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Posts posted by Shoblongoo

  1. 20 hours ago, Lord Raven said:

    I hope you're not repeating this bullshit when Muslims and blacks get on the chopping block. You always make good posts and points, but you need to stop making this one. None of us deserve this and this basically means that white people have completely failed us as a shield. It's not at all a badge of honor or deservedness.



    They deserve better as people among people. They deserve better than America.

    But America as a nation among nations deserves everything thats coming to it if Trump gets a second term. (and if his ability to even get a first one is not treated as a national inflection point, prompting us to look inward at what ills us and correct course)

    And by that I mean we deserve to be the once-mighty Empire in Decline.

    Our once-centralizing influence and prestige diminished.

    Surpassed in standard-of-living and desirability for persons looking to raise a family or do business by better governed countries; griping all the while about how the center of global power and world markets is shifting to East Asia.

  2. And on that note:

    Title:  Fire Emblem Three Houses, but Byleth is Carl from Aqua Teen Hunger Force

    Carl Brutananadilewski | ATHF Wiki | Fandom

    FANDOM:   lol 

    Words:  1,867




    Laboratory of Dr. Weird:
    South Jersey Shore


    Dr. Weird - Home | Facebook

    A curtain lifts to reveal an unreasonable machine. Its very complicated and it makes a lot of noise. Can it transport a character to another world? Probably. 


    “Don’t you have to…like…explain to the reader?”  Steve calls for exposition.

    Steve Voice - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film for Theaters (Movie)  - Behind The Voice Actors


    Dr. Weird | YouTube Poop Wiki | Fandom



    “Is this Melon Shakers? This ain’t Melon Shakers.” The Professor wakes up somewhere that isn’t the parking lot of a bottom-dollar strip club in the industrial wastes of dirty Jersey. This confuses him greatly. “Dafuq am I wearing?”  

    “Orders, sir?” A lieutenant of Captain Geralt’s grand battalion stands at attention.

    “Nothing. I didn’t order nothing.”




    "I mean I'll take wings and a pitcher or whatever." 




    “Why you following me? I don’t swing that way.”

    Incoming enemy fire pierces the lieutenant with a barrage of arrows and melts his face off with mage fire.

    “Hey. Uhhhhhhh. You okay there?” The Professor asks.

    A dead and fleshless skeleton face on a pin-cushioned body stares back at him. Dead.

    “That don’t look too good. You should, uh, get that checked out.”      


    “Professor. Are these outfits really necessary for our training?” Edelgard understood the purpose of the calisthenics. She did not understand the purpose of performing them while dressed as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.   

    Yes. It’s very necessary. Fuck dem Cowboys though.” The Professor cracked a Pabst Blue Ribbon. “HEY, CHURCH-MAN! YOU GOT SOME GIANT’S MERC OVER HERE?”

    Regrettably, there are no funds for such an expenditure.” Seteth advised. “It appears you’ve spent your entire endowment on alcohol and prostitutes.”


    “A reminder that your students will be expected to demonstrate what they have learned at the end of the month in a real battle. These are children who have never fought before. Those funds were supposed to be for weapons and armor.”

    “Look; I don’t work 20 hours a week to throw my money away. That’s wasteful. Them’s bills are for getting drunk, and putting in strippers underwears.”   

    “Have you taught them anything they can use in combat?” Seteth inquired.

    “Oh yeah. Watch this. HEY KID! Whata ya do when the big guy’s coming at ya?”

    “Kick ‘em in the dick!” Caspar answered.

    “You kick ‘em straight in the dick.” The Professor instructed.

    And then Caspar did in fact kick Hubert straight in the dick.

    “See? They’re totally ready.”

    “…Clearly…” Seteth observed. “Lady Rhea would like a word with you.”

    “Whats the deal with you twos; are you banging?”

    “Lady Rhea and I are strictly platonic companions.”

    “So what—you into dudes or something?”


    “‘Cause I’d uhhhhh—you know—I’d motorboat the shit outta that.”

    “You are in a holy place, and I would ask you to behave as such.” Seteth politely requested.

    “I got your holy place right here.” The Professor grabbed himself at the ‘nads. “TONIGHT!”

    “Professor,” Rhea welcomed. “I trust you know why you are here.”

    “Your mother.” The Professor flipped-the-bird and drank his beer.

    What news?” Rhea implored.

