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Everything posted by Hibari

  1. Well in all the anime I've watched where someone's possessed or taken over the hero brings him back by...giving some sort of tearjerking speech or saying some kind of sappy phrase that gives the possessed the willpower to break free. Glad I don't have to do it.
  2. She just said to get you, I thought you'd know.
  3. Damn, you're right. Alright let's just get rid of it.
  4. I'll just stop at disturbing. Now if that thing in Fox broke free...
  5. Just exorcise it so we don't have to think about it.
  6. *chuckles* You would, wouldn't you. I notice I always leave right before it goes downhill. Could this be... ?
  7. No, he kept it. Also It was Super Mario Galaxy, not Sunshine. My mistake.
  8. I'd like to answer, but they had us out in the cold and we couldn't see the fights. The funny part was our friend Mike made it to the semi-finals so he got a prize: A Super Mario Sunshine Christmas Stocking. You wanna know why that's funny?
  9. Oh right. Y'know I'd completely forgot about this. Ah well, I'll leave it to you, Raven.
  10. Depends, most of the time it's to a restaurant or a friends house. We all did go to the Brawl Tournament the night it was released. WORST. TOURNAMENT. EVER. If I was I'd already know where she went, dumbass.
  11. No Lyle and Bianchi, or was she Haruhi? Or Hikari? Anyway they talked to you and you and Lyle became ToS friends or something.
  12. You don't have to leave. If you don't feel needed just try and enter the topic. Y'know like tell us where you go with your friends.
  13. I'd...I'd rather not say, Cym.
  14. Pocky, drinks, manga...various snacks. Let's see...Tabi, masks, T-shirts, and Sudoku books.
  15. Ask MS. Just say "Adam's Apple." *goes to throw up*
  16. It was alright. We just sold stuff at a stand. Nothing really happened...oh God no.
  17. *shrugs smirking* Whatever you say.
  18. You are just never gonna let that go are you? Besides if you had let me burn the sword in the first place, there would've been no evidence. Or better yet, if you weren't so busy tripping on Pepto we could've done something and I wouldn't have been so bored that I'd practice kendo.
  19. My first day was rather uneventful. I did nothing to stand out really, so much so I was almost unnoticed.
  20. Really? I never noticed. Everyone in my family has something amazing about them except me and they'd always tell me when I screwed up, which was quite often it seems, so I guess it made me correct others myself. Hm.
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