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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. Actually, I had another interesting thought about the Japanese overall higher pitch vs the English changes. Remember how Lyn was, I think, 15 years old in Japan and 17 in the localizations? This is just one example but I feel like Japanese gamers tend to prefer younger protagonists as opposed to Western gamers. To me the Awakening characters seem younger with their Japanese voices... like, take Tharja, how old is she supposed to be? For some reason her Japanese voice gives me the impression that she is a teenager, but in English she seems to be a little older, 20-something I would say. Same with Olivia. This is true for me for most of the female characters and some of the males. I dunno if this is just me personally (or because I'm in North America) perceiving the high pitch as more "childish" per se, but I'm pretty sure even Japanese audiences would see it that way. I guess this is also why I prefer the English "older-sounding" voices, in most cases it seems more believable that the parents are the parents and the kids are the kids even though they aren't that apart in age. Even with Olivia/Inigo (he doesn't sound 40, not at all...lol).

    I think the Lyn thing was about issues with statutory rape...

    Lissa's voice was perfect in both languages as they both captured her personality. I think what I have the most beef with the localization is the voices lack of link with their characters, rather than voice acting prowess. I'm fine with complete changes to some of the characters' characterization (not on how it violates on the original game's intent), i.e. on how Tharja ages 10 years from Japanese to English because both voices somehow fit her, despite their differences.

  2. At the moment, every person in my life has some importance to me. If they didn't I wouldn't talk to them.

    You guys do too. : ] Every person I meet is another invisible tie created, and every tie I have to this planet reminds me of why I'm still living.

    Please don't make me tear up.


    You are too hard on yourself for... I dunno, knowing Japanese and liking it, shadow.

    Also I find it MORE FRUSTRATING THAT DLC IS GETTING BARFED OUT AND A SIMPLE PATCH IS NOT. We live in an age where DRM rapes our children and we can't fix a little bug?

  4. It's gotta be the Japanese voices. Having Sawashiro use her cute voice as my daughter is too good to be true. I do enjoy some voices better than the Japanese version, i.e. Gregor, Nowi, and some are one par, like Lucina, Tharja. Overall, the Japanese voices blows the localized voices out of the water, and it is worth resetting to every time I turn on the game. Though this ultimately is a subjective argument and we can only base our opinions on our ideals, i.e. being purists, being English speakers, rather than on actual voice quality and character, both of which can't be measured.

  5. I believe it was supposed to be tied to bloodlines, but Vincent raised the possibility that Chrom's anscestor could have been given the ability to wield the Falchion by Naga. It's worth noting that Chrom and his family have the mark of the exalt, whereas Marth is never shown having any such mark.

    Lissa also does not bear a mark of the Exalt. It is not be all end all. Sometimes it skips a gen or something. Owain, on the other hand, has the mark of the Exalt.

  6. Wind across the Plains just gives me nostalgia up the butt so I have to mention it. Dragon's Gate II gives a demonic, final chapter, but there is still hope feeling that is perfect for a last chapter music.

    Beyond the Sky has a great ring to it. It just feels like your playing something authentic. It's not trying to be cool, but the feeling is there. /end weird explanation.

    Birth of the Holy Knight

    Girl of the Sprit Forest

    Dance in the Skies

    I love a lot of the Gen I Genealogy tracks.

    I love all Early Game, Eirika's route tracks in Sacred Stones, I hate Ephraim's route's music and the end game's... I dunno. One of the reasons I always play Eirika's route. That and the story.

    Ike's Resolution. Is this even a map theme? I know it is in the OST, but I don't recall this being in a particular map. Also Greil Mercenaries is beautiful. From Radiant Dawn, A Grasping Truth fit the "OOOHHHHHH SHIIITTT, AM I GOING UP AGAINST A GOD???" feeling.

    Chaos, and oh god the Ablaze version(Though not a map theme) are genius! Obligatory Conquest... and the Ablaze version... I think I like most of Awakening's battle themes is because of the excellent Ablaze, Galvanaized versions and how they mix so well with combat, another reason to turn on battle animations, whereas in previous versions, where it was a chore. Also, Prelude, Divine Decree, Don't speak her name!, Run all you like-you can't escape fate, DUTY(especially), Id(Purpose)(Oh god yes!)

    Yes Awakening has my favorite soundtrack, after that Path of Radiance.

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