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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. True. I guess this is one of the reasons they haven't officially localized mother 3 because of this. And believe me, I KNOW how terrible nintendo is with fan-related content (cough AM2R cough Pokemon Uranium COUUUUGH).
  2. Thank you for giving me hope again. As I keep saying and have said a million times now, all that's needed is a re-release so that the entry fee for playing those games isn't so ludicrously high! And add in the fact that not everyone wants to play an illegal version (since as far as I know emulators are illegal) of those games, it's clear why many people just haven't been able to play them. Also, I agree the 4 and 5 games deserve to be remade before any of the tellius games do. Though to be fair, couldn't nintendo just use the unofficial translations for fe6 and polish it up a bit?
  3. I understand that but that's why I said "I hope" because I acknowledge that there's still a slim chance of even a VC release ever happening. As you said, it didn't happen for fe6 so why would it happen for fe9 or 10? But I still hope it happens for both Roy's and Ike's games.
  4. Would you be willing to buy it if it was cheaper? It's fine to say no.
  5. Yeah because over £100 are "good prices"! That's what I had to pay to play PoR alone! So unless I'm missing something...I don't buy it that they're good prices at all. The entry fee to even play these games without an emulator is insane and nobody should have to do what I did just to play them. Who cares? Some people still want to play them again so why deny them this just because of the dev's own problems with them? Again who cares? Game play and story over graphics any day! And while yes it's true that Roy's game didn't get localized and still hasn't to this day, Roy and marth's inclusions in smash 2 brought the entire fire emblem franchise to the west. Ike's inclusion in smash 3 and 4 meant he was not only popular enough to have Priam in awakening but in fates you can actually play as him with a portrait and everything! No offense but I disagree with a lot of your points.
  6. Honestly even just a VC re-release would be enough for me. And, considering Ike's massive popularity (in japan of all places) due to smash, I hope IS takes it one step further and actually makes the games widely available to play.
  7. I tried new leaf and hated it. I guess it's just not for me. I'd be interested to know why so many people like it though,
  8. What about the likelihood of a simple VC release on the switch? Is that possible do you think?
  9. I'd be satisfied with them being VC releases. I just wish nintendo would make it easier for newcomers to play the older games. Maybe include casual mode and not make them super expensive to get.
  10. Another thing...do you guys think we'll get fire emblem on the switch or that 3ds successor that's coming "much later" according to nintendo. It'd be a nice throw back to the tellius series to have another home console FE title. https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/58n70h/nintendo_switch_is_a_successor_to_the_wii_u_not/
  11. I'd love to see what you're suggesting as, while I liked the tellius games, I can admit they were flawed.
  12. As most of you know I'm a die hard fanboy of the tellius series of fire emblem and I was wondering what you guys thought would be the future of fire emblem. While I don't know for sure, I personally think we'll never get any FE game quite like PoR or RD again. Do you think we'll get something like what I'm talking about again? Does it even matter that much in the grand scheme of things to you? Also, I'll not be judging anyone's tastes even though I'm a huge boot licker for those games. If anyone prefers modern fire emblem that's fine. I just don't.
  13. I agree that, game play wise, characters are more complex and diverse than ever. However, I disagree that they're good characters as I find most of them are extremely annoying and bland. I'd better stop here before I start whining about the "good old days of fire emblem" again.
  14. My main mistake (and has stayed as a bad habit of mine) is not using jaegans at all...even ones like titania or marcus.
  15. Basically make something like a tellius three and have it not suck. Predictable coming from me I know.
  16. fe9: Flesh out the characters more and make one note characters like Ilyana actually interesting. Also, remove the black knight and have ashnard be the main antagonist that kills Greil. fe10: Make the entire game about the dawn brigade fighting the corrupt begnion senators, eventually ashera and have the Crimean knights, apostles army and the greil mercs join in. This would prevent any characters from being nearly totally unusable if done correctly. And again, either develop or remove characters like heather entirely. fe13: Instead of having three separate arcs all tied together by the gem mcguffins why not focus on the one of those arcs instead? It'd give IS the ability to develop people like gangrel as more than one note villains and actually make them interesting for me. Also, remove the time travel aspect and just have the game take place over a longer period of time.
  17. I agree. Having those elements, unless properly handled and not integral to the story, could potentially ruin it for people like me. Honestly I'm completely desperate for something like a tellius 3 to the point that in the past I even wanted to make my own game to satisfy myself because modern fire emblem (from what I saw) couldn't and wouldn't in my opinion. Now that I've found out I don't have the talent to make something like that I feel terrible. I know logically that there's no hope in hell that we'll ever get something like those games again but emotionally I can't let go. It's pure torture.
  18. Maybe I just don't visit this place often enough then. The truth is, is that nintendo owes people like me nothing and even if I hate their recent decisions it don't mean I'm better than them or that they've actually done something wrong. The only thing I can do is state my opinions but I'll take more care as to not put people down in the future. Continuing on the topic of characters that I'd love to have more spotlight given to...how about Gangrel (I think that's how you spell it)? Apparently he went mad with power once he became king and it'd be cool if they expanded on that. I honestly wouldn't mind an awakening 2 if done right.
