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Everything posted by SullyMcGully

  1. I think everyone's special! You're cool. And you looked like you had the time on your hands for an interview. 6: Have you ever played a Persona game? 7: What do you like so much about Final Fantasy 13? 8: What is the riskiest thing you've ever done? 9: What is the most risque thing you've ever done? 10: Do you believe in the supernatural?
  2. I originally joined because I had written up the perfect storyline for a Fire Emblem game and I figured I had a better chance of making a fangame than actually getting hired by Intelligent Systems. I spent several months in the Fan Projects subforum learning the ins and outs of game balancing from the designers there before I realized I would never get anywhere with programming. In my following state of depression, I wound up spending more time here in the "crazy" part of the forums. And here I am today! I still have that storyline, and it is the best FE storyline to ever be written, but I'm holding out for the big leagues. They'll see how promising I am... someday. Could others consider you "childish"?
  3. I followed you because I love you! Why would you think otherwise? Oh yeah, and it occurs to me that @Ronnie has never actually posted on this @Ronnie thread, which is why I am @Ronnie notifying him by @Ronnie mentioning him frequently. Is this @Ronnie a common practice, or is there another @Ronnie way of doing this?
  4. Hey Ronnie! I hope you don't mind that we all nominated you. Here are some questions: 1: What's your opinion of me? 2: What's your opinion of Billy Joel? 3: What's your opinion of me compared to Billy Joel? 4: Do you have a spirit animal? 5: Here's my tweaked @Astolfo! impression: Please raise the limit please please please with a cherry on top?
  5. Why wouldn't the Republicans impeach Trump? If Trump is impeached, Pence becomes president. Compared to Trump, the vice president is a lot more moderate and a lot less controversial, and I think a lot of Republicans and Democrats would be more comfortable with him in office. I think the reason Trump is still in office is because he's still popular with a lot of people. He did win the election, after all. A lot of congressmen would probably rather wait for him to do something extremely stupid that nobody is in favor of to impeach him than have to explain to their constituents why they ousted the man that the people put in office.
  6. Monsters Inc. Sully. Bu the reason my username is what it is is because that is legitimately something people call me in real life. Do you know anybody from the forums in real life?
  7. Hey, wait, does this mean I can't be a Final Fascist anymore? I played TitS (wow, that acronym has problems) through GOG.com. They let you download the games to your PC without having to worry about a whole lot of extra installation stuff. I played it on a very weak old laptop and only suffered minimal slowdown, so the barrier to entry isn't that high if you want to play the first trilogy.
  8. The same way I do! Wait for it to rain! The proper way to kill an annoying bug is to...
  9. I kinda invented it. So far as I know, there isn't another name for Falcom fans (in the US, at least.)
  10. For years, I thought it was a joke. "It can't be that great," I told myself. "It would be popular if it was that great." But after spending a year on a Fire Emblem forum where the "Trails of" series is more popular than Fire Emblem, I finally gave in. And I emerged... a Falcommie. So I just finished Trails in the Sky FC and I'm going to start on SC after my vacation. You guys were right. I shouldn't have resisted. I now know what I was missing out on. I will now join your ranks and incessantly sing the praises of Aidos all throughout the forums.
  11. At gunpoint! The proper way to give an iPhone 7 a headphone port is to...
  12. He was a pretty amazing person. It's always cool when people turn down a knighthood. Have you ever read "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift
  13. I'd love to join, but I'm going to be going on vacation myself soon. Just hold off on introducing me for two weeks. I'll be back and ready to go at that point.
  14. So just out of curiosity, what if I were to lose a yelling match with Hitler?
  15. Oh wow! I was wondering why it was taking so long to load. Well, yet another innocent bystander is introduced to Serene's Forest's infamous double-posting epidemic! I've never heard of him. Why don't you tell me what's so great about Rabindranath Tagore?
  16. Have you ever read anything by Shel Silverstein? That's a tough one. I think the winner would be 3DS because it's portable and I use it a lot more than everything else, but I also really love GBA, PS1, N64, GCN, and Wii. And everything else that wasn't made by Atari, Sega, or Microsoft.
  17. Have you ever read anything by Shel Silverstein? That's a tough one. I think the winner would be 3DS because it's portable and I use it a lot more than everything else, but I also really love GBA, PS1, N64, GCN, and Wii. And everything else that wasn't made by Atari, Sega, or Microsoft.
  18. Have you ever read anything by Shel Silverstein? That's a tough one. I think the winner would be 3DS because it's portable and I use it a lot more than everything else, but I also really love GBA, PS1, N64, GCN, and Wii. And everything else that wasn't made by Atari, Sega, or Microsoft.
  19. Have you ever read anything by Shel Silverstein? That's a tough one. I think the winner would be 3DS because it's portable and I use it a lot more than everything else, but I also really love GBA, PS1, N64, GCN, and Wii. And everything else that wasn't made by Atari, Sega, or Microsoft.
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