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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. When I was four in 1993, my dad went on a business trip to Prague and got me a Game and Watch-esque game where you control a robot and you had to catch asteroids or something. That was my first "video game".

    When I was six in Japan, my dad got me the brick Gameboy with Wario Land and Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru. That was the real start of something awesome. I sucked at both and had to get help from my parents. Wario Land required dexterity and I didn't have any at the time, and Kaeru was a really intricate RPG, for a six year old, and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing. Also the text had a lot of kanji in it so I my mom helped me beat it. To this day, they are some of my favorite games.

  2. EDIT: Oh, this is the RD board. I don't do supports in this game. My mistake, I had assumed this was for PoR.

    Haha, yeah Ike and Elincia just kinda go "Good job mate." and "Keep your eye on the battlefield" and called it a day in terms of this game's support "convos" <_<

  3. Woah, chapter 19 was epic. The final battle had my Avatar activating Astra unluckily with a Hammer (I forgot Walhart can move <_<). I set the battle to auto camera and slow motion and watched the show. Jumping and somersaulting everywhere, Walhart missed with his Sol and I got in 3 hits, 2 hits where pavised and 1 was missed. It felt like a real battle. The next turn I stomped him with a more appropriate weapon though. That chapter pretty much = camping on forts with Avatar and Chrom who had Sol and Aether respectively to keep them alive. Everyone else in my army dropped like goddamn flies.

  4. Once, the green illumination Luna activation of Aether on Chrom lingered during the level up sequence.

    Also an enemy counter killing your unit lasts unusually long.

    EDIT: Also, sometimes, the DLC chapters don't play their music, but it treats it as a skirmish, i.e. you can pick your music, Conquest, Prelude, etc. It is kind of inconsistent. Don't know if this was intentional, probably not.

  5. If key NPCs die, does the chapter auto game over? I ask this because the game doesn't have lose conditions at all listed next to win condtions, i.e. defeat commander and rout the enemy. In the chapter where you have to protect Tiki, she died and I didn't get an auto game over which surprised me. Does getting Emmeryn killed in the chapter with Validar being the boss give you a game over? I would think because it would fuck up the story otherwise.

  6. Go to your activity log and find out! I love analyzing various data this system logs.

    1. Pokemon White 2: 238:35 hr

    2. Fire Emblem Awakening: 77:14 hr

    3. Ocarina of Time 3D: 64:39 hr

    4. Kid Icarus: Uprising: 62:06 hr

    5. Pokedex 3D Pro: 37:09 hr (My little brother is in love with this thing.)

  7. I feel like there will be some formulaic changes to the next SSM. There will be differences between the 3DS and Wii U versions, as Sakurai stated. In this vein, I feel optimistic that there will be more new and exciting features in the next iteration of the series.

    Some features I have hopes for:

    Different weapons akin to the Soul Caliber series - they wouldn't necessarily change the entire moveset of a character, but alter stats a little like range or power at the cost of hurting yourself Pichu style, etc. Part of this desire also stems from the fact that FE characters can wield different weapons other than swords!1 Imagine Ike(though not guaranteed to be in) using Urvan, which will be similar to SSBB Ike, or using Ragnell, which will boost his speed at the cost of launching ability.

    Skins - they did this with Wario and... that was it. Again, this does not require much effort other than aesthetics. I'm talking about how they treated Wario, not how they made Diddy into "Dixie" or Peach into "Daisy". Marth -> Lucina, kekeke

    I got nothing more thus far.

  8. Why am I still awake? Also, I think the new SSB is going to be very different in terms of its formula. Namco being involved and the whole Wii U + 3DS thing, who knows, maybe, just maybe there will be DLC, by which the slot wars will be meaningless. The problem with FE is that all the protagonists are too similar in style and picking a nonlord can't be done, as picking a character from a cast of hundreds is just an impossible feat on many levels. @Ana, I feel Ike has a decent chance. If he were to stay, it would probably be Marth, Ike and Chrom, which will be the most boring lineup EVA.

  9. FE4's system was terrible in my opinion. The penalties were waaay too extreme. Con was okay, but it just made some characters better and some not, in terms of speed penalties with weapons. The Str change didn't do a thing because big burly ppl had huge Con before anyway and big Str meant the same thing, and weak little girls like Sanaki still had trouble holding onto her books due to their extremely low Str growth.

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