    “She said professors shouldn’t have to pay for no sex and you should give me more money.”  The Professor spoketh divine word. “Oh and, uhh, eat your veggies. That ass is, uh, starting to look a little chonky there. Ya know? I mean I like a girl with some meat on the bones, but your mom said that that part. I mean she said the whole thing. Especially the part about giving me more money.” 

    “I will pray upon these words,” Rhea thanked him. “You seem to be adjusting well to life at the monastery. Is there anything we can do to make your time here more comfortable?”

    “There’s no nudey mags in a library. You get Butt Frenzy out here?”

    “I’ll see what I can do.” Rhea promised.

    “And tell Claude to STAY OUTTA MY FRIGGIN POOL!”


    “Omgomgomgomg—I just killed someone!” Bernadetta was freaking out.

    “Hey. Come here. Its okay.” The Professor offered his most sage guidance. “I mean—that guy probably had a family that loved him. And he’s dead now. And its totally your fault. But. Uhhhhhh. Where was I going with this???”

    “WHAAAAAAAA!!!” Bernadetta was FREAKING out.

    “Okay look. You think you’re gonna live forever. But you won’t. Someone’s gonna kill ya. Someone will probably kill you with a knife. And, uhhhhhh, that’s life.” Good pep-talk.

    “Professor,” Edelgard reported. “We’ve sighted the enemy commander. How should we…”

    “Kick ‘em in the dick." The Professor instructed.

    “KICK ‘EM IN THE DICK!” Caspar shouted.

    And Caspar did in fact kick Kostas straight in the dick.

    “I love this kid.” The Professor cracked another beer.

    “I am having confusion as to why you are always drinking with hardness.” Peta asked.

    “I am having confusion as to why you don’t SPEAK FRIGGIN ENGLISH!” The Professor admonished. “Hey noble guy or whatever. Take this.” He gifted Ferdinand a fishing float.  

    “This is--?” Ferdinand asked.

    “I dunno. I got a million of them.” Said the professor. “They make great gifts as long as you—you know—don’t give a crap about who you’re giving them to.”

    “Would it not increase our chances of survival to remain focused on the battle?” Linhardt inquired.

    “Nahhh. That’s okay.” The Professor drank his beer. “Sometimes I kind of wanna die.”


    “I must insist that you treat this as a disciplinary infraction.” Seteth insisted.

    “He turned a minor conflict over whose turn it was to use the lunch counter into physical violence. And for that I applaud him.”


    “Alright, alright. I’ll take care of it. HEY KID!” The Professor chastised Caspar. “What-did-ya do wrong here?”

    “I—didn’t kick him in the dick?”

    And that’s why he put hands on you.”

    “What the Professor means is that--” Seteth interjected.

    Church-Man. I got this.” The Professor mentored his student. “Listen kid. Ever since my son was…never conceived, because I’ve never had consensual sex without money involved, I’ve always kind of looked at you as—look. What I’m sayin’ is I seen that singer girl making eyes at me. And you’re like her little brother or something. And you’re kind of a badass. And I’m gonna need you to be my wingman and get me all up in that, so you can’t go getting into any more trouble.”   

    “Relations between professors and students is strictly forbidden.” Seteth reminded him.

    “What. You like dudes or something?” Caspar taunted.

    “OHHHHHHHH SHIT! HE’S FREE-STYLING!” The Professor whooped.

    “TONIGHT!” Caspar cheered.

    “Professor.” Seteth scolded. “I am concerned that your student may be learning inappropriate behaviors.”

    “Nah he’s a good kid. That princess though. She’s fucking crazy.”

    “Edelgard von Hresvelg is a model student.” Seteth rebuffed.

    “All I’m sayings if she burns this place down to find the lizard-people. She. Uhhhhh. She didn’t learn none of that from me.”

    “Lizard People?” Seteth cocked an eyebrow.

    I’m tellin ya man. That girl has issues.” The Professor cracked another beer and approached the lunch counter. “Lets see. I want a nachos grande. And, uh, lets start with 50 Buffalo Wings. Extra Hot. Hotter. Keep that ranch coming. Heh heh. I’m gonna be spendin’ some time on the Holy Throne if you know-what-I’m-saying.”

    “What exactly has Edelgard been telling you?” Seteth asked of him.

    Hey, uh, Church Man, you might not wanna be asking too many questions right now.” The professor began washing down irresponsible quantities of sphincter-devastating hot sauce and jalapeno slices with cheap beer. “I’m fartin’ blood over here.”     


    “…of course I can use warp magic...” Lysithea said as though the very notion that she couldn’t was insulting.

    “So this thing, it like, remembers what you’re supposed to look like right?”

