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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. Update! I've been making some more progress with those battle sprites. But there's something I'd really like to talk about if anyone's actually listening...is the 'sprite' thread dead? Barely anyone updates anymore except me and the VAST majority, if they actually do go here, don't leave a comment on my thread or anything like that. Basically I just wondering if I've done something wrong and scared off people or if it's just the fact that the thread is a ghost town that causing a lack of feedback. Anyways, here are the sprites....
  2. In that case I'll try making another dark druid sprite! EDIT:Here it is! The color scheme reminds me of kyogre... Also, in terms of not being able to do this, all it takes is practice...a lot of practice. As you can see in my previous post I started off as terrible at making sprites yet here I am today making sprites people enjoy in one way or another (probably laughing at how bad they are). While it admittedly did take me months to get this "good" at it (and I'd still argue I have a long way to go) it's still achievable if you can practice enough. So why not give sprite making a try? All you need is GIMP (which is a free version of Photoshop).
  3. Update! Added about another 1/2 of a row of sprites!
  4. BEHOLD! A collection of some of my first and most recent sprites from gimp. Shows you how far I've come since I've been practicing doesn't it? As you can probably tell, the ones at the bottom are more recent than the ones at the top.
  5. I'm satisfied if I'm improving as that means at least I'll eventually get where I want to be...so thanks mate. In terms of shading, I'm currently not to bothered about light sources and go for the simple 'make the parts that are closer to the screen brighter than the parts that aren't' technique. I just do what comes naturally to me as I hope that, by doing things this way without setting myself any goals or expectations, I'll be able to very easily make fantastic sprites once I actually do get better as I'll be able to do it without even trying.
  6. So in other words...an even more carefree Uther from FE7x?
  7. Is that Siegbert from fates? I'm afraid I cannot give much criticism as I'm no good at making mugs myself.
  8. I think it'd be interesting to have a bunch of chapters for both countries and then have them fight RD-style.
  9. My idea for a protagonist is this... Have the protagonist start off as a peasant in a village who helps out with things like defending said village from bandit attacks and stuff. Until one day a band of soldiers decide to ravage the village in order to pleasure themselves (possible rape?). The protagonist stands up to them and defeats them, barely, with the help of a few friends of theirs. Unfortunately, this makes them criminals in the eyes of the empire and they soon find themselves running from location to location, gathering up more and more bitter and resentful citizens who've been wronged in some way by the army. In addition to all of this, there'd be chapters where you play as the sibling of the protagonist who's joined the army (in order to feed their family) and the sibling's eventually fight each other where lots of people die. It would be an unwinnable battle for both sides. Then, after much kerfuffles they'd join up and defeat the big bad (and a few Camus's along the way). Don't know how to end it tho. The protagonist would only be exceptionally skilled in battle. In terms of looks, intellect and popularity, they either are a mixed bag or, in the case of strategy, have someone else fulfill that role (like Soren). Both sides would have a mix of decent folk who just want the country to have a better ruler/be ruled properly...and opportunists who seek to only benefit themselves. Because of this, the reputations of both armies is lacking at best. The protagonist would wield knifes or other Hidden Weapons. They'd specialize in Speed and Skill but would be lacking in Defense and Resistance. They also start off as somewhat classist but, after a few more honorable higher ups would join, learn to control their behavior for the benefit of their army. Unlike Corrin, not every in their army would necessarily like them. Some just see joining their side as the most beneficial path to take rather than looking up to the protagonist or anything. These are very rough ideas of mine so feel free to give feedback if you want. I'd like to know how to improve my ideas.
  10. So basically... 1. Have the lord start off as a non-noble and work their way up. 2. Have them make SOME mistakes and have there be significant consequences for them. 3. Don't have them be an idiot. 4. Have the lord be a very different class from most sword wielding lords. Maybe purely magic or knife wielding? 5. Have them start off with some flaws and grow out of them as the story progresses
  11. I'd like a lord who starts of as an actual peasant rather than the head of some mercenary group or something like that. A character that grows out of his/her flaws and is good in battle.
  12. Update! Making progress on that sprite sheet of mine...even if it's progressing rather slowly,,,
  13. I'd love to see a lord who starts off a morally questionable but improves as the game progresses...kinda like Jill from PoR. I'm bored of FE lords that are 100% morally perfect or don't have any significant flaws. It's why I like Ike in PoR but not so much in RD as he has some flaws in the first game but seems like a gary stu in the second.
  14. What would you want their personality to be like? What about how good they are in battle? What about their relations to other characters?
  15. Update! After watching this video of some guy's kickstarter I had a strange idea to make the guy's personal OC for for fun. Prepare yourselves! Marina dark-blade, the black rose....the edgiest of all Mary sues! Anyways, enough joking around, here's my interpretation of his OC...and no-the guy in the video isn't me. EDIT: Shit I spelt her name wrong as it's actually 'Manara' rather than 'Marina'....oh well!
  16. Update! Here's what I'm currently working on...I plan to finish the whole sheet by filling the rest of the space with custom battle sprites of my own. Of course, it's all WIP as not all of the space is filled out. Also, some of these sprites are pretty old and I'll probably just make new ones instead of going back to fix my old ones.
