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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. No I mean an all new game with gba like graphics and radiant dawn's soundtrack style on steam. Would the styles clash or would that be something you guys would want?
  2. I'm just wondering, since my game will have a mix of the GBA graphics and radiant dawn's music style, whether it will fit together nicely or whether the styles would clash. I really hope not! Also, if not, how CAN it work besides obviously having the graphics be fully 3d like in radiant dawn?
  3. UPDATE! I fixed some of the problems you mentioned...not sure what to do about things like "From the 3rd frame onwards, he turned into a lego mini figure, short and stubby, he also gets shorter as the frames go on" as I don't understand what I need to do to fix it.
  4. Update! I've edited the soldier's sprites a bit more...it's still incomplete though...
  5. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  6. In that sense the black knight was essentially unneeded.
  7. Hi there! I hope you have a great time at serenes forest!
  8. Like what? Since I'll eventually be making my own game in the future I'd like to know what to avoid doing....
  9. If so, what did you like about it? Any specific scenes? And if you hated it, how could it be improved? Are the GBA games as good at world building and character development as the tellius games, better or worse?
  10. Thank you for being interested in my work friend! I'll alter the head and the legs!
  11. Update! Working on a new class...the soldier reworked!
  12. While it's true that FE is far from dead...there are other reasons as to why I want to make this project happen... The reason I'd want to make a kick started game is because I want to make a spiritual successor to the Tellius series in particular since it's likely Nintendo will never make another one of them. It'd have things like... 1. Story, world building and character development very similar in style to the Tellius series 2. 3 tiered class system 3. Magic triangle returns 4. The over-the-top battle animations that the GBA series had 5. Plenty of varied mission objectives-escape, defend, survive, etc... being far more common. 6. Battle fatigue returns as an optional mode 7. NO GRINDING 8. An orchestral soundtrack very similar in style to Radiant dawn. Look, it's perfectly fine if you prefer the modern fire emblems to the older ones. However, for players such as myself I find the world building, character development and stories are VASTLY inferior to the older games. Even the game play isn't as good imo. All these things combine to make modern fire emblem feel incredibly underwhelming compared to the Tellius series and that is something I want to change...and if I have to make my own game to do it then I will. So what's the point of this post then? Really to answer the whole "but FE is still alive and strong! Why have another one?" by pointing out that players such as myself find the stories of the newer games to be lacking at best, the lack of third tiers is underwhelming and the ability to grind just breaks the game in two easily. I want a better fire emblem than what Nintendo's currently offering and I'll make it myself if I have to. I hope I didn't come off as aggressive or anything but I just wanted to make clear the purpose of the project. Not everyone is 100% satisfied with modern fire emblem is essentially the message I want to get across. I should also mention that I haven't played fates yet. However, I have heard and seen a lot of that game and I'm not that impressed...does it get better? Admittedly, this project might be canned before it even begins as if fates is good enough my faith in modern FEs will be restored. I'm just looking at this from a worst case scenario standpoint assuming that fates will disappoint me the same as awakening did...because god knows Nintendo has disappointed me a TON lately (cough paper mario cough).
  13. Is fates really that good? I wanted to make my own FE game because I was very un-satisfied with awakening...will fates conquest provide for veterans like me or should I stick to making my own game? Thanks for the advice! I'm honestly hoping that my friend (the developer) will eventually teach me how to do all this stuff...but for now I'm focusing on one aspect at a time. I'll work on perfecting my sprites until they're amazing and THEN I'll think about other areas. I'm worried that if I try and do too much at once it'll just be a mess that leads nowhere. Anyways, it seems that "Depends on the quality of the project shown" wins this little poll by a landslide for now! If I ever do end up making a fire emblem-like game I'll definitely take my time and make something great before I show it off.
  14. Honestly...I'm pretty horrible at programming and I've only just started making sprites (2 months ago even). HOWEVER, not only is this project planned for the VERY FAR future (so that gives me ages to get good at programming and making sprites) but, if for whatever reason I'm still not good at programming/sprite making/whatever I can simply use kickstarter to hire those who'd do it for me. That's the ultimate reason I'd eventually need something like kickstarter...to hire those who'd do a good job at making stories/sprites/music/whatever because I know I won't be able to do it all by myself. I know this isn't very encouraging but I thought it would be best to be 100% honest with you guys. What I plan to do is this... Step 1: Continue making sprites until enough people feel satisfied with them. Step 2: Make ROM hacks of the official FE games so I can get some experience with making a game Step 3: Make a few fan games of Fire Emblem Step 4: After much practice, finally start the project. Bare in mind this will likely take place over something like the next 5 years so don't get your hopes up yet (assuming you had any to begin with). I'm also in contact with someone who's a game developer and she's been extremely helpful to me...she's essentially my only hope. In conclusion, while I'm pretty much a novice atm, with enough time and practice, I'll hopefully become something decent at least.
  15. While they do look pretty good, they wouldn't exactly offer what I'd be offering (I think). Maybe this won't work, but I plan to make a game that plays like fire emblem (already been done) that has gba like graphics (already been done), with radiant dawn's music style and more game play options (third tiers, magic triangle, etc...). I'm not sure whether the last two have been done before in a "spiritual successor" to fire emblem....guess I'll have to play the games to find out! Of course I'm not (intentionally) trying to pressure you into helping me...I just thought I should reveal more about the game to see whether all the elements have already been done before.
  16. Fair enough. I guess I can see your reasoning. Also, I probably should've just called it a fire emblem like game instead of a spiritual successor seeing as the official series is still going strong... I'm curious to know whether Vestaria Saga is releasing in the west or not...
  17. Can't really blame you..especially after that Mighty no.9 disaster...
  18. Just curious as to whether anyone would actually back something like this....
  19. How about this... Swords have the best accuracy Lances have the best critical hit rate Axes deal the most damage There, done. Now every weapon class feels unique. Make sure to have the weapon triangle advantages/disadvantages be 30% hit rate and power so it'd actually be something significant. Not too small that it becomes irrelevant and not too powerful that it's all or nothing.
  20. Update! Made some map sprites for the custom class I'm making. Obviously heavily inspired by the rogue map sprites.
  21. I'd say maybe have the weapon triangle be %based so even in the late game it still has an effect on things. I'd make +/-40%Hit and 20%Attack...but that's just me.
  22. So it seems tons of people hate fates revelations...what exactly was so bad about it?
  23. Fine. I'll wait until I've completed 4 and 5 before I'll ask for advice again.
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