    “The spell parameters record your exact composition down to the micro-particle. The buffing pattern then causes you to rematerialize at your destination exactly the same.” Lysithea explained. “Why?”

    “I want you to beam me somewhere. And then when I’m in the warp change the recording and, heh heh, 'buff' part of my 'pattern.' You know what I mean?”  

    “Ummm. No???” Lysithea did not know what he meant.

    “Load Program: Crotch Town. Set file size to large.”

    “What are you talking about!?!?” Now she was just getting annoyed.

    “I mean not that I’m small or whatever, but you know, a little extra don’t hurt.”

    Professor Manuela knows that spell.” Claude reminded him.

    “No. I ain’t asking her.”

    Asking her WHAT?” Lysithea still didn’t get it.

    “Oh trust me, professor. She knows.” Claude got it.    

    “She don’t know nothing and she don’t need to know nothing.”

    Are you asking me to join your class or not?” Lysethia was so confused.

    “Nahhhhh. Forget it.” The Professor rounded on Claude. “And STAY OUT OF MY FREAKING POOL!”

    “BEHOLD! THE DARKNESS OF ZAHARAS!” Solon called forth his curtain of Dark Power around the demarcated summoning square.

    “Uh-huh.” The Professor had not stepped into the demarcated summoning square and would not step into the demarcated summoning square.

    “You will be consumed,” Solon waited awkwardly. “Just as soon as you step in the square.”

    “I ain’t stepping in the square.”

    “What do you mean you’re not stepping the square.”

    “I see that thing you’re doing. I ain’t stepping in the square.”

    “Its in the cutscene. You have to step in the square.”

    “Too bad. I ain’t doing it.”

    “Professor,” Edelgard agreed. “I think the only way we ever leave the forest is if you step in the square.”

    “Oh sure yeah. I’d love to do that,” the Professor stared at the all-consuming darkness. “You want me to bend over so he can shove that staff up my ass too?”

    “That is acceptable." Solon would allow it.

    “Okay sure. I’ll get right on that.” The Professor walked back to his war chariot and grabbed another beer. “Just over here dumping all the light out of my soul. You know. Embracing the darkness.”

    “Proceed.” Solon beckoned.




    “Is your soul-light extinguished?” Solon asked.

    “Almost,” The Professor reclined in his chariot with a dirty magazine and another beer and absolutely no intention of entering the demarcated square. “It’ll be gone any minute. You just keep waiting there.”






    “Yeah sure. The light’s gone—whatever—it don’t matter to me. Can I go now?”

    The cutscene rolled anyway, and the Professor disappeared in a puff of logic. 

    “Ehhhhhhh,” he accepted it. “Finally. Some friggin peace-and-quiet.”


    “Oh. You’re, uh. You're still here.” The Professor laid down to take a nap. “Heh heh. Did you see the forehead on that guy? What a freak.”

    “That’s it then? You intend to lay down and die!”

    “It don’t matter. None of this matters.”   

    “It appears I have no choice.” Sothis conceded. “I must now give you the powers of a god.”

    “Keep God outta this. He don’t need to know I’m here.”

    “In a moment all that I am will be given to you. And then I will cease to be.”

    “Or we could…you know…get some sleep without dem kids around—OH JEEZ! THE BACK OF MY HEAD!” The Professor exploded back into real space. And beheld 'Shambhala Rulez'  gouged into the side of his vehicle.


  3. 8 hours ago, TheSilentChloey said:

    I...literally have no idea what you're talking about @Shoblongoo care to explain to the uninitiated?

    I'm just going to quote straight from the movie opening here, because that's honestly a better explanation then an actual explanation:

    Cut You Up With a Linoleum Knife | ATHF Wiki | Fandom

    "Do not explain the plot! If you don't understand then you should not be here! Your money is now our money, and we will spend it on DRUGS!"  

  4. On the one hand, I feel kinda bad that that thread was basically dead and I’m the one who bumped it.

    On the other hand, I managed to have a good back-and-forth with Ana and disagree with her, but keep it civil and respectful and not make her feel like she was being personally attacked.

    And there were definitely some people who popped into that thread just to stir up shit and egg her on. (Hope the mods aren’t completely blind to that)





  5. 18 hours ago, Karimlan said:

    He basically should have done just as much as Pat Robertson did in the Republican Primaries of 1988, which, for those who are inclined to look, would be a pitiful 9%.

    To this day I do not understand how "I just start kissing them. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab em by the pussy" was not the instant death of his campaign.

