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Status Updates posted by ___

  1. hi! You have a very nice un. How did you come up with it?

    Also, seems your fairly new around here, so welcome to the forest!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ___


      Seems the show was rated well on MAL. Is watching anime a hobby of yours too?

    3. DraceEmpressa


      yeah, kinda lol. Now i'm watching track on Katsugeki

    4. ___


      Is that Touken Ranbu?

      And what other shows have you watched? I watch anime regularly, may be we have some in common.

  2. I like your banner. There's a sense of peace, tranquility, and wonder about it.

    well, just my weird thoughts, really.

    1. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      It's a screencap of iTunes, if I remember right.

  3. Welcome back to Serenes! I hope you enjoy your time here, for however long you decide to stick around this time.

    Also, I'm a little curious, who is your avatar, if you don't mind me asking?


    1. baticeer


      Thanks! My avatar is Ethlin from FE4. I cropped it from the art on the Cipher cards.

    2. ___


      Oh cool, thanks for sharing! I had never heard of that character, and I'm not very familiar with the Cipher game either, but the art is very pretty.


      Again, I hope you have fun around here!

  4. ___

    Welcome to the forums, Iris!

    Post lots, make friends, and enjoy yourself; if you need anything, just ask the first random person you see around, they're mostly safe to approach...mostly...


    Anyways, I thought to do this back on the Interviews thread, but I figure that'll going to far off topic. Hope your work doesn't drown you completely out.

    1. Iris


      wow, you're so kind!!! i'm glad there are such nice people to welcome me here. :3

  5. hmm...I guess you're not who I thought you were....

    Well, welcome to SF. Looks like you're fairly recent around here, at least I don't seem to remember seeing you being too active.

    1. Miracle-Flora


      Thank you! I'm not very active but I want to keep up the posts. It's a ton of fun!

    2. ___


      Nothing wrong with enjoying the place at your own pace; everyone's fairly friendly, so make some friends, and if you happen to need anything don't be shy about asking around. Have fun!

    3. Miracle-Flora


      Thank you very much!

  6. what do you think of this?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ___


      I also thought to answer with some sort of rap video but I couldn't bring myself to do so because they were that bad.

      At least this one sounds good and has very simple lyrics, ha.

    3. Soledai


      I have to admit, I wasn't expecting you to actually remember that question. I am thoroughly impressed.

    4. ___


      Well, I guess you wouldn't expect an answer after this much time, but I did say I simply couldn't come up with something right off the top of my head back then, didn't I? I intended to answer every question, so there's your answer to that one!

  7. ___


    1. RoMena


      i have revived from the deepest depths of my death GOD im sorry i disappeared like that 
      i hope youre doing fine!

    2. ___


      I'm OK, I think. A little better now that I hear from you again c;

      How are you?

    3. RoMena


      aww man ;-; im so sorry >.<

      Im...alive. Honestly college just got worse for me lmao it doesnt cut me any slack sigh
      so done with this semester
      how about you?

  8. I find your 'about me' a full delight to read, thank you for this treat~

  9. ___

    Hello there. I have been curious about your avi, who is it and where is it from? Ah, and I love your profile banner, I don't know what it is or where it's from, but it's great.

    1. Koneko


      It's Irisviel von Einzbern from the Fate series (though I think in Fate Grand Order they changed her appearance depending on what weapon she was I forget). Though the banner is from http://1041uuu.tumblr.com/ they make a lot of great pixel work!]

    2. ___


      You know, I just had a feeling that she was. She looks beautiful. Although that bit about her being a weapon is a little...strange.

      And wow, that pixel art is amazing; thank you so much for sharing!

  10. Hey there! Could you tell me who the avi is??? It looks really nice.

    1. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      Oh uhhh it's Hata no Kokoro from 2hu for my April Fools theme

    2. ___


      oh, that's a pretty interesting character; thanks!

    3. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      You're welcome..?

  11. Hope you get better soon! If I can be of any help, just let me know.

  12. Who is your avi???

    1. かベリー


      Artwork of Princess Yggdra Yuril Ashwaltz from the Dept. Heaven series video game Knights In The Nightmare. ^^

    2. ___


      wow...that's a mouthful...not just about the name, but the rest of the description, too. My respects and gratitude for such a great answer! She's lovely c:

    3. かベリー


      Thank you, she's really one of my favorite characters, especially her design!

  13. ___

    who's the girl in the avi? it's the same as the one in your profile banner, right? I'm curious about the lord, too...sorry if this is a bother.

    1. Kirie


      They're different characters, actually! The avatar is of Florina From Blazing Sword (FE7) and the profile cover picture is of Sigurd and Deirdre from Genealogy of the Holy War (FE4). Both pieces of art are actually from different FE Cipher cards, with Florina's art done by the artist Mayo, and Sigurd/Deirdre by Rika Suzuki. :)

    2. ___


      ...ah, thanks...do you ever, like, get stuck looking at art for who knows how long? ever thought that it's kind of strange and unfair for a bunch of colors arranged in certain patterns and shades to seem to posses more importance and allure than they really do?


      anyways, strange questions, but art feels like that type of thing to me; thank you for your help!

  14. Your banner image looks like just the place I would like to be right now, since I'm going to sleep shortly, hah. But it does look peaceful.

    1. eclipse


      Ooh, I'm glad you like it!  Sweet dreams!

  15. .................................

  16. We are what we repeatedly do. Be passionate. Be wise.

    1. Junkhead


      You don't get in life what you want. You get what you're willing to settle for.

  17. Your un is wonderful, sounds full of possibilities and creativity~

  18. ....Would that, by any chance, be Azura? *points at avi*

    1. Emeraldrox


      It's actually a crossdressing Shigure lol. It's a running joke that every time I draw Shigure, I draw his hair longer, so I just made him full on feminine.

    2. ___


      lol, did he more of that?

      But congratulations, you've succeeded wonderfully. I'm somewhat scared to think what you could do if you were a character stylist in a movie set or something.

      Honestly, great skills.

    3. ___


      correction: *need more of that?*

  19. *sigh*

    1. NJ7009


      Oh dear, you shouldn't be sighing :L that's never good

    2. ___
  20. accidentally sent some one to die a pointless death, had to restart for the second time in a row. time for a break.

  21. Do you look like your avi?

    1. NJ7009


      Besides the fact my hair is long, no, not at all :P

    2. ___


      lol, i'm glad you don't.

  22. ___

    Enjoy your day, may many great things come your way.

    1. Rezzy


      Why, thank you!

  23. Every beginning has an end.

    1. Naughx


      Everything that exists must cease to be.

  24. Favorite character design in Fates?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ___


      lol, I know, but do you have any you particularly like? Or do you simply like them all equally?

    3. TheSilentChloey


      Well I like Xander's paladin design and the Malig knights.

    4. ___


      haha, I figured you had decided to simply forget that last question of mine. Well, it's surprising to see it now, but thanks for your reply anyways.

      What is it that you like about the Malig knights? I never looked very closely at them.

      Also, just in case I never get the chance again, your avi is very cool c:

  25. For some reason I always put stuff on my page, but something tells me I should nuke all of it and leave it blank.

    1. Soledai


      You could, but people will still keep coming.

    2. ___


      Strangely enough, true, ha.

      Still, I probably spend more time putting stuff in there than your average member.

      Would be more convenient to just leave it empty, but I can't help myself.

    3. Soledai


      Well you know how it is, we folks tend not to leave canvases blank by nature, so to speak.

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