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Everything posted by mcsilas

  1. I wish my second account moved its luck to my main account. In addition to the first roll 5 star summons of Delthea and Saber last night, I did a hunt pull in the Summer banner for Frederick and I received the rare Genny! She's neutral, and thank goodness not -Atk/-Spd. (Also have a 4 star Lachesis before that, who is -Spd/+Res which is eh but she's a new unit!) If I ever pull another Genny, it would be perfect since this account has a 5 star +Atk Maria waiting on the sidelines, and a 4 star +Atk Lissa that I use as my primary bulky healer. Main account still yearns for an Echoes character though....
  2. It looks like the Echoes luck continues on my second account since I got a 4 star .Boey just in time for Tempest Trials First roll 5 stars summons for each banner! +Atk/-Def Dealthea for Alm's army, a +Res/-HP Saber for Celica's army and now a neutral Genny while trying to look for Summer!Frederick. I think I should stop for now before my luck runs out. Never had three 5 stars so close together in a short timeframe. Unfortunately, I wish I had this same kind of luck in the main account, since I still don't have an Echoes character so Tempest Trials is going slower.
  3. Does Cancel Affinity work on daggers? It would at least buff them slightly, and I could see GHB Poison Dagger thieves finally not being easy pickings for Robin/Cecilia if that is the case CA might be also useful for a slow archer like Virion/Gordin or something, increasing his damage output on raven tome users at least? Maybe even Niles to be even more annoying to mages?
  4. Klein's artist is Tobi, and yes they are the same artist! Also really digging the shade of blue in his armour, I like that shade and it's very calming! Leagues better than the dull blue armour he had in Echoes
  5. I prefer Clive's Heroes artwork than his Echoes one actually! In Echoes he was a bit meh for me design and statwise but really liking the artist for the Heroes one. Wonder when he will come? Also I find it amusing he also has Hit and Run like his sister Clair.
  6. That's an awesome Klein. Same as my Klein and he is a killing machine in Tempest Trials with Swordbreaker. Now at 5000 SP! You might want to change his special though since Glacies hits off the Res stat. i gave mine Draconic Aura since I didn't have Luna.
  7. Wow I'm still just at 36,701 with my bonus Boey :/ Just been doing a 99 stamina run on it each day too when doing Lunatic 7 run (Work takes most of day). It's a constant pace but I guess other people have been spending stamina potions. (To be fair my attention is divided into two accounts. Main account only has Sharena as bonus unit so pace is slower there.) Don't think my brain can handle more than this per day though. At least Phantom Speed is soon.
  8. Finally broke the @Rezzy -Atk curse on my second account for blue 5 star summons! +Atk/-Def Delthea baby! Well the one I wanted the least out of Alm's army but it feels good to break the blue -Atk curse summon streak. Even better when it's the opposite. From a favouritism standpoint I'm gonna enjoy using Saber though- that guy has a really good design + voice combo with the awesome quotes. A very nice break from Tempest Trial grindfest, although now I'll need to find the time to train them before next arena. Is the arena bonus unit change next week?
  9. Went to summon on second account since I had about 140 orbs. So I wanted Matihlda and Gray...no red orbs but 2 blue. And I got +Atk/-Def Delthea instead. I'll take it I guess! I need a backup blue mage if Reinhardt falls anyway. Decided to try Celica's Army and I got myself a Saber! I wanted him and Sonya (maybe one day), and he's +Res/-HP which is decent enough, maybe tank mages better with Shield Pulse Aegis I guess. Two 5 star summons in the first pull! I'm happy, although I just need to purchase barracks space now!
  10. Just out of curiosity, can staff users get CA as well or is it another one of those skills Staff users are locked out of? i mean they'd rather use Wrathful or Dazzling Staff but just wondering
  11. So Cancel Affinity better for slower Bow users then who can't make use of Desperation? thanks goodness we have been soare from Reinhardt though. Or CA Blade tomes
  12. Ironic when the day I finally gave Olivia a Ruby Sword, Cancel Affinity is announced. Part of me thinks the ability is created to make things like GHBs harder in response to those mkv vids using the 3 star Narcian, Stahl, Subakis and Pallas. Will definitely make baiting in choke points much harder in those damn GHBs.
  13. Oh wow, all of the people I wanted, although Delthea i'm indifferent about. I guess I see the appeal, plus she was a really useful unit so fair enough. Didn't think we'd get them so soon after my speculation! No Conrad though, maybe he's after Berkut as a GHB? I wouldn't mind that since I am low on Orbs so a guaranteed a Conrad would be great! Here's hoping! @Infinite Dreams same here! I was late at finishing Echoes but powered through it when the Echoes Tempest Trials were announced. Also didn't get to recruit Sonia either because I thought defeating her map would recruit her. Was I wrong! Also those witches around her were so annoying!