  17. The only problem with that friend is that, if we don't complain, several things are never achieved... 1. Game companies could POTENTIALLY (admittedly a very small chance) see the complaints and decide to fix some of the issues consumers had. Or they could be like EA and ignore every consumer of theirs. 2. Finding people who have similar tastes to you and bonding with them. Often discussing things and sharing opinions potentially leads to finding like-minded individuals who share similar views to your own. They could potentially become friends. This goes for both positive and negative opinions on products. People like me are just interested to see if there's anyone like-minded to themselves. I'm sure it must be extremely annoying if you like something that nobody else likes. But by complaining in the right places at the right time, you essentially having nothing to lose and everything to gain. Same with praising a game really. I really love sonic adventure 2 battle but the majority of people these days hate it. However, I wouldn't go on a rampage just because they don't like a game I love (though if they act elitist about it like Egoraptor then maybe I would get somewhat irritated). I really like awakening's art style (except for the occasional fan service) and, while many animations are re-used, I think fates has the best 3D battle animations in the series.
  19. Exactly. As long as no one's acting like an elitist while criticizing those games or as long as they're open to people liking something they personally dislike...then what's the problem?
  20. Am I the only one who gets sick of people using the "But I personally enjoyed it" excuse to silence or complain about any negativity about their precious games? I'm just sick and tired of it. Just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean it's acceptable in any way. So by your logic, as long as something is optional (like broken dlc than breaks the game or has tons of glitches), it's perfectly fine!? Just because you like the game doesn't give you the rights to silence any negativity about those games. Individuals have a thing called freedom of expression that they're fully entitled to no matter who much it differs from your personal views. So Conquest having shit for plot doesn't bother you in any way then? Again, just because something's optional doesn't mean it can't be criticized. Essentially, this whole post is nothing but "I enjoyed these games so stop complaining guys" which isn't how the world works buddy. Imagine if I made a shitty game and every time people called me out for doing so I'd scream "IT'S FECKING OPTIONAL CUZ U DONT 'AV 2 BOY IT!!1!"? It just doesn't work like that. In other words, if they're open to disagreements of opinions and don't act all elitist, what's the problem with people complaining about something you might like more than them?
  21. When you put it that way I guess the main problem isn't that the minor characters are 'bad' but that the 'good' characters aren't very good at all. Personally I found Jill's development (which was done mainly through base convos mind you) from being a racist, honour-chasing soldier to a respectable knight is FAR better than any character in awakening. While it's sadly true that the likes of Gatrie are basically identical to Inigo personality-wise, I feel that, when the Tellius series did good characters, it did them VERY well as opposed to awakening. I also find villains like shiharam to be FAR more interesting than any gangrel, walhart, validar, etc... Aversa had some development but too little too late. Mustafa was good but ultimately feels like an inferior version of Shiharam or Camus. But yes, the Tellius series unfortunately has many filler characters like Heather whose personality is literally "I'm a lesbian guys". I'll settle for agreeing to disagree though because I'm not looking for a heated debate or anything.
  22. I can't bloody stand the "b-b-but it saved teh series" argument that fanboys use to excuse poor quality. No one has to be grateful for anything! Let people criticize what they want without passive-aggressively reminding them of that fact. If I hear that argument being used ONE MORE TIME!!! *aims loaded shotgun at head* I'LL COMMIT SUDOKU!!
  23. 1) Where's his proof that "a big number of fans DESPISE these games"? Maybe they don't think they're 100% perfect but I've personally not seen a single person (besides the Gamefaqs troll known as Endgame) say even "these are terrible games". 2) It's good that he states it's only his opinion. Unlike certain other "reviewers" COUGH Egoraptor COUUUUUGGGGHHH. 3) I agree that phoenix mode isn't really much of an issue as it's entirely optional. 4) I agree that fan service ruins the serious tone they're trying to go for in fates AND awakening. 5) COMPLETELY disagree that "the characters are good". While some may have back stories or whatever, many of them feel like massively walking tropes. Odin is just a catch phrase man (so is Arthur plus bad luck). Pierre is just bloodthirsty. Oboro is fashion gurl+nohrian h8t0r with a bit of back story. Severa is a tsundere (I think that's how you spell it). Inigo is a womanizer. Etc, etc, etc... 6) I agree that the villains of newer FE games are dogshit. 7)Doesn't go into detail about the apparent flaws of previous games. 8)Change isn't always a bad thing...though it isn't always a good thing either 9)Overall, I agree that the series isn't "ruined" because of these games they could be much, much, MUCH better. I highly doubt will ever see anything as great as the Tellius series again and that depresses me immensely.
  24. I wonder if he'll make fun of the Tellius series or if he'll praise them...maybe a mix of both? I personally (as you can tell from my avatar) LOVE those games! While I haven't played fates, I'll probably enjoy it less than the Tellius series as, since I like good stories in my games, something that is infamous for it's shitty storytelling probably won't entertain me that much.
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