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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. Yeah the heroes are sexy, so are the myrmidons/swordmasters. I do question their choices when it came to knights/generals though. All horseback classes are also very sleek and well designed, as are the lord classes. I don't like how they implemented the FF hats for mages, but from an objective design stand point they look fine.

  2. FE13 has the best OST in the series. Runner ups for me are FE9 and FE4. This new soundtrack is consistently good, whereas the other games only had a few select songs that struck a chord with me. The map songs and their ablaze versions was a fantastic idea, and the various remixes of themes in the game set to the current story atmosphere was top notch.

  3. You're forgetting the Generic Village Girl-chan.

    gg indeed, Cordelia.

    So Chrom... what's her name?"

    Although I usually stay away from these videos as I would like to experience them by myself ingame. This is a clip I know I will never see otherwise.

  4. I wish they did a CBA support just for the two to make it more dramatic. Like in the A support, Chrom rejects her (not coldly of course) and Cordelia learns to accepts it and moves on.

    She's the ONLY one who gets a special hug before the scene everyone else gets.

    Lol and she stalks him if you get the scene with Maribelle(?).

  5. Forcing you? Who's forced you into anything?

    I think he is referring to the Marriage priority she has and the fact that the opening sequence has her and Chrom together with Lucina.

    EDIT: ANNND... Chrom and her share a cutscene together and its titled, "Love Birds" <_<

    I mean they do make a cute couple. A life time of delicious pies.

  6. It saddens me that Cordelia always talk about Chrom and they can never be; the game doesn't even allow it. No S support, no support at all to begin with (though if there is support options for a male and a female, there is a automatic S requirement, unless they are kin, etc. but that's besides the point.) I think someone on the board mentioned she was of "a character in FE1 archetype"(I forgot the character's name) so therefore she can't be with Chrom, but I am confused by how that justify it at all. Albeit I don't know much of that archtype, as I don't even remember the name. Can someone elaborate and educate me on this subject? I just kinda feel sorry for her. Before I played the game, her art made her came off as a haughty, I'm-too-awesome-for-you kinda character, but she's actually pretty sweet and caring in the game.

  7. I think grinding actually makes Lunatic harder and more frustrating in Casual. The skirmishes are way, way harder than the chapters. Things are going downhill in terms of difficulty in midgame though, as I start using my DLC chapters to gain an unfair amount of advantage. Though the game just lend itself to get easier as you progress, which is counter intuitive.

  8. Bows are Lance Mt right? What if they had the weight(oh wait that's not in this game) of swords and Mt of Axes? Would the no counter attack on the enemy phase still make them cumbersome? Or make them default 2-3 range, would that make them too broken? I know for sure 1-3 Range is teribad broken, i.e. Marksman + Double bow, but RD archers were very good just because of the Marksman class. Shinon and Rolf ripped shit up in that game.

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