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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. So it seems that a lot of you are satisfied with the direction of the franchise because, as long as the game play is good, you won't mind a bit of fan service here and there. I also agree that fan service was handled better in older games as it was the exception not the norm. It'd be nice for IS to have a good story next time with the game play of conquest. I think that'd make a great FE game. As for fan service being vital to the modern success to modern fire emblem...I strongly disagree. I think that the advertising combined with casual mode (so it wasn't one or the other) combined with stellar review scores, made awakening and fates sell extremely well. I highly doubt that all the sexual fan service is absolutely crucial to the success of the modern games. However, I can understand not wanting elements like fan service removed as you'd be worried that fire emblem wouldn't sell as well and as a result could get axed like metroid. In response to this, I'd like to point out that again, I don't think the fan service played a massive part in the success of the modern games and that, as long as nintendo doesn't axe franchises if they don't make all the money possible, Fire emblem would've and could be fine without such elements. I think what I'm going to do is, while I'll continue to predict what I will/won't enjoy, I'll save my final opinion on fates until I actually have played it. I still talk about it though because I'm bored waiting for it and talking about it helps ease the wait. I have another question for you guys though...how could the game play of fates be improved for next time?
  2. ....well that sucks. I'll admit, while awakening and fates were pretty ok, I'm VERY worried about the future of fire emblem. I'm worried that, since characters like camilla are incredibly popular, that fire emblem 15 will be filled to the brim with sexual fan service and jiggle physics! If it ever reaches that point, I'm be extremely disappointed and won't be sure whether I want to remain a fan anymore. I advise IS to allow for multiple suits for each class so there can be skimpy versions (to appease the otakus) and "prudish" versions to appease, well, "prudes". I just don't want fire emblem to turn into hunniepop-strategy edition! If it does...I won't be able to continue being a fan anymore. The sad thing is, is that no matter how bad the stories and characters become, no matter how bad the fan service gets, as long as the game play is fun for most people IS will still be widely supported. It breaks my heart to see all these otaku-pleasing elements in a game series that was praised not only for its game play but also characters and stories.
  3. I see...so the way the children were handled wasn't all that great. Maybe part of the reason the stories don't seem that good imo is that they spread themselves too thin trying to make stories for 3 games at once! I'd LOVE a game that has fewer characters and supports but have each character get major development like Jill and Elincia in my favorite sub series of all time! While I think IS is too scared to anger waifu/husbando shippers who they think are the majority of people who buy their game, I highly doubt most people bought the modern games due to fan service and marrying characters. Gods, talking about fire emblem this way makes it sound like a dating sim XD Probably frustration t hat avoiding attacks isn't as common anymore leads people to exaggerate how bad it is....maybe? IDK why.
  4. No offense but your thread's poll was a bit all or nothing. I wanted to know in greater detail where people stand with the games and it seems most people are happy with the current direction, though they do dislike certain elements. Plus I wanted to vent a bit as well (which I guess I could've done on your thread). That's pretty cool! I actually didn't know that. It's looking like at least the game play of fire emblem is as good as ever which is fantastic. If only we could say the same about the story, characters and fan service!
  5. That's why it's such a shame that paper mario appears to of ditched having big epic stories in favor of goddamn, motherfecking punny toads! I thought the story in blazing sword was ok...nothing too special though I really liked hector. Logically, a 20% chance should still miss a hell of a lot so, combined with the fact that I've heard the numbers displayed in fates are the true, actual chances displayed, it makes me confused as to why characters hit so much. I still think it's sort of a shame that my favorite strategy of dodge tanking is gone and you'd of thought that the system fates uses would yield strategies like that! While all this player choice is nice, it does make it harder for IS to craft a better story as they have to take into account of more factors than they used to. Maybe that's why their stories apparently aren't as good anymore?
  6. I guess that's true. IS seems to be prioritizing player choice in their latest games.
  7. Anyways, she sounds interesting to use...though what's the point if you can just use the pre-promotes to break the game in two as I've heard? Of course, they might of been exaggerating but I can't tell.
