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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. How did a simple drug destroy an economy?
  2. In other words...there's a chunk of the story missing where Izuka leaves. Also, more explaination should've been given as to why Micaiah trusts Pelleas so much?
  3. What hampered the experience for you (other than the weapon triangle and the story)?
  4. So basically Corrin and Azura fuck up but, because they're the main characters, IS treats them as if they've done nothing wrong?
  5. I agree! It's a shame not many people have played the Tellius series.
  6. I'm not sure I should be asking this due to spoiler reasons but why exactly are Corrin and Azura idiots?
  7. Tbh they easily could've added more chapters for the DB where you liberate more areas...could've allowed for more development of the main characters as well. DB needed more chapters honestly.
  8. No1 carez m8 jk It'd be cool to have chrom as a assassin!
  9. So even though he's scum at least he was honest about it? I thought he and the senators tried to hide the fact that they were abusing the Daeins?
  10. If you care about lategame the only skill you need to care about passing on is galeforce and that's it. Limit Breaker and galeforce is already OP enough. The rest of the skills you can get through grinding.
  11. I don't know about a lot on this subject but, if we allow alcohol and that can kill you, then why not bring on the drugs!
  12. I also like how they make you hate Jarod as he happily goes along with the senators' decision to treat the Daein people like sub humans...or worse. So when you finally kill that infamous puppy kicker it feels amazing. Remember that scene where they kill an innocent child? THAT wouldn't happen in modern FE!
  13. It would've been nice if in the game Zelgius admits to the apostle that his unwavering loyalty was all lies and that his true master was Sephiran...or does he actually do that? They'd also have to remove the scenes where Zelgius is concerned that the senators are taking over control of Begnion as it shouldn't affect Sephiran's planes in the slightest...unless it was all an act. Still something like, maybe when his friend leaves the conversation and he's alone, Zelgius laughs to himself. Some form of foreshadowing that shows he truly doesn't give a damn about anything to do with the Apostle. He shouldn't be concerned for Sephiran's safety either since he's extremely powerful...far more than common soldiers and a few senators.
  14. Yes it might've been nice if Shinion had a reason to be a jerk to Ike. Gatrie is far more interesting than Shinion personally. Also, the BK shouldn't of been Zelgius as it conflicts with his personality heavily. Zelgius is a noble soldier...the BK is a killer! It could've worked if it was Sephiran who ordered the BK to kill them (maybe he somehow threatened the BK so he became desperate to follow Sephiran's orders). ​Actually the reason I said Zelgius is because I've only got up to part 3 of RD so Zelgius being the BK was spoiled for me. I couldn't help it-I saw the endgame chapters...at least a bit of them.
  15. Going back to the original topic of this thread I feel the stories in PoR and RD are both incredible...and I'm not really exactly sure why? However I can point out a handful of things I liked about the Tellius series' stories... ​ 1. Not all characters on the 'good side' are actually 100% good. Shinion and Soren for example start off as racist jerks to the laguz and even comes close to breaking into a fight between them. That's far more interesting than the 'everyone is a goodie' in awakening (except for spotpass characters but they felt shoe-horned in). ​ 2. The scale of RD felt more epic than any FE game I've ever played. ​ 3. Like really like Ike because he isn't a clichéd lord. He's really a peasant, a commoner, son of a mercenary group...no one particularly special. And that what I like about him. He even has qualities such as resenting ties to nobility or the fact that he says what he thinks regardless of others. ​ 4. Not everyone praises the protagonist as a god. Not only does Shinion and Gatrie leave ike as soon as Greil dies but Shinion continues to give Ike shit throughout the game. That's far more entertaining than "wii luv u protag!" 24/7 5. One dimensional villains (the senators) and yes this is a positive. Since the senators caused so much bad shit for you in part 1, and since they have no redeeming qualities about them, it made killing them and their forces far more satisfying that a villain that, say, was mostly bad but also had some good in them. Pure evil is far more fun for me...they just have to feel like terrible humans in order for it to actually work. It has to have SOME realism. ​ 6. Some sympathetic villains. In part 3 you get the impression that Zelgius (and his friend) don't necessarily want to fight you but are forced to. This is another sort of villain I like. I like extremes...not in-betweens. I like Zelgius because he REALLY doesn't want to fight you which makes attacking him and his forces more emotionally impactful. ​ Now this being said, I hate the villains of awakening as, besides a few instances, we never get any opportunities to hate them. We're mostly just told 'they're the bad guys. now kill them'. It also doesn't help that there's no range of villains in awakening. I like pure evil and humane villains but only if there's both at the same time. I like variety in the different factions. Awakening failed miserably in that sense. ​ ​Also, am I the only one who thinks the blood pact wasn't the worst thing in the world? Sure, the fact that Pelleas didn't bother to read it was a bit stupid but then again he trusted Izuka who deceived him so it's not really a flaw if you think about it. I feel characters like Sothe react realistically to the news of the blood pact. The only way it could've been better is if other characters like Jill or Aran reacted to this news as well...maybe even leaving the dawn brigade for good!
