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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. "What's the point of that poll anyway? I mean, I may love Conquest for example, he may be gameplay-wise the closest to what a real FE experience could be, I'm not entirely 100% satisfied either. And not because it has some flaws, but because nothing can be perfect" I don't understand your problem. I thought that the question was obvious and the point was the see how many people genuinely thought that fates and stuff are 100% perfect. While not everything in life is perfect I'd argue that you can still be near perfect which is more than enough to say you're "100% satisfied with fates". I mean, I could've put 99.9% instead but I just don't see the point really. While sure nothing's prefect that statement could also be used to defend and deflect criticisms of anything by pointing out "hey nothings perfect" which uses the logic of "well everyone else is doing it". I think that, instead of just accepting that "nothing's prefect" we try to push ourselves to our limits and I feel that the fates team could be doing more or doing things differently that's please more people. "and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them)" I thought I acknowledged this when I talked about how some of the characters weren't that great in those games. And I have no idea what "(because, obviously you love them)" is supposed to imply in relation to the rest of the sentence. "And staying on pre/misconceptions and Nostalgia is... silly, and sad IMHO. Because if you already think you won't like something, you won't like it because you'll just see his flaws and be blind to his good aspects." Why exactly is it sad then? What objectively makes wanting things to be like the past inherently bad? Not all change is good you know. I didn't say all this because I wanted to give my definitive opinion on fates and modern fire emblem...I said this because I wanted to express my current opinions based on what I'd seen so far. I even mention several times how my opinion is likely to change when I play fates. And that whole "with the wrong mindset you can't enjoy anything" I've found doesn't apply to me. I heard terrible things about Mario Kart 8's battle mode and I went into it thinking it was going to suck. Yet actually I really enjoyed it! I'm hoping the same will happen with fates. "I just think it's funny to criticize Fates' characters and consider Tellius characters better and well developed when most of them did not have a single support conversation or any character development in Radiant Dawn." I already said that, despite the tellius series having a lot of bad characters, that because the good ones were so good, that I preferred those good ones to any character I've seen in the more modern games. I didn't say that the entire cast was objectively better than the modern casts because that's not true imo. " Because Radiant Dawn focused more on primary characters (Soren, Ike, Micaiah, etc.) and completely forgot his secondary characters. Because it was easier due to their bigger role in the story and scripted Info conversations to give an impression of character development through the story" And I found that those developed characters were more interesting than any modern fire emblem character we've gotten since. Do you have a problem with that? And by developed characters I'm mainly talking about PoR which actually had those supports in the game. In conclusion, I'm not trying to start a fight but I'm curious as to why you said things like "and Tellius games weren't perfect either (because, obviously you love them)". EDIT: I apologize if I sounded defensive in this post as I didn't be as careful with my words as I did last time. In short I let my emotions get to me.
  2. Hello again. Instead of making yet again another poll asking your guys' opinions on various things related to fire emblem I thought I'd give you my opinions on the series. Now before we begin I just want to say that these are my opinions and I'm not claiming my tastes are objectively better than anyone else's or even right at all. Also, while I've seen a lot of fates, I haven't actually played it yet (though I'm going to very soon) so I might not be aware of everything in the game. I have played over 300 hours of awakening though. With all that said let's begin... This isn't a massive issue but I dislike a lot of the designs for the characters this time as they've made to be fan service-y rather than cool or intimidating which is how I liked them (so things like having generals arses being exposed annoys me somewhat as it's wasted potential imo). As far as I know you can't cover up characters in any way but you can change their clothes and strip them to their underwear. Other small things like corrin's thighs being exposed while the male version is almost completely covered except for his head and feat annoy me as well. OK, maybe I'm just being too "prudish" but it'd be nice at least to have the option to have non-skimpy armor designs for the characters of both genders. Again, this is nothing game breaking and I'm not even sure why it bothers me in the first place. It just does and it'd be kind of cool to at least have the option to choose my character's outfits for battles. Who knows? Maybe this could be expanded to include lots of really cool designs for classes that would've otherwise gone unused? Another thing to do with options is grinding. In conquest, correct me if I'm wrong, there's some forms of grinding disabled. This is to simulate the experiences of older fire emblem games where you couldn't grind at all...yet they also let you play the pay-to-win DLC that can negate pretty much any challenge the game throws at you...provided you grind long enough. This begs the question of why they