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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. I played around with this idea in my head as any FE fan. Though FE13 already mashes all the series characters together in a way, and I'm mostly satisfied already. The first time I played a DLC chapter and music from the old games started playing, it made me smile.

  2. I've only really found use for Vengeance when Nosferatanking, and when you're Nosferatanking you don't really need Vengeance.

    Yes, came in here to say this. Nonsynergy really puts me off. Ignis is always good because of high Str and Mag of the Avatar. Vengeance requires you to take risks to be good despite its higher activation rate.

  3. That reminds me, AW5 would be kinda awesome right about now. Don't care if it is a Wars World one or a Days of Ruin/Dark Conflict one(a AW4 prequel would be excellent, marking Brenner/O'Brain's(Damn you localization)younger days), both would be good.

  4. Henry's toenail collection, Owain's "Saaaaccreeed Stooonnnes!", Brady's violin string accident. This is by far the funniest Fire Emblem, despite its lackluster story(imo), no competition. Who else agrees? I also think this FE is definitely the best in terms of rich characters in the entire series. The characters add to the humor, and vice versa.

    I haven't read all the supports, considering there are a billion, but I'm sure I'm missing some really good stuff to come.

  5. Iunno if he cares, since there is more than one Anna.

    I wonder if there are multiple Jakes like there are multiple Annas?

    This is confirmed. Jake appears multiple times across the series as well. I don't know if they are one-to-one though, if it is, somewhere out there, there is a Jake hurting right now.

    He probably feels like I feel.

    Wondering who Jake is, specifically.

    I think there is a page on SF that explains all of FE's reoccurring themes. Specifically, Jake is a character that often pops up in a scene or two in some games and he is always Anna's lover. He is playable as a ballistician in FE11(I haven't played 1, 3, 12, don't hate me). I actually used him despite him being a snail, because he did wonders spot-removing troublesome enemy units.

    Build Male Avatar Build 2, face 3, hair 5, color 8

    Fucking Jake right there

    Would have so done this and named my Avatar Jake if I per-emptively known you could marry Anna, since I initially thought she was a side character similar to DLC characters and can't be "interacted with" with the normal cast.

  6. I've yet to do that, but I will probably with this one. It is just such a hassle. The 2 DSLite were both used when I bought them and the DSi, I just never bothered. If it was a computer or something, something that had to do with my school work etc. there wouldn't have been a question of me sending it or not when the warranty was still valid. It just seems that the shoulder buttons were built to break on these things :\

  7. The L button has stopped working on my 3DS. This has also happened without fail on the 2 DSLites I've owned and also my DSi. I will now no longer be able to switch between characters on the fly in FE anymore ;_;, not to mention more severe consequences in other games. Hmmm... seems like a good excuse to go for a 3DSXL... if I had the money that is.

  8. Wow, I'll read these later. But before that... I think Chrom's Aether is cooler than Ike's. Sure, Ike does the jump in the air, catch his thing, yada yada. But Chrom make it look like his doing a fighting game combo! Especially if he gets a hit after the Aether activation, he turns around and does the finishing blow.

  9. Although Lyn mode is kind of a travesty. The Eliwood/Hector arc is pretty unique as far as FE storylines go in the series. Also, Lyn is a very bland character, but she's still badass in my book. It isn't her personality or history, but the vibe she puts out and her animations boobbounce makes her badass and I personally like the character due to her being a lord and a sword demon at the same time. I bet NOA made her 18 so she could get her boobbounce animaiton.

  10. I've played 11(essentially 1), 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and half way through 13.

    So far I put 1, 6 and 13 below it, and that's it.

    I found the characters to be bland(Some are cool, but bad ratio) and the story to be too shallow, no politics or complexities. I can't judge 1 because 3 is tied to it, and I can't fully judge 13 yet because I haven't finished it yet.

    The best story is by far 9 and 10. It deals with so many issues regarding racism, the travesties of war(the occupation of Begnion in Daein, Serenes Massacre, etc.) Sacrifices(Elincia's willingness to forgo Lucia's life for the sake of her country, internal political turmoil, ..... and there's a lot of conflicts where there are no right and wrong sides. Sacred Stones is pretty much just - Dark Lord rises again, let's unite and defeat it, the end.

  11. Assuming you didn't delete a file on the game already, add up all your play time ingame on the three files, that is your Play Time. Now, go to the statisitics thing on 3DS menu and look at your Play Time on Fire Emblem: Awakening, this is your real playtime, including resets and everything.

    I've played 14 Hours and 21 minutes on my file so far, but on the statistics screen, I've clocked in at about 24 hours. That's almost half the time down the toilet. Oh, FE how we love you when you frustrate us.

  12. "A lot of people" is really hyperbolic. Honest-to-fuck outside of sleep incest fetishism is not massively common as far as I'm aware.

    Also it's creepy as hell.

    Fetishes tend to go... unmentioned if one does have one, especially if it is "creepy as hell", making analyzing how many people having it quite difficult. The creepy as hell thing is engraved into us by our society and culture and I have the same view, though it is not objectively a bad thing... except for the higher chances of negative recessive genes passed onto the offspring, which is objectively bad. But that can be solved by not having kids, protection, etc. The objectively bad part of incest can't be described as 'yuck' or similar words though.

  13. Yup, I also have the sequel, Crashmo(or whatever the European version is called.), which is like 5x harder than Pushmo(which is friggin' hard.)

    I love it though I gave up on Pushmo after about beating 90% of it. And I gave up Crashmo after about 10% because of the difficulty and because of FE13 and other things.

    IS is probably my favorite developer because I can't really think of anything they have done that isn't creative and fun. And also because of FE.

  14. Because I (and pretty much everyone here) don't like incest.

    Go do your own poll if you want it so badly.

    A lot of people like incest. Of course, they just don't say anything, or even vehemently oppose it out of fear of being called out because it is socially unacceptable. I believe it is a very prevalent fetish(That's as far as it goes though, not realistically of course... hopefully)

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