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Posts posted by SullyMcGully

  1. Noble: Corrin

    Samurai: Ryoma

    Ninja: Kaze

    Sky Knight: Hinoka

    Shrine Maiden/Monk: Sakura

    Diviner: Orochi

    Spear Master: Oboro

    Archer: Setsuna

    Cavalier: Peri

    Strategist: Elise

    Mercenary: Laslow

    Wyvern: Beruka

    Dark Mage: Leo

    Knight: Effie

    Oni Savage/Fighter: Arthur

    Outlaw: Niles

    Shapeshifter: Kaden

    Apothecary: Yukimura

    Amiibo: Ike

    Other: Azura

  2. I managed to fit in a quick read between jobs, but I will definitely not be around at the end.

    @Prims: Could you answer my questions please? I may not see them but they may do some good for the others. Particularly, what's your current position on your old reads (Mack and Shinori)?


  3. Alright, I'm out of time. Prims never showed up, so I'm leaving my vote there. If people decide they want to lynch Gaius, it should be easy enough without my vote. I might make it back before the end. I'll certainly try to. 

    Please don't kill me I'm innocent and I don't wanna die!

  4. @Lord Gaius The purpose for the posts you mentioned was to expose my mindset at the beginning of the game. I started out passive, was pressured to become more active and that's where the mysterious "burst of confidence" everybody's been worried about comes from. I wasn't expecting to be suspected after my first real post in the game which made put me on the defensive and forced me to adopt a Mafia mindset of trying to make myself seem trustworthy, instead of going around passing judgement however I wanted and being taken at face value like lucky Refa gets to do

    @kirsche I'd get behind a Prims lynch but I'd like it if he could defend himself first. I feel like he's been pressuring us to hammer on Gaius, which seems scummy to me because Mafia would have more incentive to end the round early. A lot of the people who seem to know Prims keep saying that this isn't average play for him, which makes me all the more suspicious.

    @Refa You mentioned Prims' "other leads", but the way I read it, he hasn't put very much pressure on Mack and Marth in the later portion of the game where it would actually matter and his short stint on the BBS wagon is pretty much the same way. While he was on top of Shinori for a bit, that was his last real read other than Ken and he didn't contribute much there that hadn't already been said or was obvious. He asked good questions near the beginning but as things have gotten more intense he's basically tunneled on Ken/LG.

    A big part of this is that Prims really hasn't posted in the later portion of the game, so maybe he does have some new reads right now that I don't know about. However I'm leaving in twenty minutes and if I don't hear from him, then that's where I'm leaving my vote.

    My other primary suspect is Baldrick for reasons already stated, but he could clear up a lot by showing up too. I also want to hear from Mack soon. At any rate, I'm satisfied with BBS for now.


    Vote: Prims

    Until I hear a good response, this is my best scumread.

  5. I'll second that. Maybe I missed something, or maybe I'm supposed to wait for something that's still coming, but why exactly is Mich a top priority for you, Shinori?

    @Michelaar on your end of things, what's your lynch list look like?

  6. I'm considering changing my vote but something still doesn't sit right about the circumstances of your vote for me. I'm going to reread a bit and hopefully come to a conclusion. In the meantime, I have some questions:

    @Mackc2: Why did you think my case on you was good logic? I kinda think it sucked.

    @Baldrick: I'm still a little bit worried about you. Next to Ken/LG, who else are you suspicious of? Can you make a lynch priority list? 

    @Prims: If I get off of BBM, you're my next suspect. You've been around, but the only thing you do is push for a Ken/LG lynch. If we had hammered way back when you first said you wanted to end, we would have missed out on much of the speculation on BBM and almost all of the speculation on me. I think that that speculation has been healthy for the town, and ending it early would be something Mafia would want, right? If you just told me someone, anyone else you're suspicious of, I would feel much better about you, but right now I have a bit of a bad feeling. The last time you posted your suspicions about somebody other than Ken/LG was way back on page 9, and it was Mack then. Has your opinion changed on any of that? How do you feel about lynching me?


  7. 10 hours ago, BBM said:

    @Sully- Firstly, you don't mention that I was scumreading Marth for almost half the phase, which is again part of what makes me think that you're willfully ignoring parts of my posts because not only did I have several posts talking about scumreading Marth (here, here, here), I had another exchange of posts with Prims and Shinori talking about them also missing my scumread on Marth (here, here).

    Looking back, I can see that Marth was a recurring character in your posts. I missed that. I suppose that since a lot of your posts mention several suspects, it was hard for me to notice that you were consistently picking out a certain one. I don't find your reasoning on Marth's case to be very conclusive, that doesn't make you scummy, but it just never made me think you had picked him out in particular.


