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Everything posted by mcsilas

  1. Also it's partly the fact Corrin is a flying mage (dragon on dragon) making her more unique than Robin who is 'just' another lancer
  2. Life and Death sounds like a good build for her with Drag Back and Firesweep Lance. Def drops shouldn't matter if you kill the enemy. My Peri is -HP/+Res, i'm wondering if I should go for the Killer Lance/Iceberg route for cheapness. i do have an Abel for Brave Lance+ but he is +Atk so I'd like to keep him
  3. What's wrong with Sanaki? yeah this is a lot more inteeresting than the healer's gauntlet that's for sure
  4. But you miss out on Oboro's gorgeous animations! also Spearmaster Oboro - which is Oboro with a cool flag on her back!
  5. Whoa, I'm around rank 1800 in Team Leo so far! Living in this timezone is great for multipliers, although I expect it to come down as I go to sleep (also since I don't have a bonus unit). Team Robin is harder to rank, just because more people go for the girls. Currenlt around 9,200, so I'll fall down when I wake up (also it's in my tablet, so I wont be able to play much during work tomorrow).
  6. Wow Frederick lost by around 600,000 which was much closer than what it was when I last checked. good job though team Frederick. also now i'm onto Team Leo for my main, number is 0945856578
  7. Hmmm now which team to join....no bonus units left Trying to decide between Leo or Corrin but i need feathers so maybe one with easier ranking?
  8. Either way, i needed to secure my spot in the lower end of top 5000 since everyone is soendjng flags last minute no matter the result haha Also Lightning Breath+ Ninian is such a joy to use!
  9. Okay pouring the flags for good ol' Frederick! Would be great if we actually make it!
  10. Fair enough, might just scrape by top 5000 i'll just join a winning team later for 500 feathers
  11. Dancing Armour when? (maybe an alterbate Benny, since knoghts in Fates do a goofy dance animation when they are healed) just give it Wings of Mercy with good survivability
  12. So should i get a good rank even if My team loses? Or save flags for final rounds? I remember there weren't enough multiplers for me to use them in the last gauntlet. ranking is really tricky when you miss multipliers :(
  13. It's because they gave him the lowest Attack in the game so they made up with it by making him physically bulky also he was originally designed to be a Martyr healer and annoy you with Pain
  14. Just had some quick ideas about some Fates children. : Siegbert - Silver Sword+, Reposition, Armored Blow, Drive Atk 40/32/28/32/22 His thing is being overshadowed by his father, so he gets a very overshadowed sword (yet strangely only Olivia and Laswold has, so for inheritance sake, another Silver Sword feels okay). Reposition is the closest thing to the Shelter command in Fates that he learns as a cavalier. Armored Blow 'inherited' from Xander (and Great Knight skill) and Drive Atk is just an upgrade to his personal skill of granting Atk to adjacent females- now 2 spaces affects all units and has great synergy with Reposition. Forrest - Gravity, Physic, Miracle, Dazzling Staff 37/31/24/22/32 Gravity is similar to Leo's Brynhildr. Physic makes him an interesting cavalry healer that can heal units over trees. Dazzling Staff because Forrest himself is quite dazzling. Miracle to balance out his great skillset, since Gravity + Dazzling Staff can provide great hit and run tactics. Shiro - Guard Naginata+ (14 MT, Def/Res +2 when attacked), Swap, Defiant Atk, Seal Defense 40/33/30/35/20 New weapon because none of the other lances really fit him, and Naginatas need some loving. Swap and Seal Defense for Spear Fighter skills and Defiant Atk is 'inherited' from Ryoma but also really fits his character. Sure his skills aren't the most competitive but it is offset by a great weapon and has good Atk and Def. Kiragi - Hunter's Bow+ (12 MT, Effective against cavalry), Moonbow, Darting Blow, Threaten Speed 38/33/35/23/19 Again new weapon that fits his hunting talents and is more helpful against cavalry compared to Ridersbane/Zanbato because it's ranged. Very speed focused, so he has Darting Blow (which he can get when reclassed to Kinshi Knight) and Threaten Speed (inherited from Takumi). Moonbow...because it has bow in its name lol.
