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Posts posted by sunshineYON

  1. Maybe I've played too much FE but female characters generally have more skill and speed and male characters tend to have more strength and defense. Minimal armor takes advantage of their lithe advantage and do not bog them down with heavy plates that would otherwise put a toll on their relatively weaker frames. Though having more speed and skill because of no armor and males having more defense and strength because of armor is kind of circular, but you get the idea.

    A more realistic spin on the answer to your question, or an attempt of it.

  2. So I'm playing FE Awakening like any FE fan. I'm on lunatic and on the last chap. I get Grima, who has the fattest butt for the last boss in FE history as far as I'm concerned, down to 60% health with the help of all my comrades including Vengeance Tharjia who sacrificed her life to get Grima to where he is now in terms of HP and I'm like ok, next turn, rally some strength and cut him down with Exalted Falchion. 2 Falcon Knights fly by and heal him to max HP and I immediately shut off my 3DS. I think the only other time I've abruptly reflex-shut-off my game was when a Druid hit my Seth in FE8 with Luna with 4 Hit. I do reset when someone dies in the games, but usually after spectating what the rest of turn turns out like, but not this time, no, no.

    TL;DR Falcon Knights + Grima = I'll try again tomorrow.

  3. I love aegis and pavise activating on the enemy while I'm doing an astra. Not only does all the hits are able to land, but all the distortion effects make the battle serious business. I've been just randomly reclassing and pairing, but one of these days, I'll put vengeance, wrath and vantage on the same guy and I'll probably take a liking to that the best.

  4. I figured Nowi was doomed to suck since she had trouble doubling on Normal mode.

    You learn something new every day.

    I dunno. Nowi is the only unit in my Lunatic playthrough that can't die. All those modified Silver Weapons the enemy wield do 5 damage to her max and she has 80 HP... that is if she is hit, which is very rarely, due to Fred being her husband with Dual Guard+. Even Chrom and my Avatar have trouble if they get unlucky with Aether and Sol respectively as they get swarmed. Morgan might be the only other unit that holds a candle to Nowi's survivability. Now I'm playing casual and I can see the value of defense in classic even more.

  5. I think the fact that it is called "Lunatic" mode shield it from criticism... just a little bit. And it is not just Lunatic, it is Lunatic+.

    On a side noteI think I'm actually stuck on Chapter 20 Lunatic. Never thought I would say that I'm stuck anywhere in an FE game. The game throws up 20+ units on the south on like the 3-4th turn and I just get face beat.

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