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Everything posted by mcsilas

  1. Peri/Gunter? Nice I can use Horse Emblem again. Also have a Sakura in my other account so that's good!
  2. Dang it i have no Echoes units.. hoping I get lucky At least i have trained Sharena in my main but my other account only has her halfway to 4 star. Hope i get lucky in a few days (also Tobin is random but i would have preferred Gray) also i should really finish Echoes..
  3. I've got the same Cherche and I gave her Drag Back (I never pulled a Clair for Hit and Run) It works well enough to get out of sticky situations, you just need to be aware of your surroundings.
  4. Just thought of a fun theme team- the Masked Team! Legion, 'Marth', Gerome and Percy from Fates. I know there's a masked character in Echoes though but I haven't finished that yet so i don't want to be spoiled about it haha Also, the Kids of Justice! Featuring Percy, and the Awakening Justice Cabal of Owain, Cynthia and Male Morgan
  5. I actually gave Saizo Growing Wind as a fun super debuff/chip damage training support unit. Smoke Dagger, Poison Strike, Savage Blow and Breath of Life makes training units easier. Only started using hin seriously 3 weeks ago and he already gave me his first hero merit feathers. Since he's +Spd it's super fun seeing something like 20+20x2 damage against enemies, effectively hitting 3 times (and does help at times because of lack of triangle advantage and low dagger might). SP bonus period will be great though since I might give him an extra Navarre to see if Rising Wind would be more fun to use for the extra x1.5 damage. Oh and Desperation 2 while I'm at it if i want to use him a bit more seriously. i use him with Lucius who has Pain and deals with armours while healing. Can't wait to train Clarrise for a ranged Dark Breath effect and make training units even easier
  6. Don't think this will be anytime soon but a Fates Elemental Tribe banner would be a fun theme so Rinkah (Fire tribe, axe), Flora (Ice tribe, dagger), Hayato (Wind tribe, green wind mage) and Fuga (Wind tribe, either blue lance or red sword). I know Fuga as a Master of Arms means he can wield axes as well but there's already two green units so a red sword (samurai base class) or blue lance (to differentiate from the swordmaster promotion) would help balance things out. That said I don't think these are very popular characters and maybe Flora would be better as a GHB unit (you fight her in all routes at one point). Still an interesting theme because Fates didn't really do anything special with these tribes (especially the Fire tribe)
  7. If anything Elise is probably an example of not all Nohrians are dark depressing villains. She does have an (unlucky) hero of justice as a retainer at least. Will you be going from supporting a princess of Ylisse to supporting Elise? also i'm mostly for feathers now- didn't rank well in other battles because of work. Is it better to rank better in a losing tram or just be in the winning team for extra 500?
  8. Hmmmm not sure who to back now that I have no bonus units left... i guess it's better to spend flags as soon as i see a multiplier then to make up for the lack of bonus points?
  9. Hmm now that I think about it, I wonder if Seal Atk/Spd would work with Life and Death + Firesweep Lance/Bow builds? Firesweep takes away the opponent's ability to counter attack so LaD's defense drops aren't as big of an issue if you ORKO the enemy. Seal Atk/Spd sounds like it could be an interesting insurance skill in case you can't ORKO your target? In theory it should offset some of the Def/Res drop from LaD. Also looks like squad assault will force me to train multiple Olivias since I don't have any other dancers.
  10. Just as i was about to spend another orb to expand the barracks... glad to hear the new changes though!
  11. I turn the sound off and put the phone face down so i don't have expectations to be let down when I don't see the smoke the awesome music has become too stressful for me when i only hear the 3 star sound effects so i'd rather not hear anything at all if something good comes then at least i'll be happier!
  12. But the name isn't as appropriate! (okay you got me there i haven't played her game, but still War Cleric is a pretty baller sounding class name for a healer promotion)
  13. Lissa is the only one who can actually become a War Cleric, so more reason for her to win! Healers who can smash your face with axes for the win!