    You can't even run a YouTube channel with that kinda baggage. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    Does America deserve it if only a minority of them elect him because Electoral College? 

    Yes, because in any good and decent country his popular support shouldn't be anywhere close to the point where the EC's ability to turn a ~40% minority into an electoral "win" should matter.

    A man of his temperament, track-record, and positions should be polling in the single digits.     

  7. You can at least plausibly make the case that people voted for Trump in 2016 because he had never held office before and was a political unknown, and people were voting for what they thought he would be rather than what he was. (there was enough in his business record and in his campaign rhetoric that what he was still should have been readily apparent even then...but w/e...sometimes people really need to see it to believe it)

    If America votes for him again, it deserves him. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Well yeah, I wouldn't call the peaceful protesters horrible rioters. I'd call the ones bashing in windows and stuff the horrible rioters. But that being said, you're still right in the rest of this post.

    I mean the people who 5 years ago would have been peaceful protesters. But today are instead deciding to bash windows and burn cop cars. 

    They've become more radical in their alignment and they're making those decisions because its been 6 years since Ferguson, and basically nothing has changed.  

    Hence the need to go back to square-1 and address the root of the problem. 

  9. 35 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Exactly. At the end of the day, I just want it all to stop. All the senseless killing and violence going on. Whether it's from police brutality or horrible rioters or something unrelated to either.


    And with that being said:  the radicalization of peaceful protesters into 'horrible rioters' is a response to how poorly the country continues to treat their people + how little has changed after years of peaceful protest.

    So if you wanna tackle the problem at its roots: you gotta go after the underlying grievances of injustice under the law.

    Everything else is a weed that just keeps growing back if you don't do anything about the roots. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    But you'd be okay with these protesters going up to your house and bashing in the windows and costing you a lot of money that you could have spent on real necessities like food and clothing so you can, you know, keep surviving. Okay then, whatever.

    ...if the police in my town did what the police in Kenosha or Louisville did...

    And none of the officers involved were arrested.

    The only reason I wouldn't be out in the streets bashing windows with the protesters is that I'm a professional man with a wife and kids that depend on me staying out of trouble + keeping my job. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    No, by itself it isn't a counterpoint. But group it with the rioting destroying businesses and lives and the people who actually have been injured and killed by protesters, you DO have a counterpoint.

    Like I said: the systemic racism is messed up and needs to be eradicated. But the way people are trying to make that happen is no better than the systemic racism. I can't support either side. I have my own stance.

    If thats how you feel, thats how you feel.

    My present opinion on the matter is that rioting + destroying businesses is a legitimate and powerful form of protest in a society that values property and property destruction more than it values black lives.

    I understand why some including yourself may feel differently, and may believe the goal is correct but the method is wrong.

    And to this I say simply:

    3 months of getting our asses kicked in the streets has done more to advance the narrative around policing in this country then an entire decade of peaceful protests and taking the knee.  

  12. Ehhhhhhhh

    If Rand Paul had actually been seriously harmed and the police hadn't protected him (or if the police had been actively working with his harassers), we'd be having a very different conversation right now.

    As is, what happened with Rand Paul isn't really a counterpoint to the fact that two separate policing and justice systems seem to exist for Black America and for White America.

    ...which is what people are pissed about right now... 

  13. Every major historical shift in the history of American law and public policy has been preceded by mass civil unrest.  (See the Organized Labor Movement. See also Women's Suffrage. See also Civil Rights.) 

    People who insist that rioting, clashing with law enforcement, and ((harassing)) industry titans + lawmakers has no place in our democratic process are ignoring everything this country is built on. 

  14. Yeah SCOTUS still looking less-then-deal but fine as long as Trump doesn't get to pick RBG's replacement. 

    Present composition of the Court is 3 hard ideological liberals (Ginsburg, Sotomayer, and Kagan). 4 hard ideological conservatives (Thomas, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh, and Alito). And 2 centrists (Roberts and Breyer).

    And when the ideological conservatives want to do something particularly nutty (like--say--uphold an abortion ban that clearly goes against 50 years of extensively litigated and well-settled caselaw), the centrists usually wind up joining the liberals to issue a 5-4 ruling against the conservatives.

    So the hard cons outnumbering the hard libs 4-3 usually isn't TOO devastating.

    Everything goes off the rails and the balance of the court overwhelming favors the cons if Trump gets to replace RBG.

