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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. That sounds interesting actually...could make for a sympathetic villain like count bleck in SPM. Maybe his friends and family were killed by the ruling church and now he wants revenge!
  2. Oh ok. So in order to improve it, have the enemies also use 3rd tiers as well so it feels like an even battle. Also improve map design and nerf fliers. Thanks for the advice!
  3. I have no idea why...they're such great games imo.
  4. What would you change about RD so it isn't at the bottom of the list? Damn people really hate radiant dawn lol.
  5. Put FE 6 at 4, FE 7 at 5, FE 8 at 6 and finally awakening at 7 and that's basically me.
  6. I'd mainly have moments like say, them defeating a group of bandits and sparing them all from death...only to find that they keep raiding and plundering from innocents. So the next time they meet, even though they plead for their lives, the protagonist and the gang slaughters them all without mercy. Essentially the lesson learned is don't just trust random strangers from the goodness of your heart otherwise it might bite you in the arse later on. But back to your original concern, my character would aim to be both flawed and relatable. However, I'm in dire need of suggestions currently so any advice would be appreciated.
  7. Well they'd learn to be more careful after being betrayed by former allies. They'd learn that everyone (including themselves) have the potential to be as evil and greedy as possible if certain conditions are met.
  8. Well I'd plan on having their character flaw being that they're sort of naive at first and this causes several "good guys" to eventually use them and betray them. Of course, that can be scrapped if that sounds annoying.
  9. I feel that Ike was a good character because of the following reasons... 1. He's no lord or noble but instead just a commoner-this makes him more relatable than your standard FE protagonist. We even get to see his way of life for a few chapters until war breaks out between Crimea and Daein. 2. He stays true to his ideals-this is represented with stuff like threatening Jill that he'd chuck her off the ship if her laguz prejudice continues. It shows he stays true to himself no matter what. Him speaking out against the racist crowd of peasants or the arrogant begnion nobles are also good examples in my eyes. 3. Game play wise he's an incredibly good unit with further emphasizes his strength and powerful nature. I'd basically like to replicate those qualities with my protagonist. Also, I'll definitely try not to make him seem cool just because...I want him to be cool because they'd be powerful and relatable. They'd also need to keep up their image for the sake of the soldiers' morale so they mustn't show any weakness when around them.
  10. I'd love my protagonist to essentially be an Ike 2.0. I want players to feel powerful when they're playing the game and I think having a powerful protagonist is a good way to achieve that. Of course, I could be horribly wrong and having someone like Ike would ruin the story... In short, I'd like the character to be strong, say what they think without regards to anyone else, start off as a commoner and ultimately be nothing short of a total bad-ass. I know this probably sounds very cringe worthy but I can't help but be honest with how I feel about this. Ultimately though, if possible, I'd let a professional writer handle the story instead of doing it myself...but it can't hurt to be prepared for the worst so I'm taking advice so I can do it myself if I need to. That's why I ask all these questions.
  11. Since I'd eventually like to write stories I'd be interested to know what you think makes a good character...
  12. Update! Edited the leg and shoes due to criticism. Hope it worked out!
  13. Update! As requested, I've moved the eye of the sprite by a pixel!
  14. In other words, in order to have a good story, have each faction have a mix of good and bad people in them.
  15. Is there an FE game with a good plot in your eyes? What would it take to have a good plot according to you?
  16. It seems like the main issues were the head and feat then (with some more minor issues elsewhere) and, as such, I will attempt to fix these issues by essentially stealing being inspired by the official sprites. I'll be using the sage sprite for reference. Wish me luck! EDIT1: I've remade the custom sprite using the sage's shoes as reference for the sprite's feet. I've also changed the coloring for the head so there's no white pixels anymore! I'd really like to know how you do the shoes of the characters...
  17. In other words, don't just have the differences between them be explained through text. Maybe have different themed locations, different types of enemies related to each country, etc...
  18. In other words...world building is simply fleshing out each location by giving loads of information about it...is that correct? I also liked how in chapter 11 of PoR we actually see beorc racism towards laguz...if it was awakening-styled we'd only be told that they're racist towards each other because that's how shitty the worldbuilding is in awakening and probably fates
  19. That's encouraging...but what exactly do you mean by "world building" though and how would one replicate the qualities of the world building of 4 and 5?
  20. Seeing as I have yet to play 4 and 5 I was just wondering how good their stories are when compared to the likes of PoR and RD...
  21. Update! I've made a 'powering up' animation for that custom class!
  22. These are pretty good! How did you successfully rotate the arrow without it becoming a jumbled mess of pixels? Because that's what happens when you rotate an object in gimp at any angle that isn't a multiple of 90. Also, do you have any shading advice?
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