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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. Update! Based on the criticism I've received, I have made 3 new sprites...2 customs and 1 edit...here it is!
  2. Thanks for the feedback Blaze! While it's a shame you can't do anymore edits it's understandable why that is. Anyways, I'll respond to each of your complaints by telling you what I'll do about them. 1)While this is true, I wasn't really focusing on making them the same exact size physically and just assumed they'd be different ages+I was making it up as I went along. 2)Ok. 3)I seriously didn't know that. I thought since there were multiple light sources I could get away with what would normally be described as 'pillow shading'...I guess not. I also didn't know that FE battle sprites have the exact same light source for every sprite. Correct me if I'm wrong about that tho. 4)About the noodle arms...most of them have a relaxed posture or are slightly bent. If you want I'll make some where the limbs are bent at sharper angles tho. Also, I currently don't know how to make details like fingers on such small sprites except for the thumb as that is at a different angle to the rest of the fingers. 5)In other words have the legs and shoes be at more of an angle for some of the sprites. That's a shame...but at least I'm improving. As long as that's happening I'm satisfied. To do list Bend the legs and shoes more. Try and detail the fingers better. Keep them the same size physically. Try bending the arms more so they're not noodle-like. Make sure to keep referencing the official FE battle sprites.
  3. Agreed. This is one of the best chapters in fire emblem imo. Multiple objectives make things very interesting don't they? It's a shame the BK and Jill had to ruin what would've otherwise been a perfect map.
  4. Update! I've continued to make more battle sprites and I'd appreciate some feedback if possible!
  5. The only problem I can see is the boot of the new soldier (apart from the very bottom) has very little shading. Then again, maybe this was intentional as I'm not all perfect at making sprites myself.
  6. What did you like about Elincia and her retainers? What makes a good character in your eyes?
  7. Update! I doubt anyone cares at this point but I've been working on making random battle sprites and have decided to temporarily abandon making a reworked soldier animation. I think I'll try practicing the basics before making any animations again unless they're small edits like with the rogue animation I did. Anyways, here they are!
  8. Bad troll is bad you tried/10 Seriously though, please don't accuse innocent fans such as myself of being "butthurt" when all we're doing is laughing at IGN for desperately trying to gain attention. The sad part is...it worked. My only mistake was making the sub forum (I think that's what you call these collections of posts) as I've essentially been feeding the trolls. I've spoken to a moderator and this'll all be deleted soon (hopefully). I shouldn't of given IGN my attention in the first place.
  9. I regret making these posts as they're only giving IGN the attention they're begging for...is there any way to delete this whole thing?
  10. Pretty sure it's entirely expected at this point but guess what guys, IGN are being dicks to sonic fans again! Didn't see that coming from a click bait site like them/sarcasm.
  11. Do you guys think they'l be multiple playable characters in sonic 2017 like in mania? I hope characters like Blaze and Tails will be playable!
  12. How do the stats work in vestaria saga? Is it similar to modern FE games mechanically?
  13. Yeah when I said "mary sue" I meant characters with absolutely no flaws whatsoever...in other words, perfect and unrealistic.
  14. Fine. I've changed it a bit. If it's still wrong then let me know how I can fix it for you...
  15. Title. Also, if you think he's a flawed character, what kind of flaws does he possess?
  16. I'm personally looking forward to both projects right now...especially project 2017 with it's slightly darker than usual tone. An actual adventure rather than a dull boring comedy for a story? Sign me up!
  17. I'd actually like to see levels from games that aren't sonic. Imagine zones from Ristar or Dynamite Headdy!
  18. Sorry if you thought I was attacking you. That wasn't my intention. I was simply questioning the whole "cartoon y looking stuff=can't be dark whatsoever" logic you appeared to possess. Anyways, while it's perfectly fine if you don't like it I've decided I'm going to stick with the style after all as the only thing I'm decent at is pixel art...not making 3d models. I just got worried that, if everyone had your opinion my work would basically be deemed as ugly by the majority of people. Of course, I'm getting kind of worried that people will hate the style. Nothing against you personally but, if people don't like it, I'm effectively screwed as, besides pixel art, I'm not even half decent at anything else to do with game design.
  19. Right then...I'll play conquest and get back to you. As for replay ability...would online rankings and multiplayer make a difference? Also, with playing conquest, it might take a while.
  20. Two things...waifus and better advertising.
  21. Oh I'd make sure to make the graphics darker as a whole to suit the more intense atmosphere the game would have.
  22. I don't see why it's unacceptable to have anything bright and colourful have some darkness to it. Literally, what is the reasoning behind this? Is this just a case of stereotypes where anything bright and cutesy is automatically inherently childish?
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