even prevented some forms of grinding in the first place if they still let you do it in the end. What I think would've been better is to make the decision every new save file to allow access to the world map and DLC. This would allow those who want a more classic experience have their needs met without compromising others who want to experience the DLC on their chosen path. Again, this isn't a massive issue but it'd be cool to see. Another thing that bothers me is the characters. While it's impossible to state for sure whether I love/hate them as I haven't even played the game yet, I've seen a lot of supports and based on my experiences with the characters of awakening, I predict most of them will follow the "My personality is essentially a one-trick-pony with a tragic backstory thrown it to justify it all" since this was how it was for characters like Kellam or Gaius in awakening. Sorry, but it doesn't matter if you had a terrible past or whatever. Annoying as hell is annoying as hell and IT'Z TIEM 2 STAHP! While I highly doubt all the characters in fates will be annoying just like they weren't in awakening, just like in awakening, I highly doubt I'm going to see massive character development like with Jill or Elincia from the tellius series. This http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=67125 goes over what I liked about SOME (because only some of them where good) of the characters in the sub series. While the characters in those two games overall are far from perfect, the good ones stand out to me more than anyone in awakening ever did. I just hope I've proven wrong with fates. The only other thing I didn't like was the fact that they split the game up into multiple versions. While it's not so bad this time it's going to get annoying if they keep doing this over and over again. So yeah, kudos to anyone who read the entire thing! It needs to be said, I don't dislike the current direction...I just don't think it's 100% perfect in every way. But hey, I'll wait until I actually play fates until I make an absolute judgement on the series' direction. I was only intending to give my current impressions and personal tastes of it based on what I've seen. Hopefully fates impresses me and I turn out wrong!
  3. I'd of made the whole game about the dawn brigade overthrowing the powerful begnion senators and MAYBE ashera if they could think of a good reason to have her. The Greil Mercenaries and others could just join their cause and have one big army like in path of radiance. Essentially a path of radiance 2.0 is what I want just with new characters and levels.
  4. I'd be interested in seeing an FE game with an art style like that. It's mainly the fan service-y designs I wish would be replaced by cooler looking ones that I dislike about current FE's art style. As many cool looking designs would be better imo.
  5. Maybe a better word choice would be to just straight out say they prefer non-sexualized designs? Also, I probably should've said more realistic than just straight up realistic for tellius as "more realistic" could've include tellius as well as the ds games.
  6. What about the different styles of art instead of just different levels of realism?
  7. Hello again! This time I'd be interested to know what you guys want in regards to the art style of the fire emblem games. I think one of the big reasons I like the tellius series is due to the more realistic art style used as, seeing as I want fire emblem to focus on the realistic sides of war rather than somewhat-fantasy as it's currently doing. I would actually love to see a fire emblem game that takes place in our own medieval ages and could even be based on real people! That would be preferable to me than another game that has a lot of fantasy elements again like huge dragons and slime monsters! I should mention that I mean no disrespect to the current artist and I think his work is ok...I just prefer Senri Kita's work by a long shot as it fulfills my desire to have fire emblem more grounded in realism than fantasy. Again, I think it'd be cool to have a fire emblem based on real wars and people who lived in that era...imo that'd be pretty awesome!
  8. Hello again! This time I'd be interested to know what you guys want in regards to the art style of the fire emblem games. I think one of the big reasons I like the tellius series is due to the more realistic art style used as, seeing as I want fire emblem to focus on the realistic sides of war rather than somewhat-fantasy as it's currently doing. I would actually love to see a fire emblem game that takes place in our own medieval ages and could even be based on real people! That would be preferable to me than another game that has a lot of fantasy elements again like huge dragons and slime monsters! I should mention that I mean no disrespect to the current artist and I think his work is ok...I just prefer Senri Kita's work by a long shot as it fulfills my desire to have fire emblem more grounded in realism than fantasy. Again, I think it'd be cool to have a fire emblem based on real wars and people who lived in that era...imo that'd be pretty awesome!
  9. I'm curious...what kind of content was scrapped from radiant dawn?
  10. Yeah, RD really should've expanded part 1 and made it the whole game imo. Maybe somehow tie in the greil mercs and others in a way that makes sense?
  11. That's kind of how I feel about them as well based on what I've seen of them. It's still ok but as you said, I feel some things crossed the line a bit. Tbh I'd just love a totally serious game again that doesn't have things like having knights' arses exposed y'know? Sure SOME of it's optional but little things, like corrin's thighs being exposed if female while being covered if male, bug me a tiny bit. Not that it's objectively bad, I just don't like it.
