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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. I switch between auto and POV. If I didn't get a headache after awhile, I would have it exclusively on POV because it is pretty sweet. Also I hate how there is a slo-mo option but the animations always auto slow whenever there is a kill. I want to see at least one person die in this game without it being slow motion! >:(

  2. If gay marraige was a mechanic, it would make the whole children system... it would make the whole game awkward mechanically. Even if you don't pair up the characters, if you acknowledge that they are straight, then that's fine, because at least they get substitute children... (I assume so, I haven't gotten that far yet :P, or rather, they will still get children just without skills, boosts in stat etc.)

    Also since being gay or not is for the most part objective, as in, it is a part of a person, not for YOU to decide. They could have actual gay characters and they would be able to marry other potential gay mates. I don't agree that you would be able to control the sexuality of over 50+ characters at your finger tip. Most western games that allow gay relationships only make you decide the sexuality of one character, your avatar. So maybe if they had the option of making your avatar in FE13 gay, I'd be fine with that. Though this changes the potential mate of your avatar to... the entire friggin' cast of the game.

  3. I love the battle animations but the characters look like they are constantly walking, fighting on a waxed floor. There's just no traction whatsoever :\

    Also no one has feet! Rather, their feet are so freakin' small! No wonder Sumia trips all the time. It's like their legs go to their shins then there is a little stubble that they call feet...

  4. The most significant thing about FE that I like would be the elegant use of numbers. There are no bullshit equations, every point of Strength will deal one extra damage, every point of Speed will grant 2 avoid etc. Not only is it simple but it makes sense on a flavorful level. Luck will give you the ability to dodge and strike the enemy, while skill will give you criticals and also assist in hitting the enemy etc. No other game lets me sit down and analyze numbers as deep as FE. Most RPGs have random stats like Intelligence, blah blah and I never care for them during the game, I just plow through it. FE makes me pay attention to every number every level up, which can be a good or bad thing. The bad thing would be that I rage at my DS and throw it somewhere when someone get a 0+ level up.

    Other than that, characters and the story. (Obligatory) The music is okay, but I never like an entire soundtrack of an FE game, bar Path of Radiance. I only like certain songs of an OST unlike other games like Zelda, etc. where I might actually like the entire OST.

  5. I think what I hate most about the original is the fact that the battery life is essentially a travesty, especially in standby mode.

    Nah, the most I hate about my 3DS is the fact that I bought after the Ambassador program expired and like 1 week before the announcement of the XL Dx

  6. This topic is making me want something 90% redundant! Also sorry for topic placement. I had Awakening in mind (Which system do you play Awakening on etc.), but it turned out to be another topic, at least the way I worded it.

  7. As much as I would like to play on the XL, I'm broke so I'll make due with the original for now. I'm wasn't a fan of the original DS XL because simply making the screen bigger without a resolution increase isn't my thing. But with a bigger 3D screen, I'd imagine it would looks spectacular despite having the same resolution.

  8. Sword > Axe and Lance > Sword always made sense. This is a question that I never got the answer to as well. Swords are much faster and lighter than axes allowing the sword wielder to dance around the axeman. Lances are longer than swords and can get a first strike in before the sword wielder can close in. Though if a sword wielder get into a lance wielder's space, than its all over. The whole thing is just to balance things out, it doesn't need to make much sense. Think Pokemon type advantages, some of them are just plain nonsensical.

  9. Eh, as much as I like difficulty, hardcoreness, etc.etc. This practice is pretty annoying. It is more of bad design than difficulty. Not totally the same as "Nintendo hard" but a challenge needs to be something that can be overcame with skill not being aware ahead of time when is the game going to throw its next unexpected and brutal curveball. Real difficulty is to Super Meat Boy as Fake difficulty is to Super Syobon.

  10. It's pretty confirmed that Ike is not gay. He might be bi, but not gay.

    Where is this confirmation? He seems pretty apathetic toward woman in general. If anything, Ike fell in love with "being a warrior" a long time ago.

    Hell, it would be great to have a lord of an FE game be homosexual. The only character we have that's gay is Heather. Legault's speculated to be bisexual, but that's not confirmed.

    What are the leads that Legault is bi? I'm curious.

  11. Because Thunder Magic is best magic

    Tell that to Radiant Dawn.

    Since I'm not going to make a similar topic, I'll just post in yours.

    I set the game to Auto just to see what would happen. I was in a random skirmish (guard mode). First turn, computer moves all my units in range of the enemy but doesn't attack... Enemy phase, an enemy doubles Donnel and kills him. I go, "Ok, let's reset and never touch the auto button again."

  12. Maybe posting in here will get me to decide to get off my lazy ass and change my old avi/sig from a while back or not.


    Avi: The border is of different width on the top and right side... I like the pic though, what character is it? 7/10

    Sig: Eh, not really a fan. 5/10

  13. When is this actually coming out? My friend is a huge MH nut. I want to get into the series with this game but I swear I've been waiting for a least a year and a half since its release/announcement? in Japan. D:

    *I've heard Monster Hunter is extremely hardcore about its rare items and crafting the perfect equipment. I play Pokemon so I should be fine :D

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