    Not as in-your-face as the virus or the race riots: but that is lowkey the biggest thing going on in the upcoming election, and what everyone should be thinking about when they go to cast their vote.  

  15. I cannot think of a better illustration of what white privilege is then what just happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin. 

    Kyle Rittenhouse was a 17 year old white male who visibly looked his age , who transported a firearm across state-lines and was openly wielding an assault rifle in a crowd of people in the presence of onlooking police officers. 

    ...in a a state where the minimum age for open carry is 18...

    At no point did police attempt to detain him, question him, arrest him,  or order him to cease and desist. They just watched him, while ignoring that they had probable cause to make an arrest for a firearms related felony + reasonable fear of threat to public safety to use force.  

    They let him discharge his weapon + kill two (2) people, before taking him into custody.

    And then they arrested and detained him without firing a single shot.

    Jacob Blake was a 29 year old black male. Police called to the scene of him reportedly causing a disturbance. 

    They perceived no firearm on him, and he posed no discernible immediate threat to public safety. 

    They immediately issued directives for him to submit to detention.

    They followed him with their guns drawn as he walked to his vehicle.

    And then when they thought he MAY have a weapon that they couldn't see inside, they shot him seven (7) times in the back--in front of his three children--and paralyzed him from the waist down.

     No photo description available.

    See Again:  "No. Sensitivity over the ((race issue)) hasn't gone too far. Race relations in America + this country's treatment of black people really is just that bad." 


  16. On 8/22/2020 at 1:39 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

    We already have more entries than we did last round. Vampires truly are bottom tier.


    If the baby had come at 40 weeks instead of at 37-and-a-half.

    I'd have had nothing for this round.

    And I was prepared to do a full-length W40K piece with Space Vampires and "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!" and noise. 


  17. Interesting Prompt. 

    Things have calmed down enough at home that I had a moment to whip something together real quick.

    TITLE:  "Amongst the Fae" 
    LENGTH:  1,350 words 
    ORIGINAL WORK:  "A Transfigurative Overclass," by @Acacia Sgt


    Life amongst the Fae folk was not unpleasant.

    Diminished in stature and bereft of her womanly form, Silque had of course been distressed by her unwitting transformation into a faerie.

    That distress had been short-lived.

    The Hermit of the Shrine had told her what she lost in physical prowess she would make up for in magic. But the old man’s words had not done justice to just how incredibly her magic would grow. In human form she had studied magic. But as a Faerie she was a creature of it. And the vagaries of magic now came to her as naturally as eating and breathing; enchantment as mundane as placing one foot in front of the other, and fine sorcery as routine as spoken word.

    There was a beauty all its own to the fae form. And if ever she desired her old one, it was the simplest weave of illusion and glamour to cast the sight of it upon any she wished to perceive it.         

    But it was The Fae themselves that most fascinated her.

    They were a reclusive folk. Always there, yet never seen. In the woodlands and groves and bluffs of the wild places they kept their kind. Even there: their kingdoms concealed behind such veils of glamour and wards of unseeing that a man could pass right through it and be none-the-wiser.

    They were lovers of song, poetry, drink, and mischief.

    They fought no wars, but appreciated the artistry of warcraft.

    They rode to battle on vespid mounts and in chariots of spring-leaf, for sport. Wielding daggers of antler bone and rapiers of pine needle. Their swordsmen danced and darted on hummingbird wings, with a fluid grace like nothing human. And their lancers stung like hornets.

    And no human eye could behold the splendor of it all.

    But Silque was of their kind now. And so welcomed among their kingdoms.

    There was one among them whom she had taken as a consort. Vendilin, they named him, in the fae tongue. A slender, roguish figure; pale bluish-grey of skin. Black of hair. And his wings like that of a dragonfly; yet luminescent green, and faintly shimmering. A rapier artist of some renown and a Champion of the Games; he was a proud and boastful fae, prone to cutting wit and flights of fancy. But never cocky beyond what the measure of his abilities would warrant, or foolheartedly possessed of confidence without skill.

    “This form suits you,” he had told her.

    Mere flattery perhaps; but he had not been the first to note that even among the most vaunted beauties of the fae, Silque’s voluminous butterfly wings were regarded as exceptionally exquisite. (More voluminous and magnificent even then those of Titania herself, some would whisper quietly, although none would be so foolish as to say such things out loud)

    And it was then that she had truly grown to accept it as her form.    

    Life among the fae was quiet. There was little need for work; for the weaves of magic yielded production without labor. All that they required was bountiful and in surplus. And when one consigned himself to a labor, it was more for the satisfaction of mastering a craft and fashioning something of unique beauty with one’s own hand then for genuine need.

