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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Bring back 20 yr Lambo already.
  2. Oh God I forgot about that. I take it back. I take it back.
  3. Game Designer or writer...just because.
  4. Part Two Endgame: Stage: Pretty challenging to be honest. I managed to outlast them but I really wanted to take down Ludveck. Characters: Once again wasn't able to get the stats. Sorry 'bout that. Plus side: GM TIME!
  5. I'm actually a little surprised he hasn't. Although I'd prefer to have a verbal Link as opposed to having a female one.
  6. Sometimes you just go along with some things.
  7. Ike-Soren (A) Mist-Boyd (A) Micaiah-Sothe (A) Sanaki-Sigrun (A) Marcia-Tanith (A) Naesala-Leanne (A) Edward-Leonardo (A) Kurth-Ena (A) Titania
  8. Now that you mention it, Skrimir only talks about Caineghis. Quite a lot in fact, almost as if he was raised by him.
  9. Question: How did you get your sig to show a different image all the time?

  10. I never thought it would happen.
  11. Hibari


    I'm hoping he fights Chad to be honest. The guy deserves a win.
  12. I see what you mean. My eyes say they're fine but my mind says something's not right. I think Jiraiya's head might be a bit small. Other than that I'm drawing a blank.
  13. He's not just a pawn for . We don't know anything about either Elena or Misaha, so I doubt we can just rule anything out.
  14. Dunno. Maybe he meant Elena for all we know.
  15. Hibari

    Sounds nice. Glad you had a good time.

  16. Quick Draw Usable by swordsmen If there is no weapon equipped, attack with the fist usable weapon in inventory. That weapon is then equipped.
  17. Hibari


    Uryuu owns. That is all.
  18. Hibari

    That so? Well how was your birthday? I forgot to ask.

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