  12. OK so it seems not many of you think the tellius series will ever get more than fan service in the future...what about, how much do you want the tellius series to be a part of the future of fire emblem (e.g. VC re release? Full blown sequel? Remake?)?
  14. I personally think that, while fan service (and sex in general) sells, I highly doubt it was the main reason why awakening and fates sold so well. I'd chalk that up to things like casual mode and the supports system over the mere art style of the two games as being the selling points. But shouldn't the needs of the consumer be prioritized over the needs of the developers? I guess it's just a matter of opinions really. Some people think they should be allowed to do as they please and not get criticized for doing so...whilst others want him to change or leave because his style doesn't suit their tastes. Maybe it's better to have a balance and just provide as many options as possible? I enjoy talking about things like this, despite what I've said in the past, and I'd be interested to know what you guys think of fates overall? :)
  15. Don't forget to keep the husbando lovers out and make them pay for it! And as you all can tell, the tellius series is my favorite out of all the fire emblem games...but I still don't HATE the modern games but it's true they're somewhat disappointing in some areas.
  16. Uh I'm not expert but it sounds like a fight is going to start soon...and all because you dared to say you hated the fan service! Even though you're right to have your opinions, what I've learned on the web is that if you EVER complain about things like fan service you're automatically branded as a SJW or a feminazi. I'm not saying it'll happen here for certain as I like to give people the benefit of the doubt but from what I've seen, it's a very dangerous thing to complain about. Anyways, let's quickly change the topic! Does anyone think that the tellius series will ever get VC releases?
  17. I hope so too...even though it's very unlikely. I'd give my soul just to have the tellius series be widely successful as imo they honestly deserve success like awakening or fates.
  18. If we're talking about new skill ideas I have a few that'd be cool though they're a bit overpowered...just how I like it! -Magic leech-steals 3 points of Mag from enemies and adds it to the player. No cap. -Untouchable-(Skill%)that a attack that would otherwise hit the player misses. -Blinding assault-every 5 points of speed more than the enemy grants an extra attack for the player. -(insert weapon) hatred-adds +35 Crit to the player whenever dealing with enemies using this specific type of weapon -Apocalypse-when you defeat an enemy, all other enemies in the range of the defeated enemy receive half damage dealt to previously killed enemy. Receives full exp from all defeated units. -Intimidation-cuts opponent's HP in half for the duration of the battle (HP/2-%) -Rouge's intuition-can steal equipped items(Skill/2-%) when attacking enemies. -Cupid's wrath-for every level of support obtained between two units next to each other, +4 attack and defense -Sheer domination-adds current HP value to strength/magic for one attack (strength/2 or magic/2 which ever's highest)%
  19. There's also this to bare in mind...basically nintendo effectively lied in the past saying that the NX wasn't a successor to the wii u...until it was. They've also said the DS would be a "third pillar"...until that thing sold amazingly and Nintendo said it was a successor to the GBA. https://www.vg247.com/2016/05/16/nintendo-nx-is-neither-the-successor-to-the-wii-u-nor-to-the-3ds/
  20. I hope you're right! I have only one thing to say about the potential of fire emblem being on the switch....HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!!1! Seriously though, while I still think it's unlikely we'll see anything so soon after fates, it'd be cool as hell if they dropped the bomb that they were simply working on another one for the switch. No need for a trailer just a statement like that would be enough.
  21. I guess it all depends on if IS ever remakes any of the games again. If they eventually decide to remake 4 and 5 we could eventually get it. That is, IF they remake 4 and 5.
  22. On the topic of the tellius series selling badly, how much do you guys think it was down to factors other than the game's quality (not to make it sound objectively good or anything though)? Bad marketing and releasing RD on the same day as galaxy could've made a big impact imo. Regarding Ike popularity in japan, now that I think about it, I agree it doesn't mean anything. While we may get a few fan service-y elements of the tellius series (mainly just Ike though) like in fates or awakening, I don't think we'll get another big tellius styled anything anytime soon.
  23. Hi guys! I've been wondering whether we'll get another fire emblem on the switch as, whilst fates was only just released this year, fire emblem is now considered a major ip according to nintendo so maybe they'd want to show off a new one to get people hyped for the switch? About that...if the switch gets a proper entry, when do you think it'll be shown? Also, bare in mind this https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/58n70h/nintendo_switch_is_a_successor_to_the_wii_u_not/
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