  8. Why do 5% hit rates hit so often? Was it like this in previous games? Anyways, so basically she's a damage dealer but not a damage taker. She can finish off enemies in one blow but other than that she's not great at taking hits. Does she have any other uses besides finishing off mages in one shot?
  9. They sound really good! Point blank sounds like a great skill to have and apparently archers are amazing in fates so that makes them even better. I'm still a tiny bit disappointed that there's no dodge tanking since I always liked training up the weakest characters (which usually turned out to be thieves and healers) and watching them destroy everything in sight and dodge everything. If they don't have the best stats in the world anymore now that avoiding attacks is out of the question is it purely now about who has the best defense rather than being about both speed/luck and defense? Anyways, I hope the game play is good since I've heard great things about it. Based on what I've seen I'd love another game like fates especially on the switch! Also, is the story really that bad? I've heard bad things about conquest's story and, since I've accidentally already spoiled the game for myself (reading comments sections) maybe if you want to, you could tell me why it's so horrible?
  10. I like the look of most of the ones you mentioned. My favorites would probably be either oboro or saizo. I've heard Ryoma is absolutely broken though and snaps birthright into two! Another thing I'm wondering about is the future of fire emblem...what would you guys want to see from it? Sorry if this kind of question has been done before but I'd really like to know.
  11. Well that's good to hear. Though I've seen a bit of Hana x Silas support and I'm wondering why Silas let her off with her "my relationship cannot be described in words" when she was specifically asked to do so. Since they were competing at the time wouldn't it of made sense for Silas to laugh at her or something as she couldn't rise up to the challenge? On the other hand, he DID say it was the same for him with corrin so maybe that's why. But I don't know...it just seemed weird to me.
  12. Thanks for the detailed response btw! Yeah, it's annoying seeing a character you like design wise just end up annoying though it's far from the end of the world. Seems like more evidence that dodge tanking sadly isn't very prevalent in fates...hopefully fe15 fixes this as it'd save characters like Hana. It's good to see characters that have traits that don't consume their entire personality *glares at kellam from awakening* Yeah, Niles seems pretty funny with how crude he is. Will do. I just want to talk about fates online as it eases the wait for me actually getting the game in about 11 days.
  13. While I see your point, I'm not going to be able to actually play fates for over a week until I can finally get it (for reasons I don't feel comfortable explaining) so topics like this help ease the wait for it. Plus I like chatting online to people who are also interested in fire emblem.
  14. So oboro is good and niles is great against magic users. Which characters would you say are the best out of the ones you listed previously? I'm pretty sure that none of the characters are going to be perfect (as in life nothing is) but which do you think are the closest to perfection in your opinion?
  15. So is dodge tanking gone in fates? That's a bit disappointing if true as it was extremely fun to do in earlier games.
  16. Based on what I've heard and seen she seems kind of annoying though not entirely terrible. Will ultimately decide when I actually play fates (which is soon). What about Oboro? Apparently her support with Beruka is one of the best? Also, Niles looks pretty cool design wise...is he any good?
  17. No I didn't mean support wise at all. Sure supports are a part of it but I'd be happy with knowing how this character fares in battles too if possible. What characters do you like in fates?
  18. I guess you're right. Maybe I overreacted a bit.
  19. I was looking forward to getting to know characters in fates and one of them was Hana. Then I saw this support. TBH one "bad" (imo) support doesn't ruin a character but it's still a shame. I admit I overreacted when first making this post but I was just so disappointed that a character I liked design wise seemed annoying. So does it get any better or anything? I hope so.
  20. My first was awakening and, believe it or not, I used to be a HUGE awakening fanboy (to the point where I thought that anyone who hated awakening was a filthy elitist)...then I actually played the older games. So it's kind of funny that I've essentially become my pasts' own worst enemy like that. And yes, I'd love a remake of those games as well (though anything more would be a bit too much).
