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Everything posted by TheTuckingFypo

  1. Yeah, we do. I accounted for that already, but just tomorrow's. :9 5/10 of you said Brave Heroes/CYL so that will be the banner of choice.
  2. Azama. Enough said. Lol. My Dank Tank Azama build has just gotten more dank.
  3. Yes! I actually have already done an explanation on the build here.
  4. Nope. Early. I'd ideally want to wait until I get a few more answers. Plus, I have extra orbs. I sit at 27 atm, but I still have enough $$$ for another 3, plus 4 Orbs from log in bonus at 12am PST, and 2 from daily orbs (or is that over???) for a total of 34-36 orbs.
  5. Brave Heroes, at 3.5% Sounds like I'll be pulling from Brave Banners. I kinda wanna pull from the TT banner, but that may be for another time.
  6. I meant to post it in the Official Pull Thread. But I didn't notice I was on the wrong thread til it was too late. LOL. (phones, I tell you) And yes, I definitely want a +Spd/-Atk Azama. Please. LOL
  7. So I won a $25 iTunes card today at school. @Rezzy @MaskedAmpharos @GuiltyLove @Anime27Arts @LordFrigid @Astolfo! @Legion! @Ice Dragon @SatsumaFSoysoy @Motendra You guys tell me which banner I'm doing a full summon on.
  8. Hmmm... maybe black knight is a TT reward? As long as it isn't a fates TT I'm good.
  9. Wtf Camilla. You were supposed to lose! now I'm stuck on team Camilla lol...
  10. Ha! My boyfriends cat does that at 5am. He meows til someone gets up. If he deems you extra special, he also wakes you up at 2am, by slapping you in the face with his tail. Ill take a 3-year old over the cat. Lol.
  11. Wait what. Camilla has a lead on lyn, and I wasn't expecting it. I only joined because chrom lost and I expected Camilla to lose...
  12. So... I'm thinking Shadow Dragon roster will be something like: Marth, Caeda, Jeorge, either Merric or Linde, but probably not both, Draug (armor), Tiki, and either Cain, Abel or Jagen, with Jagen as priority, as Frederick was in the Awakening roster. Sorry Gordin, I'd put you on the list, but Jeorge has Parthia. Honorary mention for being adorable. Fateswise, we're still missing Sakura and Azura, though I'm certain they're just around the corner. There is no more room for any more characters from Fates, unless it is DLC. Also, Male Corrin. Will he be a skin, or did he just get shafted entirely? Awakening has enough characters (Chrom, Robin, Lissa, Frederick, Cordelia and Lucina), but they'll probaby end up adding Tharja for the fan base, and maybe Kellam because he's an armoured unit. If we count up my guesses.... SD: 1 confirmed, 8 with my roster prediction Awakening: 6 already confirmed, 8 with my roster prediction, 9 if both Robin are counted seperately. Fates: 10, 11 if Male Corrin somehow isn't shafted by IS/Koei Warriors: 3-4, not sure if the twin's mom will be playable or not Totals: Already confirmed: 18 (19 if Robin's are counted separately) My roster prediction: 29 *(31 if M!Corrin and F!Robin are counted separately (and if M!Corrin even gets in) ** (32 if Mom is playable) -------- As for DLC, that is a different story. Ike and Roy will most likely be playable later on via Amiibo. If I had complete control over the DLC roster, other than the amiibos, I would add: Alm Celica SOV Antagonist? (Probably, Rudolf, Berkut or Jedah) Eirika Ephraim Lyon Seliph Julia Julius Lyn Hector Eliwood Ninian Micaiah Black Knight Honourable Mentions: Garon, Mikoto, Gangrel, Aversa, Validar, Valter, Alm's village buddies, Celica's Novis friends and Saber, Nils, Nergal, Lilina and Leif. That's just my thoughts.
  13. I'm not surprised. They weren't just gonna leave Elise and Sakura out, and probably Azura as well. Takumi uses Close Counter. We got this.
  14. Woah. That thought is amazing. Yeah, that commercial though.
  15. *Looks at the brackets....* RIP Chrom. I actually don't know who to pick... I guess I'm back to coin flipping...
  16. Omg, imagine Odin actually KO'ing something. O_O I wonder how they will address it though.
  17. More like Brave Lucina power creeping Ephraim. Kinda like Bridelia and every archer atm. ----- But yes! At least we know when we'll know about sacred coins!
  18. Do you realize there is a grammar error in your signature? It should say "announce", not "announced". Just thought I'd let you know. Oh, boy. Did you ever ask the right (or wrong) person. Being Canadian, I learned some French in school, enough to be plopped down in a French speaking country and be immersed in about a few weeks. I then took Spanish, which by my high school graduation, I was almost fluent... (I really should've kept up with that). I can't speak Portuguese, but all that Spanish I took did enable me to understand it when I read it or hear it. I recently (a year ago) started Japanese. I'm getting there. After that, I'm thinking either German, or Mandarin. (Maybe Italian). I'm also planning to refresh on the languages I've already learned. I could've said English, but I think that I know it already... I am very blessed and fortunate to be gifted with such an ability to pick up languages.
  19. LOL, now we have matching Leon's! ----- My luck on the free summons: Top 4 Mens... FOUR COLOURLESS... and a green.... Another god damn Nino. She is seriously now about 50% of my free summons. As cute as you are, Nino, please stop. Top 4 Females... 5 Reds. I think I'll pick Red I guess :/ Athena? Dude, you could be useful.... Dammit! -ATK. fodder.
  20. How do you like your eggs? Yes! I must thank you again for that!
  21. Looks at my units... Bonus wise, I can go Lyn, Camilla Roy and Chrom... Hmmm.... Maybe I'll coin flip this Gauntlet.
  22. Yeah... It'll be hell... Team Chrom anyone? I'm looking at that delicious skill Lyn has. I wonder if it's inheritable...
  23. On the brightside, you can do a Falchion healer build on him with that extra HP... (Alm and Celica actually have great team synergy, imo I have Marth, not Alm, but still. Synergy.)
  24. No kidding. I'll be nice, and merge them all. Meanwhile, somebody decided to Wrys up to the challenge and promote for Live to Serve 3 Fodder. shot for bad pun
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