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Everything posted by BlackShadow

  1. That maybe meant that I might not do it, not a challenge I know your's will be better. :3
  2. If the monk is the last one then I will try him and the second last girl. Expect Amelia's probably willl be better. EDIT: Maybe......
  3. Thanks for the comment, deranger, and if you, or anyone, wants to critique my latestwork.....only a lowly edit though: So yeah, not that good, but please critique.
  4. Thanks for the happy birthdays it means alot. XD

  5. Ivy, my personal mug: Amelitia, origanally a younger human Sonia, but recoloured and altered: Senar, the one with no neck: Haldan, the one with the weird, artificial abs: Some dude with the hair that needs shading and Ivy's husband: And Hav'aar, a competition entry that I don't need critique for: So there they are, and critique is appreciated because I can now take it. lol
  6. I agree with Amelia that would be awesome. And I see how much you've improved. Do you have a mug for the chibi? And how did you get his help? I need it...
  7. So we have to make it look like a Holy/Divine weapon or do we make our own and name it, making of that standard? So do we base it off the others or create our own basically?
  8. Oh thank goodnes, I was starting to think it was a lower tier Cliessa.XD Well, I like this it looks good so far. Wish I could do FC's....
  9. Okay, I will change it and the dude to FE7
  10. Ivy is kinda a BladeMaster, because I filled in the skin parts to make it look like armour. But I guess it didn't work. As for the dude, it could be Dallan.
  11. I know it does, but I can't change it now, too lazy.
  12. Ok, this is my first time making a tome so keep that in mind. I named it Blaze.
  13. Well the did a little work on him and changed the colours, added something on the left. I didn't change him too much in case you liked the design still and the end result looks of som nobility. And instead fixing up the sprites, can I post my personal mug? If so, this is it: Her name is Ivy. ( It must be.....please if you use it. You don't have to.) :D
  14. 'Allo there, iavasechui. Nice sprites. XD

  15. I like this. The hair looks strange to me a bit, but still. XD
  16. Yes I am aware of the position of the shoulder pad is bad, but I can't be bothered changing it. And I know it isn't a winner.
  17. I think this make has potenial ( not a mapper) although those moutains under the armoury and the paths have.... corners. Try to put the path/grass tiles there.
  18. Well could you give me an outline of the story. And you could send me emails, although I would have to PM email adress. ^_^
  19. Hey iavasechui, I could maybe help with splices (but a kinda badder splicer than the rest) or I can help with the story or both! XD
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