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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. It's just an expression, like "waddya gonna do?"

  2. Yeah well...

  3. My Brawl Liscense.

  4. Will do.


  5. Good to see you in good spirits again. By the way I like your new avatar, it suits you.

  6. Cool. So that makes...four of us. This is not spreading as well as I hoped.
  7. No the one before that. Remember when Mao talked about how Lelouch made the mistake of telling the cops to shoot Mao instead of killing him? The episode he was talking about is the one were the clip came from. *tries to stay on topic* So when can we expect the next chapter?
  8. No, it's from the dub if that helps. EDIT: We're doing it again, let's just stop for now.
  9. I said I was watching random clips, didn't I?
  10. The first one with Mao. When Lelouch picks up C.C. and has the police shoot him. He thinks that to Mao when he's all freaked out to see him.
  11. If I can get it to work then...

  12. Actually, he can be pretty sharp when it counts. On this end it was like that since Sunday, although you probably came in through the last post in link so it's understandable if you didn't notice. And for the record, that line was the result of me binging on Code Geass clips from adultswim.com. Kind of an obscure reference I'll admit but I didn't expect it to start another fight.
  13. I'll deal with this tomorrow...

  14. ...




  15. Which is why the game needs more cinemas. So we can have cool scenes like that.

  16. I think I got it this time.

  17. It should be fixed now.

  18. Oh...here I was expecting a "WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?"...Until I remembered you hang out with Garwin.

  19. Look at the killing Pelleas topic.

  20. I know. I've been meaning to fix it...but I haven't, yet.

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