  14. Oh @Arcanite the Oboro expert, which Oboro should I raise? a 4 star +Spd/-HP or a 3 star +Atk/-HP? I like the surviviability of the Speed boon one but the +Atk one is tempting to put a Brave Lance on. (I mean sure I have a Donnel and he's probably a better Brave Lancer but Oboro is cooler.) Or is Killer Lance the way to go after all?
  15. Cleared on second account wih Xander, Camus, Olivia and Nino Camus's Goad Cavalry was integral in making sure Xander defeated the green cavalier mage straight away. I messed up the first time because I rushed it with Clarrise being the only one left on a fort tile. I miscalculated and used Xander to kill but because of fort tile she was left with 1 HP. Should have danced Nino to finish off instead. If anyone wants a video I could try and record and recreate this since I found a way to record things now. I feel accomplished not using Reinhardt for this actually haha
  16. Well, Sakura and Clarine lost, but a lot closer than I expected. Looks like it's Lissa time now since she's the only healer I have left in the running. Gotta support Owain's family!
  17. I guess it depends on who wins in the other battles. if Sakura or Maria manages to win maybe those but ultimately I think i'll go Lissa in the final round. Or maybe I'll just go Lissa for easier battles thanks to the free Lissas.
  18. Nice, already got to use him next battle! :)
  19. If you ever have to face Veronica again in Tempest Trials, Triangle Adept is excellent on Sanaki especially on Lunatic. She shrugs off Veronica's attacks even with the inflated Lunatic stats (she can take 1 Bonfire hit at least if that skill activates).
  20. Wow I haven't seen a bonus round in a long while. maybe I'll just do a big drop of flags whenever that comes because strangely enough I don't see enough bonus rounds.. Also, looking for Team Clarine allies with a blue unit! I just need a few more for the flags quest but I keep getting either Annas or the awesome Xander/Tiki from my friends list. (Just need a blue one for the quest)
  21. Is there anyone who would want to use Clarisse's Bow? Maybe Niles because of Killer Bow's low might? Although he likes the burst damage from Iceberg. What about Setsuna or maybe Rebecca to go with her Seal Attack?
  22. Managed to beat Infernal on my second try on my main account. All it took was changing Olivia for a healer, which was my Sakura. Good thing there's no reinforcements or Tempest Trials to fog my brain! All 5 star team is: -Xander with Bonfire, Quick Riposte 2, Fury 2 and Hone Cavalry and HP+3 -Reinhardt with Luna, Goad Cavalry, Death Blow 2 and Quickened Pulse (B slot can be any) -Hector with Pivot, Bonfire, Distant Counter, and Vantage (important) and Attack +1 -Sakura with Fortify Def, Live to Serve 2, Heavenly Light and Rehabilitate (important) I placed Hector to top right to bait Clarisse and the thiefs while Xander goes left to bait the Windsweep Thief on the left. Reinhardt sits 2 spaces away for Goad Cavalry buffs. If the positioning is right, the green cav will go down south and stupidly attack Xander, being defeated thanks to Siegfried. Sakura's Rehabilitate is key to keeping Hector back to Quick Riposte threshold, since Clarisse's Poison Strike will add up (and she gets left with 3 HP). Hector deals with the blue mage (can't quit ORKO in Infernal) but thanks to Vantage, will attack first before the blue mage hits him. Especially important later when the thief's attack leaves him in low HP and the blue mage was about to attack. The key is to force the enemies in the breakable wall choke point- which sounds bad because of the defense tiles but it helps control the enemy placement thanks to the walls. At this point, Reinhardt could one of the swordies. Then I'd break the wall and leave Xander on fort tile, advancing slowly to defeat the last thief left. Couldn't do it without Sakura's Rehabilitate. Heavenly Light also activated once but I'm not sure how needed that was, although it definitely helps when Xander was advancing towards the last thief who would deal 7 damage if Xander is not on a fort tile while Xander can't counter attack.
  23. Cleared Lunatic with Xander, Reinhardt, Hector and Olivia. boy they sure like balancing counter units with the windsweep/watersweep skills hector baits blue mage and clarissr on right side while xander tanks the thief despite not being able to counter. reinhardt cleans up after green mage is dealt with by xander
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