  15. Unfortunately there's nothing really she could do on her own, unless you give her Axebreeaker. Even with a +Atk seal, +HP Hector is left with 3 HP. You can't get rid of Triangle Adept since Hector will be able to defeat her, so the best remedy is an Axebreaker B skill. Personally, I would go for Swordbreaker as a B skill for coverage. That or just make sure Sanaki has a Hone Attack bonus or is paired with a dancer, if you want to go the Raven tome route.
  16. Maybe Tiki/Frederick should ease off the points so we can have a later multiplier? Anyway, just had an unfortunate lose in where it was my Frederick an 2 Eldigans vs Anna (Emerald Axe), Robin and a 5 star Robin. Thanks to Quickened Pulse/Mystletainn, it was fun using Eldigan's Bonfire, but due to the chokepoint, I lost both Eldigans (although I at least gotten rid of the Robin!). That said I only had 8 HP Frederick vs. a full health Odin- that did not end well. (Props on the 5 star Odin though!) Also @Frenzify thanks for changing it to Robin! Battles have been a lot easier when he's around! (I still did like your Beruka, but I'm still facing a lot of reds so Robin really helps)
  17. The 3 might loss shouldn't matter as long as you give Sanaki the boosts to power up Raudrblade. that said, looking at calcs she survives Hector just fine as long as Hector isn't boosted, thanks to Triangle Adept 3
  18. Is it a Hector with Bonfire? I'll switch out to Reinhardt then to maybe help you out
  19. I think it's just RNG. Well that and the people who think fielding the character they are going for in the gauntlet as a representative gives them bonus points. (Hint: people don't do this- this was especially bad in the Healers Gauntlet). Hence the three Gaius team- all battles I've gone against had at least one Summer Gaius.
  20. Haven't played many of the older games but what about Fighters? They're mostly male-dominated right? I do know Charlotte is pretty good (high HP/Atk but glass defenses) in Fates though and outshines Arthur. Personally, I feel Titania and Mathilda could've been better when compared to their original games.
  21. I think's it's just coincidence. Some of the units are based on game stats, so their 'good quality' comes from those. For example, Effie's sky high Attack stat, Hana's glass cannon-ness and Kagero being the Attack-based ninja in Fates, reflects their power in Heroes. Delthea was a great magic nuke in Echoes, atlhough Mathilda actually is kind of nerfed/not as good here. Some units like the dancers and manaketes are female because, well, that's what they are. In terms of mages, not a lot of males mages have legendary tomes (there's Reinhardt, and Merric who has a niche for deleting fliers and being defensive but the metagame revolves around ORKOing asap). Robin for example, has really balanced stats because that's how he was in Awakening, and he doesn't have his own tome so he's not as good as say, Linde with her Aura or Julia with Naga. To be honest I say more power to them. Most of the lords in Fire Emblem are guys, so if they shine in Heroes that's all good as well. Just have to wait for more characters to balance things out I guess? That said some females aren't as good in this game compared to the base game, like Oboro or the infamous Lachesis.
  22. The third last battle I had was all Summer Gaiuses in that annoying Maria/Minerva map with tight spaces. Good thing @phineas81707's Fae's Lightning Breath made short work of them.
  23. Yeah just got Ryoma in the last battle! Always wanted to use one, and he pulled his weight very well. (Oh if only I had more orbs back during the last Hero Fest I would've hunted for him. Oh well that was when I got my Hector.)
  24. How are merges calculated when team matching? I don't know if having a +1 Reinhardt and +2 Olivia (4 star) means my defense team gets matched with higher arena teams which is maybe why I struggle with defense wins?
  25. That Fae was so good! She really helped out so much with that Lightning Breath+! @ruruo No we're not! I've added you now though, I currently have Hector as a lead. I seem to run into a lot of Summer Gaius's a lot on Team Frederick, so Raven users are also appreciated. (Or Distant Counter units like the Lightning Breath Fae) Meanwhile, on Team Tiki Blue is the coveted colour since I keep getting matched against reds...
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