    10 hours ago, BBM said:

    Fair enough on the difference between active lurking as scum vs being completely not present, and different standards for me as an experienced player vs Ken. I just don't understand how it's possible to read my posts and come away with the opinion that I'm doing the former or that I'm not making unique contributions when I've been the first person to (seriously) vote both Mack and Marth. I also have no idea what you're talking about when you say I'm not taking sides; I haven't been waffling on anyone except Shinori. That's one post about one person, you can't use that to extrapolate an opinion about my entire play.

    Can you give more than one example of me waffling on someone? This is the other part of what I dislike about your vote on me- it makes sweeping generalizations about my play while not giving any concrete examples.

    I don't recall accusing you of waffling. Waffling doesn't even come across as scummy to me, not being able to make up your mind is different from not wanting to. I believed your problem was not having opinions in the first place. Which I am apparently wrong about.

  8. The BBM case: Early on when I was looking for reads, I noticed that a lot of BBM's content was neutral as I described in my previous post. It felt like (and I might have mentally exaggerated this) BBM was always the first to post corrections when one poster misunderstood another, but his own opinions were very... vague. I stuck with this gut feeling and I'll admit I shouldn't have been so forceful when I first announced my suspicions when they were based on gut feeling more than anything else. I'm satisfied with BBM's answers to my original queries, they're a little bit harsh but that's no more than I deserve for making a lazy vote like that. Really, there's only one thing about BBM that strikes me as suspicious now and that's his vote for me and the reasoning he's provided for that so far.

  9. On the deal with Shinori: Mackc2 had allayed my fears and I wanted to change my vote to signify that. The only wagons going strong at the time were Ken, BBM, and Shinori. I chose to sheep both Bart and Mich's on Shinori because it seemed stronger than what was going on BBM at the time (for all the flaws the Shinori case had, I still don't think the initial BBM case was very strong either) and I wanted to give Ken a chance to reply before voting on him (this was before it was clear that he had flaked). I didn't think Shinori was scum, I thought my vote would help pressure him into answering the questions he'd been asked and clear up that front in my mind. I did it because I wanted to mentally acquit Shinori in my mind, but when he gave me that charged response, I thought it was suspect because it sounded too defensive. I reread some Kemono Friends stuff and decided he was just acting like himself, and moved on to BBM.

    I didn't think the Shinori vote would be a big deal that people would get upset over, if I had I would have taken a closer look and maybe noticed the mistakes. I never was down for lynching Shinori, just wanted him to answer some questions and I have to go take care of something now, I'll finish this later.

  10. The read was accepted with some skepticism. Refa was the only one who said what I thought, that it was really far-fetched. As a side note, I've felt funny about Mackc2 ever since he addressed his wagon and said that I brought up "a good point" or something like that, since I thought it wasn't a good point and had actually planned on Mack tearing me up over my rushed reasoning. While the fact that he didn't do so and targeted Shinori instead doesn't strike me as scummy, it sure is weird.

  11. (Sorry accidental post)

    As I was saying...

    At the moment, I was still forming reads on everyone. However, I began to feel pressure because of two things: 1)via asked me if I had any reads, to which I replied that I had none 2) Balderick then told me that my lack of reads made me scummy in his eyes. So I rushed out the Mackc2 vote and Michelaar defense (Mich's performance in Kemono friends was on my mind at the time), hoping it would qualify as a "valid read". 

  12. After that I voted kirsche to illustrate just how unsuspicious I was of anyone. I wanted to lose my RVS vote on Bartozio and the fact that kirsche hadn't posted yet gave me a unique target. I didn't want to vote on any of the existing wagons at the moment because I thought that the reads at the moment were too insubstantial for me to get onboard and if I were to hop on a wagon without a good reason, I would be sheeping, which is scummy.

    Then came my Mackc2 vote along with the Michelaar defense. As Refa has rightly pointed out, this was a weak and far-fetched defense. At the moment, I was still forming reads

  13. Okay, so the case against me has gotten pretty strong. This might be a long series of posts, so buckle down and get ready. 

    So close to the beginning of the game, Refa voted me (we'll ignore the first via vote, that was still RVS) because of a statement I made were I said I didn't have any reads and was going to wait for more info. I realized that it was a mistake for me to say that and that it made me look scummy. Notice: mistake. Shortly after that, I realized that a player like Refa could easily make me out to be scum by following all of my posts and pointing out my mistakes (of which I was sure there would be more of), however, I didn't think it would be a good idea to say that at the moment because it seemed like the kind of excuse scum would make and I still trusted Refa at the time. 

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