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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Right when you showed that I got the message. ...Damn you YouTube.
  2. Check out my new topic. I think you'll like it.

  3. Hibari

    Rave Master

    I like it so far. It's by the same guy who did Fairy Tail so I figured "why not?"
  4. No offense but...Roy doesn't seem that impressive. At least not so far.
  5. You'd think that, wouldn't you? But even I have limits .
  6. This is becoming uncomfortable. Maybe we should stop.
  7. This is why we needed actual support conversations or at least better info coversations. I had no clue about any of the Dawn Brigade until now.
  8. One thing has been bugging me...who's the guy TLS requested? I have a feeling I know but...
  9. I don't see why they couldn't have to be honest..
  10. Good point. ...Well it's not like the fur is all over her so I guess catgirl would be closer.
  11. I can only imagine what that was supposed to be.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ij_ZZormhU

    My apologies in advance if it turns out you hate it.

  13. I just need to say this in response: Awesome.
  14. True. The thought crossed my mind so I figured I'd ask. Thanks.
  15. I see what you mean...well I don't see the complaining but I get what you were saying. I'm probably just not around when it happens. That or I'm not paying close enough attention.
  16. How difficult would it be to insert a new font? Just curious.
  17. That's a problematic statement. If everyone was satisfied there'd be no need for improvements and the world would stagnate. It's because people weren't satisfied that many advancements were made. I mean isn't that why we have a suggestion board?
  18. Special Class, probably Priestess or Princess or something like that. Caps HP: 45 Str: 30 Mag: 35 Spd: 35 Skl: 40 Luck: 50 Def: 25 Res: 30 Weapon Level Max Bows SS Staves SS Skills Shove Crt+10 Deadeye
  19. Swords and wind. I'm also becoming fond of axes a little.
  20. Usually being trapped in virtual worlds based on RPGs.
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