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Everything posted by Shuuda

  1. It's really lovely. I especially like the colouring on her clothing. As for the issue of hands; I personally find that the easiest thing to do is draw them from a reference for the pose you want.
  2. Thank you very much. I'm really happy with how this one turned out.
  3. The eyes and the colours in general are lovely.
  4. That last piece put me on a bit of a roll, so here's a new work in progress of Celica.
  5. This is really just a rough guess as to my favourites right now.
  6. If I understand the pattern correctly, the next stage is for them to claim that whatever Trump is guilty of isn't really that bad at all.
  7. And here, hopefully, is the finished picture.
  8. Wanna get back into something a bit more ambitious, but I dunno what this pose is, or this outfit is...
  9. Isn't that everyday in Scotland? Languid
  10. Don't worry about being rude. Any commentary is appreciated. Since the new year I've been working more on photo studies, working from my Man Ray books, which is what I resort to when I've go no other ideas. I've also been trying to improve my speed, so I've tried to keep these images to a few hours each.
  11. True art is always mocked by the sheeple.
  12. Thinking of playing New Vegas again. Might try a setup with the JSawyer mod this time.
  13. No. I prefer it when games aren't proding me to pay extra for plastic rubbish.
  14. "Vulnerable", "evidence", and "science" are identity politics terms now?
  15. Here are some doodles of a kindly old man. And here some testing I did with the Clip Studio watercolour brushes. I think it might have ended up muddier than I might have liked.
  16. FC: 1048-8708-5581 Want to evolve a Haunter.
  17. Some slightly random sketches over the past few days.
  18. Yeah, it's still going after fifteen years. Kind of an ongoing thing, but I'd say around a quarter of the project is actually fully playable, with quests and all that. It's mostly the north eastern Telvanni/Indoril areas. http://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/sites/default/files/images/FAlHDxP.png
  19. I hate to fanboy over things, but the Tamriel Rebuilt project for Morrowind is such a work of art. I've spent the past few days testing my installation by wandering around random bits of it. Such amazing work.
  20. Thank you very much. So here's a potential peek of my next project. I spent some time doing thumbnails of Limstella, and these two were the things that stuck the most.
  21. There's nothing I can really add ontop the comments already given. I feel I should just say your work is as impressive as always.
  22. Another photo study. This time without any clever editing trickery.
  23. You mean MGSO? Yeah, I think that's gone out of fashion in favour of S.T.E.P nowadays. Personally I'm mostly using Morrowind Watercolor v2 for my visuals along with a host of MGE XE shaders.
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