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Everything posted by Shuuda

  1. Maybe so. But who could actually worship such bland and nonsensical characters like God and Satan?
  2. I would miss all of you. Let us enjoy the long time ritual of "Group hugging" now, I will bring thorny gloves to show you how much I "wub" you all.
  3. Swooping as usual! Damn Pingas, seriously.
  4. Here is a brilliant joke: Political correctness is a good idea... Haha.
  5. I am not flaming, I am just calling out his bullshit(bluff if you will).
  6. This is too funny, I love it. I am ruining your topic without even using any of my usual trickery and villainy. ^a few good quotes in that sig.
  7. Anyway, anyone want to make bets on when he will be crawling back here?
  8. ^^A lovely avatar of a great character. ^Is... bold.
  9. I am too proud of it, am I not? The member above me has enslaved many good looking women to his/her will.
  10. Sully, I do not find you annoying... yeah, that is all I have. The next member is going to have a hard time, that is for sure.
  11. Joke you say? Well, I have a few to tell: A man is driving his car, and he hits a woman who walked in the way. Who's fault was it? -The man's, for driving in the kitchen. But seriously, sexism is funny stuff.
  12. I have only one thing to say about this whole situation: Over dramatic spammer is being over dramatic. Oh, and like many others have said, you will not really be leaving. I know your kind, seen them plenty of times before. They never really leave, you will be back, and more annoying than ever before. Besides, it is not like you are that great. I am sure that you will be replaced by another person like you very soon, you are not an uncommon personality on the internet after all.
  13. Looks like I am so hated that I did not even get an invite. Tsk tsk, tsk tsk.
  14. As far as I am concern, boobs are not that important. Do not get me wrong, even I enjoy a nice pair of soft, firm melons, but I am more of a DFC fan myself. DFCs are just too cute for me to pass up on.
  15. I have been speaking with Serene on FEU, and have been passing a PM to Mister Vincent on his/her behalf, though I will not say anything else as I am a neutral party in all of this.
  16. Personally, I disliked Suzaku. He stood in my way and opposed my harsh treatment of spammers, and now he is gone: anyone else see the link?
  17. Shuuda

    New Rule

    First of all, I will get one thing off my chest. It is so annoying when people use that whole "The internet is not serious business" line all the time. People who say things like that are foolish people who take the internet for granted. I doubt such people can understand the significance of the internet and just how much it and we have advanced because of it. And it is thinking in that "the internet is not serious" is probably one of the things that well lead to the ruin of said internet. In short: Respect the internet. Second of all: I fully support these new rules. Anything that improves this forum is a welcome step forwards as far as I am concerned. I hope that we can see some more regulation in the future from our moderating team. ~ Shuuda, Scourge of the Writing Section... has returned.
  18. You good Sir, are a genius. Once I implement this plan of action, I will become unstoppable indeed. Now, back to your Big Gay Dance.
  19. Now that sounds like plan... but what would happen if I came across a race that was too intelligent. I would be proper screwed then. But, I suppose it is a risk I must take in the name of Chaos.
  20. Firstly, I love Big Gay Dances, they are always to remarkable in there movements and patterns. And secondly, "Destroy of Worlds" I do not like, for you see if I were to destroy the world, who would there be to reek my havoc on?
  21. The short answer is yes, that is exactly what I am doing, and I cannot provide any sarcastic reply to that... oh wait, did that count?
  22. Well, I guess that will be a testimony to my unusual tastes, though I am surprised that my sig did not give that away a long time ago.
  23. Well, since I doubt I will get a dignified response from him, yes, I'll stop. Welcome to the forum kiddo, have fun.
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