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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I'm going to bed now. @via, I'll address your points tomorrow when you're done making them. Here's my lynch list:

    Baldrick>>>>>Michelaar>Shinori>Bartozio>Everybody else>Mackc2

    My non-Baldrick reads are starting to suffer, I'm going to be doing a lot of updating tomorrow but there's a lot of progress that can't be made until we see the results of a Baldrick lynch. I disagree with BBM about hammering though, I feel like there's still more discussion to be had D2. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Refa said:

    You read the Shinori/Michelaar interactions and thought scum/scum?

    Yeah, seriously? One of the guiding principles in my scumteam building logic is that Shinori and Michelaar are almost certainly not on a team together. Neither of them has the self-control necessary to make that illusion.

  3. Poem #5: The Ballad of Priscilla and the Green Cavalier, to be sung to the tune of "Joe Bowers".


    Came Sain unto Priscilla, one sunny Caelin noon

    A-ridin' on his stallion, and whistlin' a tune

    When dazzled by the beauty before him seemed to glow

    Her hair was red as crimson, her face as white as snow


    Said Sain unto Priscilla, "Dame, I fear the sun

    May cast upon your forehead, and dark your complexion

     Allow me then to shade you, protect you from its rays

    I'll stand here right beside you, right here for all your days"


    Priscilla turned to Sain now, and told him how she felt

    "I'd love to take your offer, I feel like I could melt

    But have you not a lady, upon whom you must wait?

    I fear to take your service from she who needs it great


    Then Sain said to Priscilla, "It need not worry you

    For I have gained permission from Lyndis as is due

    I have changed allegiance, from now I shall serve thee

    Lonely be no longer, you'll have my company."


    An alternate retelling of Sain/Priscilla's A Support. 

    i've never actually listened to "Joe Bowers", but I've got an annoying brother-in-law who plays "I'm a Good Old Rebel" all of the time.


  4. 3 minutes ago, kirsche said:

    Unrelated but we should lynch Bart for never playing the solo story of Portal 2 imo.


    I only watched a YouTube walkthrough to get all of the memes, please don't lynch me because of that!

  5. 5 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    I went into self-preservation mode because I was at L-2. When 80% of the playerbase wants you dead, it's hard to play normally

    My Shinori case is equally good whether I spend the last 48 hours voting him or not. The question is, whether I lie down and accept my death like Ken did,  and try another angle that might get more support and save me.

    If I didn't have town's best interests at heart, I would have stopped posting a while ago.

    The difference between you and Gaius is that Gaius prepared for a few hours before stepping in to defend his slot while you kind of just freaked out and said whatever when Mack claimed. So I think it's understandable that Gaius had a better looking, more town-friendly defense than you. Then again, making a desperate attack like that could be a scum reaction. 

    @experienced players: I remember someone in Kemono Friends saying that scum usually goes silent when their death is assured. Is that true?

  6. 12 minutes ago, Refa said:

    From a first read, I think Kirsche's new posts made more sense coming from town.  I don't think there's any point in assuming a more experienced player is scum unless there's a scum play you think that only they would make.  I'm not scumreading BBM/Kirsche/you/Via anyways, and I don't think Paper's role itself makes sense as scum.

    The only scum play we really have to go off of is last night's murder. The fact that they assumed there was a doctor protecting Refa/via/whoever else was being townread at the time and killed Prims instead (I still believe that this is the most likely explanation for the Prims kill) would indicate some degree of experience, but then again, anyone who played or read the Kemono Friends game would see the trouble that going for obvious targets could bring.

  7. 10 minutes ago, Magnificence Incarnate said:

    My guess for a scumteam would be like, Baldrick/Sully/kirsche? I've been null on kirsche for the entire game but I'm p sure the scumteam can't be all new/inexperienced here(sorry Baldrick).  Honestly if Baldrick is town I'm going to be thrown off so much; I feel like the case for Sully being scum is a good one right now. There's a spike in competence but he's playing  the follow the others game.

    Any reason you aren't including Michelaar? The three people in your scumteam have all been on pretty good terms with him. I know this is self revealing and all, but looking from your point of view, I could definitely see myself on a scumteam with Mich. 


  8. Yeah, I see the logic there. Even if I was more suspicious, I wouldn't want a Mack lynch because it's just too risky and will all solve itself D4 anyway (if Mack doesn't get nightkilled).

    @everyone: One more question: sorry if this has been discussed already, but if the mafia has Mack's Role PM, then do they have all of our roles? Because if they do, then I'm afraid they probably did kill our doctor/jailer last night.

