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Everything posted by Dinar87

  1. Oh really? That's interesting to hear...who's your favourite characters in the versions then?
  2. Thanks for the compliments! And don't worry, I'll continue to make new sprites...eventually :P I also liked how your advice was extremely clear about what was wrong so thanks for that.
  3. ...ok is it a specific type of orchestra though? I know dubstep alone as tons of sub genres like, uh, bruhstep or shitstep. Does orchestra have anything like that or is it just one type. I'm only asking because google failed me.
  4. That's good to hear. It's a shame it's unlikely I'll enjoy the story though as I really love my stories.
  5. Sorry but if possible could you be a bit more specific?
  6. ​I agree that it should return to consoles. And yeah, most people seem to like the game so that's good. I still have my issues with the franchise but I still have a long way to go before I'm no longer a fan of the series. In that sense I should've voted 'No way!' instead of yes.
  7. Guys I think I have a solution to the whole "options vs optimal experience" debate...when you start a new save file you should be able to tweek it however you like...including turning grinding and dlc off. Those who don't want to be limited can simply leave them on. HOWEVER, in order to make the choices meaningful, you cannot change these options once you begin the game...you'll have to start a new playthrough for that. They could also give you a special reward for not using grinding or dlcs atr all...like maybe a secret character or map? These changes are mainly for players who have no self controll like me.
  8. I haven't played conquest...is it good?
  9. The problem with that is that whether or not these "issues" are significant are based on subjectivity-in other words, what's terrible for some people is perfectly fine for others. Anyways, I'm sorry for getting all aggressive there but I did feel like you were looking down on those who complained. Oh, and while they'll be some people who complain to be edgy, I can at least say I'm not one of those people as there's things in awakening I'm not particularly fond of. Unless I'm somehow unconsciously trying to be all hipster like, I just simply don't like awakening as much as everyone else. ​And OP if you're reading this, I in no way intentionally tried to invalidate your feelings for the series. All I've ever done is just state my opinions (which are sometimes quite ignorant) but oh well. Just enjoy awakening and fates and don't care about us. We ARE a minority after all.
  10. It appears this situation is nothing more than some people liking purely evil characters while others like villians with a bit of emotions and realism. Both are perfectly acceptable opinions in my eyes.
  11. Acting as if your opinion is fact that it's a great game -_- just because you personally don't care about the flaws of said game doesn't automatically make them nitpicks now does it. You can like awakening but I'd appreciate it if you didn't act so elitist over it. How about you learn to accept other peoples' opinions instead of just dismissing them as "nitpicks"? I personally love the Tellius series and dislike the newer direction of current fire emblem...but I at least try to recognise this as nothing more than a personal opinion of mine. I don't dismiss anyone who hates them as a "minority" or haters. I try and be somewhat respectful about things... As I said, you can like awakening and even think it's a good game...but I'd be grateful if you didn't look down upon those who complain about it.
  12. Is FE 9+10 really that taxing for the 3ds to handle?
  13. I hope they put them on the NX. I think they might even outsell themselves (as in digital copies vs disk copies)!
  14. The game wouldn't necessarily get easier as the enemies can use third tier classes as well. They'd just take a bit of time to catch up that's all...on the easier modes that is! On harder modes, they'd start with higher classes much earlier.
  15. The reason I'm asking this is I hope to make my own FE game one day and I'm curious as to how it would perform which is why I'm asking all these questions.
  16. Oh I'm sure there's a reason but, like with Owain's reasoning's, it probably won't make her less annoying. But yeah, I'll look it up. ​EDIT: ok I've seen the support and it's pretty good...though Niles wanting Camilla to beat him was kinda cringe worthy. I haven't played fates yet so I can't say anything for certain but, I've heard terrible things about Camilla, how she just won't shut up about corrin. And I expect, like with Owain, it'll become a nuisance even if the reason is "b-but I feel lonelyz ;,( cuz muh childhood"
  17. Thanks for the compliments! For the rogue shading I made it so, whilst the majority of the light is coming from the left, some parts that are closer to the screen are brighter whilst parts that are far away are darker...am I doing it right?
  18. Do you think a tellius styled game would sell poorly in this day and age? Consider that fact that there's far more FE fans in the fandom than before. I personally think, unless it has waifu mechanics, it won't sell.
  19. That'd be ok with me. Though I do occasionally like having purely evil characters like the senators.
  20. In a perfect world I'd of had part 1 be the size of PoR (ok maybe a bit smaller but still) so there'd be enough time to train them all.
  21. And with all the technology and money on their side, the "oppressors" will surely win again. We just have to accept that there's never going to be true freedom because powerful and greedy arseholes have already taken those freedoms away. Maybe they should legalise suicide so everyone can protest that way because I don't see the public EVER gaining power over things like the army or the police. They're much too powerful!
  22. Well I'll respect your opinion but (as you can tell from my avatar) I am infatuated with the tellius series and I don't see that changing anytime soon. Why can't there be both RTS and TBS? We used to have two Mario rpgs so why not two FE rpgs?
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