    Without work, there was only leisure. And the leisure of the fae was a nigh-immortal lifetime of frolics and revels and oneness with nature; forests echoing with laughter that the ears of men would never hear.

    Yes—life amongst the fae folk was not unpleasant at all.  

    And yet for one accustomed to the trials and tribulations of human struggle, overtime, there was a dull monotony to it. It is said that familiarity breeds contempt.

    “Contempt” was too harsh a word for it. Silque bore no ill-sentiments towards her adoptive people or their carefree lifestyle.  

    But—boredom. Yes. That was a better word.

    Endless leisure, surplus without struggle, and a life completely devoid of trials and tribulations was boring.

    Perhaps there was some sliver of truth to War-Father Duma’s teachings after all. For the life of a Faerie was as perfect a realization of the Earth-Mother’s vision for her children as any that could be conceived.

    …and yet something was missing from it…

    And so Silque disembarked from the Faerie Kingdoms. Back to the realms of men. Seeking some semblance of the life she had once known.

    Vendilin accompanied her. In part, out of attachment. In part, in bewildered bemusement of what she sought.

    “Twas folly to doubt you, truly.” Vendilin spoke with laden sarcasm. Sampling human-made wine with visible distaste.

    “Amongst the humans, this is considered a very fine vintage!” Silque assured him. She soothed her vespid mount, and the wasp-like creature wagged its antennae and clicked happily.  

    “Amongst the fae, this is ram’s piss.” Vendilin spat it out. Conjured a goblet of spun silver. And mixed the contents of the wine with his glamour-dust. Then finding the concoction palatable with the addition of Faerie Magic, he drank deep. “Where are we going anyway?” Vendilin asked of her.

    “To the place from which this vintage hails. Ram Village,” Silque answered.

    “Ahhhhhh. So it is ram’s piss,” Vendilin quipped.

    “It was the home of the Human-King Alm,” Silque ignored the barb. “I knew him once. Many long years ago. It is a small farming village. They work the land for their food, you know. ”

    “Quaint.” Vendilin conjured an apple out of thin air, skewered it upon his rapier, and partook of the fruit. It was perfectly ripened and a pleasing crunchy-sweet. “Do they also marry their livestock?”  

    “Oh, hush!” Silque knew he was only teasing….but still…

    “Whats so great about toiling under a hot sun and scraping the dirt for a morsel? I’d marry a goat to if I had to…”

    A woman’s scream cut him off.

    “That came from the Old Highway.” Silque darted to attention.

    “Human problems,” Vendilin was recumbent. Leave it be.”         

    “I remember that place…wasn’t that where I…” Silque strained at the memory. She recalled so very little now of her human years, but something came to the forefront. “OH GODS!”

    And with that, she was off.

    “…dammnit…” Vendilin fluttered after her.

    They came upon a juncture in the road where a pair of highwaymen beset a young, female traveler; hoping to make off with her to their lair.

    Past the northern bend and to the cave off the side of the road; the one with the abandoned shrine. Silque knew, as if by memory. Though she could not say from whence the memory came. On the edge of it she felt a feeling of—powerlessness??? Odd, Silque thought. There was no reason for it. She had power in this place.

    It was the simplest thing now; to send those men into a deep slumber from which they could do no harm. Silque breathed the breath of magic. She held out her hands to her lips, and blew a kiss.

    Where it struck them: the highway men collapsed in place. Snoring loudly, and dreaming deep dreams.

    “What now?” Vendilin held his rapier at the ready. “Shall I needle them through the eye for you, my love?”  

    “Tempting. But unnecessary.” Silque recited her old prayer that such men learn decency. Except it was less prayer now, and more a command. Her magic seeded their dreams. Her suggestions wove their way into their sleeping psyches. And she said: “When they awake—I suspect they will have had a sudden change of heart.”

    “Hmphhhhh” Vendilin obliged, and sheathed his weapon. “It makes no difference. Humans will act this way for as long as there are humans.”

    “Not all humans.” Silque told him.

    “Enough of them.” Vendilin retorted.

    “Well perhaps the high-and-mighty fae would to, if they had to toil under a hot sun and scrape though dirt for a morsel.” Silque retorted right back. Then teasingly added: “Or would you still rather marry that goat?”

    Vendilin had a good laugh at that. And they were back on their way.

    Yes, Silque thought to herself. Life among the Fae was not unpleasant.   

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