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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. Hmmm... This is a useful topic, as I asked the same question today when Anna was shakenly avoiding arrows in Paralogue 2. Though I was hoping Anna was more of a real character than a gag character (multiple copies, not relevant to the story, etc.), but then it again, this is Anna we're talking about; I guess her personality permits it.

  2. It was between 80 and 90 last time I checked. I don't know how some one can reach 120+, seems not human. Though if the test does count typos I can get up to 120+ I guess :P

  3. I don't know any aggragate information but the game sold out in Shopko and Walmart when I wanted to buy it initially 2 days ago. That says something; I would never have imagined an FE game selling out. The game deserves it, the production value is highest in an FE game yet, really puts the Tellius games to shame in terms of polish (I love the Tellius games by the way).

  4. I am playing it for the first time, so I went with the default options, as I always do, normal and classic. I am playing in Japanese right now, which is a total pain because you have to set the language every reset. In my second playthrough, I'll mix it up with... oh, probably hard and casual with English.

  5. The english version is just fine. Japanese voices tend to annoy me, they sound cliche and all the girls are so squeaky.... ugh. Sorry just voicing my opinion.

    That's why options are great! Yes, the squeaky super cute voice is very annoying. I tend to prefer Japanese voices because most of the time, they are more professional/they put more work/emphasis on them then dub relatively speaking. The main reason I would prefer Japanese voices in this game is solely because Sawashiro Miyuki, my favorite voice actress and Tomokazu Sugita, the voice of Kyon is in it.

  6. They make it clear through her dialogue that she actually is more mature than she looks. It is an improvement as far as I'm concerned.

    Ok, that's fine. I assume you are referring to Nono or whatever her new name is? That's a cultural thing that can't be avoided. I'm neutral about the change. I was worried that features might have been taken out, i.e. marriage with certain characters. I'm a completionist, so I like doing all that a game has to offer.

    There are a lot of dialogue changes, but apparently nothing on the gameplay level other than a slightly modified (and generally accelerated) download order and DLC being available in packs.

    One of my worst fears is Japanese only FE characters would be scrapped because they might fear the player going, "Who is this? I've never seen this character in FE 7,8,9..." Order in which they are released is irrelevant.

    EDIT: I think my fears are justified, haha, considering they took out a lot from FE12, i.e. the whole game.

  7. Japanese voices are available you know... And why didn't you import it if you're a "purist"? OAo

    I don't understand Japanese. I'm not super anal about English voices; I was, but was proven wrong with Kid Icarus: Uprising (Great English voice work in that game). I'm mostly worried about actual content change due to cultural/random reasons. Stuff gets lost in translation, that's fine, but when stuff gets taken out and altered/defiled ala 4kids style, then it becomes a bummer.

    Also, there is Japanese voices? Hot dog, that's kinda sweet. Japanese voices get taken out of a lot of games due to space limitations or if the developers/publishers don't find it necessary to include them in a foreign release. This would not fly at all if it was a foreign film released in English speaking countries though. Including the origin language is a step up in maturing the medium.

    Nowi is slightly less paedo-tastic I guess? So that is probably a bummer if that was your thing.

    Please do elaborate...

  8. Those of you who played both the Japanese and English versions, are there any major changes other than the obvious now-it's-in-English change? I am a purest so I need to know these things! Also just for curiosity's sake. Thanks! :)

    Chrom = Chrome to me -_-... I liked Krom better, because then I can pretend I'm playing the prequel to Conan the Barbarian. I'm hella weird like that, yeah.

  9. Now that FE13 has come out, I forsee myself buying it very soon and inevitably be active again, which will then be followed up by me slipping back out into inactive mode sometime later. In the meantime, hey guys!

  10. Not quite sure why it was "leaked", as in, why it was a secret to begin with. I'm disappointing in Nintendo for treating FE as a complete after thought. First they give us SD but not New Mystery; their entire attitude toward the serie upsets me. With that said, it is nice that it will eventually come to NA, after a grueling 5+ months that is.

  11. Is it wrong that I'm more excited about Pikmin than I am about FE13? :U

    As much as I am looking forward to FE13, I am 100% more excited about Pikmin. The game looks fucking fantastic.

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