  19. Sorry, I'm just so used to "professional reviewers" giving out tens to the modern games like free candy whilst the games I like barley get any recognition. I apologize if I sounded condescending as I don't mean to put down other peoples' opinions. But you're right. They have the right to do so
  20. I personally believe that, through a combination of bad marketing and piss-poor timing (RD was released on the same day as galaxy 1), that's why they failed. I think if IS just looked past their previous sales and gave them another go they'd do ok. Of course, options like casual mode and proper supports for RD are a must!
  21. At least I'm not the only one who thinks this. Hopefully Ike's insane popularity sways IS to do something about all this. Like, I don't think modern fire emblem is objectively bad or anything...I just prefer the older ones. The only reason I even care about expressing my opinion is I could hopefully get more people to play those games...I got into them just by hearing people praise them online! As for other characters I wish to know more of...I guess Mustafa from awakening had the potential to be really interesting but it was over far too quickly.
  22. Well in terms of under developed characters I could put the entire cast of awakening and fates here...but seriously, in terms of characters I'd WANT to know more about (and not purely annoying characters like owain or severa) I'd say Ilyana or heather as they seemed pretty one note, sadly count as flawed characters (in a bad way) and stain the tellius series. I want the tellius series to be known for it's awesome characters (unlike modern fire emblem from what I've seen) and characters like them just convince people of the opposite..which is quite a shame imo as characters like Jill or Elincia are FAR better than any modern FE character imho. I have the belief that, if enough people speak up about wanting more tellius-styled content, that we could potentially get more tellius-styled content. Depressingly, most people are too busy praising the modern games to care about even playing the older ones (I no longer view it as depressing nor do I intend to shame those who like these games). And shame on nintendo for making it nearly impossible to play those games without an emulator!
  23. That's good that things are getting better. I just hope IS gets over their whole "give the players as many options as possible" schtick and starts making games like 9 again. If they weren't so concerned with letting players marry, have children and play as every character they'd have a lot more freedom to go wild and make fire emblem great again. We need to build a wall to keep out waifu-lovers damn it kappa!
  24. At the very least I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the tellius series from a story-standpoint. Do any of you know if the characters get better in fates as I've become disappointed with the characters in awakening as most of them seem pretty one-note compared to previous installments (I wonder which games I could be referring to/sarcasm)?
  25. Hi guys! It's been a VERY long time since I've been to serenes forest and I've recently played both tellius games again. As a result, I've been able to pinpoint exactly what made the previous games so great from a story-standpoint...character development. Bare in mind these are just my opinions as I'm not claiming they're objectively good or even better than modern fire emblem...these are just my opinions. WARNING! I HAVEN'T YET PLAYED FATES (though I've seen a lot of it) SO THIS REALLY ONLY APPLIES TO AWAKENING! Elincia-in path of radiance she eventually gains the courage to fight on the battlefield and lead her country. In RD she is a first a weak and naive ruler who can't keep order as she's too caring for her own citizens. She learns the hard way through Ludveck that sometimes you have to sacrifice your own citizens to benefit the overall population (spend lives in order to avoid a bloody civil war). She becomes stronger in this way as a character. Shiharam-not only do I believe he's the best Camus in the franchise but the fact that they show you what the villagers and his own soldiers think of him makes his battle a very emotional one (as he was a valuable asset and a good friend to many people). I found that Mustafa in awakening pales by comparison as we don't get nearly as much information about him. Overall, while Shiharam didn't really get any development, I still cared a lot about him and was legitimately saddened when I had to kill him in PoR. The fact that you can have his own daughter kill him is pretty gruesome and the fact that the game takes the time to flesh out his death makes it FAR more interesting than any Mustafa or Camus I've ever encountered Skrimir-what starts off as another hot-headed, arrogant commander turns out to actually get some interesting development. After he loses to general Zelgius he's forced to reconsider his attitude towards strength and his overall confidence in his ability. He essentially finally sees the strength in planning and intelligence rather than brute force only and I found this pretty interesting to watch him grow as a character like this. Jill-this character is probably my favorite in the entire series. She starts off as another glory-seeking soldier who wants nothing more than to bring fame to her family's name. After defending Ike from the laguz pirates out of her hatred for the laguz she sticks around for a while and, slowly but surely, overcomes her racism towards the laguz. She even becomes so loyal to Ike's cause that she can (if you make her) kill her own father because he was in the way. And the way she reacts was heart breaking seeing her cry like that. The fact that she can potentially even join her father's side only adds more depth to her as a character. Ultimately, THIS is why I prefer the older games' stories to the modern ones as they actually had meaningful character development. Sure the tellius series had fan service and one note characters as well but it certainly was no where near as bad as awakening. Characters like Owain or Inigo, while they have "depth" (mainly tragic excuses for their annoying behavior), aren't nearly as interesting to me as some of the older characters. Sadly, not many people still care about great characters or interesting stories in games as, as long as MUH GAMEPLAY is handled correctly, nobody gives a shit anymore. As for that competitor to fire emblem I was working on...it's canceled (for now). While I do want to play a fire emblem game with good stories again I don't have the skills necessary to make such a thing. Because, if fates doesn't have a good story and the future games don't have good stories or characters either... *stares at noose* It's time....
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