  9. Been reading back over some of Mack's posts, and had some thoughts. Mack's play this game has been... poor. In very many ways, despite the apparent legitimacy of the PaperBlade claim, his previous posts still look scummy (which is why a lot of us were voting him). Now, his claim seems solid, so this isn't a serious suspicion of mine, but could it be that PaperBlade is town oblivious to Mack being scum or both of them are scum (or destined for it).

    @everybody is there still ground for doubting certain aspects of Mack's claim, or is this just me being foolish?

  10. So I was rereading some of Shinori's material and noticed this, referring to the Baldrick post I quoted earlier:

    On 11/30/2017 at 11:56 AM, Shinori said:

    This seems like a poor play. Lost motivation because you feel Ken is going to be lynched so you just like stop putting in that much effort overall.  I can understand the whole apatheticness but I feel like this post followed by his Marth vote which was fairly quickly replaced with a vote on me is really weird and I feel like he's just looking for a lynch anywhere not LG.

    This doesn't mean I'm saying Baldrick and Shinori can't be a team, but any previous thoughts that the latter had no posted opinion on the former on D1 can be put to rest. 

    Later, Shinori posted a lynch list with Baldrick in third place, behind Bart and Mich.

    @Shinori: I never really got why you thought Michelaar was scummy at this point. Could you clarify?

    16 hours ago, Shinori said:

    All this day I've been focusing on other people > Baldrick.  He was already lower on my list of suspicions after the first few hours of this day phase.  I guess logically I don't see him as being scum cause I don't think scum would make such a poor decision but it's happened before so I would consolidate on him if we want to lynch.  I'm realistically very neutral on whether he gets lynched or not.  Would much rather Bartozio or Mich get lynched though.

    @Shinori: by "poor decision" here, are you referring to Baldrick's Ken/LG vote, or something else? 

    And finally, @Shinori: assuming Michelaar is scum, what differences do you think we would see in his playstyle this game if he were not scum?

    It's milking time, folks. I'll be back in three hours.

  11. 12 hours ago, Baldrick said:

    Kirsche, you and Prims were suspecting me D1? Couldn't find anything except kirsche calling me forgettable. Marth (one of your buddy candidates) was one of the first calling me out D1 and voting me D2. Shinori I was voting near deadline D1, wouldn't that be a big risk considering people had been suspicious of him and both you and be were wagons? You say Mackc is the most likely of the asso reads to bus, you think the scum would be resigned to having to lynched one of their own just because they'd gotten a few votes?

    I think you might be trying too hard to justify my lynch with asso reads. Scum will know once I am lynched that they can throw out those reads. You are preparing to resume an act of confusion once I flip.



    ##vote: sully

    I know you may have turned in already (this post took a while) and won't be back for awhile. Respond whenever you can.

    This is what I deserve for making posts when I'm half-asleep.

    Lemme go back and look at this. I think Kirsche was commenting on your absence in one of his early posts, but all things considered, I suppose he hasn't put as much pressure on you as I thought he had. I also forgot Marth was the first guy to say "hey, what happened to Baldrick's post quality?" so that's my bad. I clearly recall Prims saying something like "you think I'm voteparking, then what do you call what Bartozio and Baldrick are doing?" and he also said you had the worst reason for voting Ken/LG. 

    I did a few posts towards the end of D1 where I called you out on the change in post quality, I thought your stuff at the end of D1 was fishy but I wasn't around to comment on it then.

    And quite plainly, I would be very confused if you didn't flip scum. I suppose my next suspect would be Shinori, but that would be more based on the cases of others than on anything of my own. 

    I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm going to get some rest, and when I'm back, hopefully I'll be able to make some posts of some value. 

    Who knew Mafia was so hard on sleep cycles?

  12. Man, I'm starting to feel sleepy and I think my post quality is suffering. I should stop and go to bed. 

    One last lynch priority list: Baldrick>>>>>>>>>>Michelaar>Marth>Shinori>Everyone else.

    Oh, and a general note about my schedule: tomorrow is Sunday, I'll be going to church early tomorrow morning see I'm a Christian that means I never tell lies and won't be back until the afternoon most probably. So you might not see me for another 14 hours. That's a long time, come to think of it, so I'll stay up a little bit longer. If you have any questions for me, ask them now.  

  13. 24 minutes ago, Refa said:

    You guys suck.  I said this like 20 pages ago and every 5 pages since, someone has been like "YOU KNOW SULLY IS ACTING DIFFERENTLY THAN HE DID AT THE BEGINNING OF DAY 1 I WONDER WHAT IS UP WITH THAT WHY HAS NOONE MENTIONED THIS BEFORE". :<

    Yeah. I explained myself way back D1 but I can do it again, if I must.

  14. 1 minute ago, Baldrick said:

    @sully; can you explain the associative reads? Why would a scum!me flip mean kirsche, bartozio, Mackc and you are town? Who would be my buddies in that case?