  21. Dinar87


    Congrats! I hope your children have a wonderful life!
  22. Would you accept the fan service if 100% of it was completely optional? For example, you could dress the avatar in really skimpy or really armored suits?
  23. Maybe then it was a mistake of mine to put awakening and fates into the same category since they seem to of taken a lot of risks with fates that make it more than just an awakening 2.0. I think I'll stick with my original plan and wait until I actually play it before I judge it fully. Would any of you be interested to hear what someone like me would think of playing them? Who knows? i might actually prefer them to the tellius series! I see...so correct me if I'm wrong but your main point is that if we constantly stay stuck in the past and don't evolve we'll never find anything better? I agree as without taking any risks you can't open up opportunities to experience new and potentially better things. While I do love the old games now that I think about it while a remake would be awesome, if they kept remaking it over and over again even they would get pretty boring quite quickly as nothing's perfect. So I'm glad IS is taking risks and trying new things rather than just making a complete rehash and still selling loads. It's good that they're still taking risks. I was just hoping that I could nudge them in a direction that I think would be beneficial to some people. In fact, here's some constructive criticism I think would help IS get more fans and support from existing fans! 1)Keep taking risks in all areas so that the series doesn't stagnate. But mainly take risks involving giving the players more options. 2)Make all fan service entirely optional with loads of cool outfits to choose from. It doesn't matter if they can marry, have sex, dress skimpy as long as you can have alternatives but still use the same characters. 3)Have an even wider variety of characters to appeal to as many different people as possible. From deep (imo of course) characters like Jill or Elincia who have character development that goes along with the main story, to more humorous characters like Odin or Arthur, to even older characters like Ike or Marth. All characters, even ones like Ike, would be able to support with each other and the main avatar. This would attempt to please everyone. 4)Bring back third tiers again as people seemed to like them. I acknowledge that IS doesn't need to do any of these but it'd be nice to see from them and I think a lot of people would be happy with these changes though I could be wrong. In conclusion, while I'd love to see remakes or whatever of my favorite sub series I wouldn't want that to overthrow the potential of any new games. If it can be done alongside whatever IS are cooking up then great! If not, oh well. I don't even want a full remake of those games...I just wish IS and Nintendo could allow more players to try them for themselves.
  24. So it seems a number of you dislike PoR's animations which I'll admit are far from my favorites in the series (that would be the GBA animations for how flashy they are). Even so, I actually prefer them to awakenings (and fates, if fates turns out to be like awakening in this area) because the frame rate is much better. Yes, they're very stiff and clunky but I still feel (especially FE 10) the sub series had some really cool looking animations despite their flaws. And yes, it would've been a life saver to be able to skip turns like you could in awakening with the press of a button! Another thing I want task you guys is what type of music does radiant dawn have? Seriously, THIS is better than all of awakening's ost combined in my opinion and I'd love to hear more of it beyond the game (as I've heard all of the game's tracks).
  25. I wasn't intending to annoy anyone though. I legitimately thought it would be ok just to express my opinions on the current direction of fire emblem and I wasn't aware so many people had done the same. I'll even list some positives right now that I like about fates. Firstly, I like the sheer amount of new classes in the game. That's going to be fun to play around with. Secondly, while I've complained about marriage and children in the past, I don't entirely hate it. Marrying different characters and getting all kinds of crazy child combinations is pretty fun I guess. Thirdly, the graphics, while I dislike the fan service and prefer some art styles over others, is still amazing. I could go on but I just don't want people to think that I'm some big bad modern fire emblem hater BUT it's true I have my gripes with the current direction. However, I also have my gripes with the oh so precious tellius series as well (such as characters like heather being one-note...maybe even more so than awakening). Basically what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry if I've annoyed anyone but I didn't know it'd be such a huge issue to vent like this. If I'd known people where going to get annoyed at another post complaining about fates I wouldn't of bothered. The fact is, is that I didn't know complaining about fates was so common. I thought I was in the minority.
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