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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Reading that while looking at your avatar is highly disturbing.
  2. True. Something seemed off with her face in the second one.
  3. That's the one, it almost seems unhealthy to be honest.
  4. I mean the trend of what characters you like.
  5. I'm beginning to worry about you you know that?
  6. I'm guessing that asking how your day's going would be a bad idea huh?
  7. It should be fine as long as everyone's on topic and doesn't repeat the same thing.
  8. I'm currently on 3-6 and all I can say is...I'm screwed. I gave Micaiah Beastfoe though so it might not be too bad.
  9. Don't balls usually end by...over a week ago?
  10. It says nothing about getting warned if you post feedback and honestly, what's the point in posting if you don't want feedback? That's like showing off a new game and telling everyone they can't say anything about it. People are going to judge what they see, just like how you judged everyone to be against you and decided that you didn't want to hear anything from them. And as long as they're not spamming or flaming, readers are pretty much free to post their own take on the story. It's called "giving input." You know, input, the thing where people tell you what they think and how you can make your work better. If your not even gonna try and pay attention to it then what are you putting the story here for? You could just as easily write it all on a piece of paper or type it up in word, staple all the pages together, and have your mom put a gold star or smiley face on it and put it on the fridge because that's what it seems like you want.
  11. Hm...I'd have to say Stefan, then Mia, then Zihark, then Lucia. But that's just from my own experience.
  12. The feedback thread was made for people who didn't want their readers to go through pages of comments to get to the next installment. It wasn't meant to be absolute, just an option to help organize things.
  13. ...So you're gonna try to get the mods to warn people who gives feedback. ...Good luck with that.
  14. Somehow I doubt that's it.
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