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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. Warrior Crits from GBA.



    Also, I love how they have a different animation after they dislodge the axe from the enemy's head. In the normal attack, they just pull back, in the crit animation, they throw their axe up and catch it, as a final taunt.

  2. Out of ALL the games. What is your favorite over the top, critical/skill animation?

    My favorite would have to be a combo of pierce and critical from a Wyvern Knight in Sacred Stones.

    Lol, or any FE13 crit. Apparently adding a thin bar with the characters' eyes in it = instant awesome.

  3. I keep on thinking this is FE4 where blood matters, whereas this game doesn't in terms of its system of second generation children.

    The adopting is a good way of handling the passing skills that I didn't think of. Though without a blood tie, the generation 2 characters would feel very much like replacement characters. Also my knowledge of the medieval times and the words usage isn't the best; I used it as a umbrella term and I don't think I agree that the people, politics and philosophies are straight-up modern.

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