  14. Conrad, Gray, Matihlda and Saber would be very welcome additions. Sonia would be cool, I think she has Exaclibur access so could be a more offensive Excalibur user compared to Merric. Wouldn't say no to Python and Leon, too. I enjoy their character's VAs and hopefully bring more variety to archers. (Close counter bows to mimic Echoes? Although they'll probably balance it with low attack)
  15. Not really. They're too niche for general arena play. That said there is that one video where Stahl's Obstruct was actually very useful against Legion's GHB in Infernal difficulty. It was one of those using all free units walkthroughs and Obstruct protected Stahl's other teammates like Ursula
  16. So glad units don't respawn now. If my first team faces an unwinnable battle i can at least do as much damage as I can before falling to make it easier for the next team. Just a shame i only have Sharena for bonus points on main account, so grinding will be annoying. At least the maps aren't as annoying as the Awakening maps- only the cemetery map slows down horse emblem with the tree fort tile if team A falls. Second account has my new 4 star Boey as a bonus unit, so at least the run is easier there. Gave him Reciprocal Aid, Renewal, Breath of Life 2 from 2 star Felicia and Breath of Life seal to heal as much as I can. He is -Atk/+Spd so he relies on Ignis to really do some damage. I run him with Dr. lucina, Olivia and Klein. Double Reciprocal Aid users has been pretty decent, sometime mistakes are made and I only have Klein and Olivia but usually that's enough to get me to the final map. also I love they used that specific theme music for the final map. Too bad battles interrupt the awesome music
  17. Finally have a 40% character for Tempest Trials for one of my accounts at least! Pulled a Boey, although he is +Spd/-Atk and 4 star... I seem to have a thing for pulling focus characters in their banners- except they aren't 5 stars. Also lately things have been getting -Atk... Now I just need a 40% bonus character on my main account.
  18. Music and art style was really great in this game, I love the Kozaki sprites and their expressions. The Ablaze transitions into the battle themes really enhanced the combat experience, especially with high contrasting music in tracks like Divine Decree and Chaos. The children were great, I love how they explored different dynamics with their parents, especially with the personalised conversations in the Future Past DLC. I also loved the Aversa Spotpass map where you had to do a mirror match with yourself. I like to challenge myself by putting my best units against myself. Reclassing, even if making the game a bit unbalanced, was also a bit fun. It was fun seeing oddball choices for characters, like Thief Kellam or Knight Tharja. Sometimes it was fun turning units into something different, like War Cleric Gerome or Dark Knight Gerome, when not caring about stats. This game was my first FE, so the character customisation was really special to me since I didn't really have that experience with other games I played.
  19. In that case maybe try Cordelia to replace him for now. Or use Effie once the green mage is gone. Or have Julia/F!Robin on the right side with Olivia, again mainly to kill the blue mage.
  20. Xander is definitely a key unit to use here since he can tank the thieves, even better if he had Siegfried since he can defeat the green cavalier with a counter attack (especially if you pair him with Camus's Goad Cavalry). Camus might also be useful taking on the sword cavaliers. If you have a dancer like the free Olivia, it would really help as well. For the last one, Julia might work to deal with the blue mage. Otherwise since you have 4* Ursula/Xander, this can work as a basis. Maybe you can replace Donnel with Cordelia but just be worry about her positioning and not being able to take a hit. Otherwise, try Camus since Donnel's role is to hit at melee and the extra movement might give you more flexibility.
  21. Was there an announcement when the next version update will be? I thought I saw one but maybe that was the one before the Summer banner.. I want to summon for Echoes characters for the Tempest Trials since I have none and I was banking on the extra space since I have some nice skill fodder in my full barracks...
  22. If IS wants to add random enemy units as characters then Felicia's/Flora's father Kilma would be pretty cool as a blue mage as well. He's probably the only one that makes the Fates Sorcerer outfit work. Also Armour banner would be great, although all the other ones I know of would mostly be lances. Brom (Axe general based on his higher Axe rank in Radiant Dawn), Gatrie (fast lance armour), Kellam and Ignatius/Kjelle if children characters get added would be cool as well. If they do a special Children's Day event it would be great to have children characters. At the very least for the best 'theme', maybe the Fates Royal Heirs of Siegbert (sword), Forrest (healer), Shiro (lance) and Kiragi (bow) (maybe add in Shigure as well- ideally as flying lancer with Sing). A beaststone banner with Panne, Keaton and Kaden would be cool- maybe add their children if they want a 6 character banner. Not sure if they will have colours or not like the Breath users but if they do, I could see Panne being a green Taguel (green partly because she can reclass as an axe-wielding Wyvern Rider), Keaton as a red Wolfskin (red seems like a physical colour) and Kaden as blue Kitsune (blue seems more mystical).
  23. Brady in Awakening is a violinist (and got his scar from a snapped violin string as a kid). Would be better than being just another healer. Also Dancer!Inigo when Elise also plays the violin and Sakura the koto in their supports with each other. Maybe a special event Elise (or for being a gauntlet winner if they one day do special gauntlet versions) Shigure sings and rides a pegasus. Flying refresher would be amazing (and probably broken).
  24. Where were the hints for the other villagers? I only know about Tobin's archery practice in Ram Village. Even then, back then I mixed up Tobin and Kliff and thought Kliff was Tobin so Kliff became an archer. Granted he's still very good as my go-to archer, although Tobin became a somewhat meh cavalier. I managed with Xander + Camus's Goad Cavalry buffs and Nino+Olivia. Took a few tries but it is doable if you could bait Clarisse away from other units so the chokepoint isn't as bad.
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