    Before I'm certain, I'll need to reread, but kirsche and I (along with Prims (God rest his soul)) were among the first to suspect you as early as D1. Bartozio (at least I think it was him) voted you first thing D2, but my thoughts there are slightly weaker because Bartozio hasn't posted much since this game exploded. Mack started voting you after we put pressure on him, but it read scummy at first, and, if there's any chance that Mack is still scum, than I'd actually say he could still be your buddy, trying to "bus" you (if that's what that means). So maybe an associative read would be harder to find there. 

    However, Kirsche and I have been wary of you since D1 and you were our first suspicion D2. That's a long ride on the wagon to bus a teammate. True, via, refa, and (I think) BBM were also wary of you D1, but they aren't under as much suspicion right now. 

    I'd say if Kirsche, Bart, Mack, and I were out of the picture, you'd still have other teammate opportunities with Shinori or Michelaar (but probably not both), and maybe Marth or one of the other pros.

  15. 2 hours ago, Baldrick said:


    If you do nothing else this phase, read the above post and decide whether mackc2 could be lying. If most of the game thinks Mackc is telling the truth, then I'm done.

    I guess you're done, then. Before today, I'd never heard of PaperBlade, but the claim seems legit. Yeah, the setting and timing of the claim might contain a few mysteries left unsolved (I haven't noticed any myself, but they could still be there), and I still suspect it, but not nearly as much as I suspect you. 

    Mackc2 could be lying, but my read on Baldrick never had anything to do with anything Mack said in the first place. I really think a Baldrick lynch would be the best option today, not only is he scummy, but the associative reads would be very useful. If he flips scum, then a great deal of suspicion will be lifted off of kersch, Bart, Mack, and, of course, me. If he flips town, then... I'd be really surprised (and confused).

    Darn it, I am way out of my league. 

  16. What the heck? I sit down to watch a Christmas movie with my family and then when I'm done there are 5+ pages of new content? C'mon guys!

    Alright, so after a first glance at the new content:

    I'm still cool with a Baldrick lynch, I think he's got the highest chance of being scum.

    The back-and-forth between via and Marth is making my head hurt. This is the level of mafia I still can't wrap my head around, and it doesn't help that your arguments are covering meta which I'm never gonna read. I guess if via won't talk explain, maybe I should keep my distance for now?

    Let me read some more, I'll see if I come up with anything else.

  17. OK what Mack just did was weird. I hadn't even heard of hidden players until this game. I now need to rethink everything I know, but my read on a Baldrick/Mack scumteam is trash now. 

    I don't know how legit this whole "hidden player" thing is... like, I literally have no idea. I really need to rethink this all, it's making my head explode. 

    For now, I'm a bit less suspicious of Mack. I hate to hold back and not give my opinion on this, but I'd really like to hear from the professional players about the legitimacy of Mack's roleclaim before saying anything, because I now know nothing. I did not know this could happen in Mafia. 

    In short, I'm confused. 


    Vote: Baldrick

    7 minutes ago, Bartozio said:

    I'm going to correct you here, because it matters quite a bit. Kemono friends was Mich's first town game. His two games before that he was scum. He got lynched on the first day in both of those two games.

    The argument made was that Mich was being more proactive in Kemono friends then he was in his two scum games.

    Who said this bolded part, because I think most people have been saying the opposite?

    Wow, I must have misread something. You're right, that does matter a lot.

    Um, I said the bolded part. Does it look like I was quoting someone? Did you mean to bold the part right after that?

    I only read Kemono friends once, and my memory's kinda hazy about certain aspects, but didn't Michelaar post a lot more there than he has here?

    This is embarassing.

  18. 11 minutes ago, Baldrick said:

    One says Michelaar's play is similar to Kemono friends, the other says it is different.
    I haven't read that game, could you two elaborate?

    In Kemono friends, Michelaar was mislynched for the fourth time in a row (at least I think so, I heard somebody in that thread talking about that). I've only read the game once, but similarities I've noticed include:

    1. Posting as a reaction: Michelaar only really got active and posted reads when others voted him. That made him look scummy.

    2. Lack of post depth: none of his posts were very well-written or well-thought-out. His reads were all quite shallow, sometimes seeming like he was just making them for emotional reasons. 

    3. Bad attitude: Mich was way too reactive to others suspecting him, often giving emotional retorts whenever he was accused of anything. It seems like he takes these games rather personally, but him using an emotional defense instead of a rational one really made him look bad. The best defenses for Michelaar, when you look at it, are not posts he has made, but posts others have made regarding him.

    I agree that Michelaar's play is different from Kemono friends, he's significantly less involved here than he was there and from what I've heard here so far, that's how he behaves as scum. However, there are a lot of similarities in his playstyle.

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