chapter 10) since I know he's SPOILER the final boss of conquest. Are the end chapters really that much more difficult?
  22. ...I have to say I really enjoyed it...at first. But oh GOD when I got to chapter 10 I hit a complete brick wall. Even after trying over 30 times and using walkthroughs I still couldn't beat it. Even worse was that I did everything the walkthroughs did but I just didn't get as lucky as them (enemy attacks hit me more and mine missed a lot). And considering I was using a shit ton of tonics and I don't like losing anyone or re classing anyone, this chapter was HELL. I had to change from hard to normal in order to even continue playing the game. Has anyone else had this kind of trouble with chapter 10? I dread to think what the chapter is like on lunatic. Anyways, surprisingly I really didn't care about things like the fan service when playing the game and I doubt I ever will. It's just such a small part of the game (so far) that I didn't really notice or care. The DLC for grinding sucks though and is far worse than exponential growth imo. Characters are likable enough and the graphics are pretty good (so is the music). I actually really enjoyed the story at first but again chapter bloody 10 frustrated me to the point where I stopped caring about the story at all. I haven't been able to be engaged in the story since. I was having fun playing through conquest on hard classic but I'm scared to go back to it after chapter 10 especially considering that's apparently not even the worst part of conquest difficulty wise! Has this happened to any of you guys?
  23. But could we see a re-release in the future? That's what I want...more people just to play those amazing games!
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