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Excellen Browning

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Everything posted by Excellen Browning

  1. No. Im a guy who lists himself as female on SF for laughs. edit: If I were les I suppose I would've known better than to put my hands down there.
  2. So the first time I had sex with a girl who was on her period, I was fingering her and felt something, pulled my fingers out and there was just a big ball of bloody slime on them. At least I didn't attempt to eat her out.
  3. I'd actually argue better gun laws >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nothing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> armed guards in schools. Afaik there's already significant problems with guards/police abusing their position of authority, and in case of police they don't even answer to the school. Let's not skew the power dynamic even more.
  4. I'm not saying "boys need a father figure", I'm saying kids in general should be kept from abandonment, and from sole custody by one parent unless there's some good reasons to make it so. And the other thing I'm saying is that the author of that article should adress the actual issue and not do some cherry picking and declaring it all not as bad "as often portrayed".
  5. No, or at least not necessarily. This seems to vary per state, but if dad wants shared custody, he can expect to get it. @Res that article is uhh not good. Like wow what a shocker there are men out there who grew up without father figures and turned out alright. Same with the divorce statistics. Divorce and otherwise unhappy homes producing unhappy kids, I mean who knew? But there are plenty of divorced couples with mom as sole custodian, and plenty who have shared custody, and its rather easy to compare these two groups.
  6. Out of interest, what makes something a rape, legally?(or how do you prove something was a rape?) I always assumed a clear "no" or other strong resistance, but I'm curious to know.
  7. If it meant having a decent amount of space for myself I'd share my bed with another man every day of the week.
  8. Which religion do you adhere to? Some form of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam?
  9. Andrew McCabe, who was recently fired as head or FBI, has apparently turned over some memos related to the firing of Comey to Mueller. Comey, the head of FBI before him, who was probably fired due to the Russia investigation.
  10. This is all well and good but the pendulum has gone back and forth several times over the last two millenia.
  11. I'm not a woman, just a GIRL. As for the double standard, possibly. A bunch of years a ago I saw a documentary called "sletvrees" (fear of slut) on Dutch public television, that dealt with that very issue. A lot of people were interviewed about the concept of sluts, what a slut is, if men can be sluts(yes, sorta), if men would go out with women who had slept with hundreds of men(no), how men felt about having less sexual experience than their partner(insecure), and of course all of the same questions to women(yes, no, IDFK). They were also asked how they thought this came to be, and it was pretty universally thought that men were supposed to be the "hunters" and women the "hunted". I'll be honest, it seemed to me like all of these people were just spewing their nonsense automatically, and had never really considered the issue. I've asked some female friends who are/were promiscuous about whether or they had to deal with negative commentary or behaviour for it, and they all said yes. On one hand, it's all just been shitty comments from family, friends, people they know and even total strangers. On the other hand, it's still super lame.
  12. I'm seriously not going to involve myself in discussion on the meaning of the word 'slut', as if some dictionary is authoritative. Also I'll have you know that Tony Stark (in his movies) is not a man-whore. He's in a committed relationship with Pepper.
  13. Look buddy, the whole "just say no" abstinence angle is extremely unsuccessful. This was touched on earlier in this thread. The simple reality is that people are going to be fuckin' no matter how hard you yell and preach about it being bad and immoral. So given this fact you can either be a moron and try harder to stop the fuckin', or you can be productive and at least tell everyone how to avoid unwanted pregnancies and std's.
  14. Or you can just put on the damn condom and keep your sex life mostly private, and not have to deal with the std's, pregnancies and the stigma. Or hang out with people who are cool with you sleeping around if you have to get that out there, or it gets out there, and avoid the stigma.
  15. http://amp.ksbw.com/article/seaside-high-teacher-accidentally-fires-gun-in-class/19426017 This is the best idea, great energy.
  16. Rural communities doing things in a way different from urbanites is pretty normal across the globe.
  17. This is also true in Kentucky. In the US. You can legally marry in Kentucky when you're 13. About 80% of all marriages in Kentucky involving a minor are girls who have to marry the grown-ass adult man they had sex with (or who raped them), prior to marriage and engagement.
  18. What percentage is teens getting married for having the sex (and getting preggers), and how much is teen girls getting married to their rapists.
  19. I mean, I doubt that Trump is going to be impeached over this, simply because he hasn't been impeached over it yet. But it would still be funny. It would be our Nixon moment.
  20. We might be getting the most 2018 future I can think of: Trump gets NK to stop its nuclear program and both Koreas to unite, gets impeached over financial felonies he committed to quietly pay off a hooker. Detailed discussion of the Stormy Daniels case here: http://pca.st/VGrp
  21. http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2018/03/possible_accidental_shooting_a.html Another school shoorting
  22. Also helps that the party that is needed to impeach the current president is also kinda busy with defending Roy Moore and the right of old men to marry underage girls in Kentucky. Or part of the party, at least.
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