  16. Unfortunately, those who love a good story are a minority. You don't need anything else other than good (not great) gameplay in order to score 9s and 10s like awakening did. It had a garbage story (imo) and inferior gameplay compared to the Tellius series yet it's proclaimed as the best in the series lol. It just shows you that our kinds of tastes and expectations are pretty damn rare which is a shame. What did you hate the most about Emmeryn? I hated the fact that her death had overall little consequence as she survives the fall (albeit unable to speak which makes no sense as she should be dead instead) making her entire s000ysyde less significant. Also, it's incredibly unrealistic that a speech like Emmeryn's would actually change an entire country just like that...things change slowly usually. Overall, chapter 10 could've been good if anyone gave an actual fuck about her...strangely, most players did hence chapter 10 being cited as the best in the game. At least Mustafa was cool.
  17. Oh ok. Still, that information in the supports sounds like it should've been in the main story all along and not tucked away in a random support convo. Bad game design!
  18. I asking because I hope to eventually make my own FE game one day and I need all the advice I can get. That being said, it's still a VERY long way away before I can even attempt such a thing so yeah. So far people have been friendly enough about things and it seems that the general consensus is that most people who commented would try out such a game (depending on the quality of the product of course). Despite all this, I'd really appreciate as much ideas and tips as possible though obviously you can just completely ignore this whole thing if you want to. ​On the subject of whether IS would return to sprites I actually think that's be a good idea as I vastly prefer the battle animations of the GBA games to the other FE games. Also, if the 3d feature stays, I just think it'd look nicer with sprites. ​Sorry if I unintentionally misled anyone by not making it clear that this whole topic was related to a game I might make. If anyone even cares why I'm even making an FE game when the series is still going strong well it's because it's likely we'll never get another Tellius game again and that depresses the fuck out of me. My only options are... ​1. Somehow influence or get Nintendo to make one (virtually impossible) ​2. Somehow try and make my own Tellius inspired game (very difficult to achieve) ​Faced with the possibility of never getting another FE game like the Tellius series, and considering I love those games more than any other videogames I've ever played, I don't really have much of a choice other than to make it myself. I really hope I didn't offend anyone...
  19. Do you guys think that a combination of GBA graphics and battle animations, combined with the storytelling and orchestral qualities of the Telius series, would make a good game? Would you guys play it or would it fail miserably?
  20. While I still don't think awakening is a bad game I do really hate the story in it. It not only feels like three seperate stories crammed into one game being tied together by the gem McGuffins, but there's very little insight into WHY characters do what they do. Gangrel is evil just cuz (he apparently went mad with power in a support convo but why the hell isn't that part of the main story?) and so is Validar and Walhart. Sure there's some things like Walhart wanting to stop the grimleal as well but other than that there's very little depth to them and in an rpg that's fucking atrocious. While I wouldn't say the villains of the past have been anything special (except the black knight and ashera) that still doesn't excuse poor storytelling in 2013! It doesn't excuse not trying again to do a better story? Is their work motto "Fail at something once? Never try it again!"? ​As I said before, you can like or even think awakening has a good story. I won't stop you from doing either of those things. I'm just saying why I thought it was vastly inferior to stories of the old games. ​Having said all of this, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with purely evil characters in fictional stories. It becomes a problem however when they're the only sort of evil characters that exist OR if they never do anything monstrous but are still 'the bad guy' because the plot demands it. Moments like aversa killing her own soldiers or walhart's soldiers killing a villager are nice but they're few and far between.
  21. Thanks for all the responses guys. Really appreciate it!
  22. In what ways is the story lacking? Does it compare to PoR or Radiant Dawn in terms of character development or world building?
  23. Compared to the likes of the Tellius series. I heard good things about the gameplay and poor things about the story...do you agree with those conclusions?
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