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Posts posted by DarkLordIvy

  1. 1 minute ago, MrSmokestack said:

    Gronnraven, since Nino uses -Blade better already. Fury and LaD do work better with -Blade however and you'll want Triangle Adept in addition if you give him -Raven.

    If you're really set on not using Nino, then -Blade works better since he has Fury already. However, I personally prefer Raven Adept for Soren.

    Okay -raven was what I was kind of leaning towards so it looks like Cecilia it is for next promote! Aaaand oh boy my eternal hunt for at least two Roy's continues... at this point I'm kind of tempted to just use my 5* Cordelia for t-adept. :/

    I actually use both Soren and Nino on different teams. So she will probably always be my main -blade mage. I just want to give Soren as many different build options as I can for the fun of it. I love me my green mages! 

    Thanks for the help!

  2. 4 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    mfw I don't have any of the 40% bonus units

    Other than that, it seems like a fun event. I'm not too interested in masked Marth as I have no shortage of sword units and already have a falchion user. On the other hand, the quickened pulse sacred seal I definitely want.

    From the wording it seems like the bonus units will probably change over the course of the event. I hope this is the case at least. I have mRobin but I don't want to be using him endlessly!

  3. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Heh, I guess I wouldn't complain about that even though I don't think Ike x Lethe would lead to any kids because of Lethe being too fiery and warrior proud to give up her laguz powers. Stinkin' canon...

    RIP indeed... xP

    Actually, Soren gets both. He gets the Hammerne in PoR and the Silver Card in RD. The Silver Card happens in that hilarious conversation between him, Ike, and Aimee where Aimee very nearly tricked Ike into saying she's the most beautiful girl...until Soren conveniently stepped in to stop him. XD It's freaking comedy GOLD. Ike and Aimee are always hilarious! They're so funny that I almost want to ship them too. Almost, but not quite. lol


    Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

    In PoR it's the Hammerne staff Soren gets, and here Soren keeps Aimee from bothering Ike through telling him she could win his heart with spicy meat dishes. The RD conversation with the Silver Card is a sequel to the Hammerne one and has the flirting (it's how Soren gets the Silver Card).

    Well that's what I get for not having played RD yet woops :P

    Good to know one of my favorite character moments gets a second round in the sequel.

  4. Just now, Anacybele said:

    This I agree with and I also hope it's addressed if the game is ever remade. Plus with the addition of an Ike/Elincia ending, even if it must be platonic. xP

    Or they could just set everything on fire and give Ike possible marriage endings with Elincia, Soren, Ranulf, and Lethe.

    RIP Ike and civil discourse.

    27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


    I have not played that game but that is an interesting interpretation and comparison.

    (also small correction, Soren gets the Hammerne from Aimee not the Silver Card)

  5. 5 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Eh, I guess you're right on most of these things. I'm kind of tired of debating it anyway and nobody's going to agree on everything. xP

    I do have some bias for Ike x Elincia, but I try not to let it hamper my arguments too much and cloud my judgement or anything. As much as I love the pairing and call it my personal OTP, I can't ever say it's the most "canon" or anything like that. And I have to admit/accept that Geoffrey x Elincia is more canon by default because they actually got an ending, as sad as it makes me.

    I think way more people get their headcanons and the actual canon mixed up waaaay to often and that sets off a lot arguments. Poor Ike is one of the biggest victims of this that I have ever seen. 

    Well I had fun with this debate so thank you for being civil throughout it all. :)

    Just now, a bear said:

    The real issue is RD's character endings being generally weak and extremely limited. Between that, no support dialogue, and the flat new cast members, it's pretty clear that all of the focus on writing went towards the main plot at the expense of characterization.

    If PoR and RD ever get remade or remastered I really hope this gets addressed.

  6. 50 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Yeah, but the thing is, the ending isn't clear about what you say even though it is definitely possible. I just wish it was more clear, that's all.

    As for chapter 7 in PoR, I believe Ike thought Elincia, Mist, and Rolf would be safe for the time being. That he didn't need to worry about them at that moment, but that catching up with his other comrades was important.

    But maybe Ike could have occasional moments of selfishness. I mean, going back to my guy Ralph, he's not particularly known to get angry or pissy at people. Yet I wrote a scene where he does just that by punching a guy in the face after the guy riled him up about his past and him as a person. But see, I established this, whereas Ike doesn't seem to have any established moments of selfishness other than this ending, so the ending still strikes me as rather OoC. But people will interpret things differently, I guess.

    Yeah, I like the name Ralph too. ^^ And he is one of my favorite OCs so far!

    This is something this fanbase (and others I could name) really need to get through their heads...

    I think there are a quite a few scenes that could be interpreted as Ike being selfish to some degree in PoR in particular, but like you said people will interpret things differently, and I don't necessarily feel like digging through the entire PoR script right now to find more examples. :/

    I'm not sure if having more detailed ending would have helped settle debates like these or caused worse ones

    9 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    And Elincia's and/or Lucia's profiles will probably mention how they hold each other dear. Still doesn't mean anything. Why should people automatically consider it to be romantic?

    Also, again, there is no real text evidence for Ike and Soren as a romantic pair. I'm tired of people acting like it's canon when it isn't.

    You really should actually read that article about Ike's sexuality, or at the very least the sections labeled "Performativity" and "Exclusively Gay?" It is extremely easy to read romance into Ike and Soren's interactions in the exact same way you read romance into Ike and Elincia's interactions.

    You don't see Ike and Soren's relationship as romantic in any way and that is fine, but its rude to deny that there is any in-game content that suggests that otherwise. 
    I think people claiming any paring for Ike is cannon is pretty obnoxious. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I get that characters have to have flaws and things to seem human. But the flaws also have to make sense. Why make Ike selfish all of a sudden when that wasn't one of his flaws before? There also wasn't a defined reason for his departure, we can only speculate on it. At least establish a reason for his leaving, really.

    I mean, let me use one of my Awakening OCs for example. His name is Ralph and his most notable trait is that he's so kind that it's not just a strength for him, it's also his biggest flaw. He's been taken advantage of for his kindness too many times to count. He also always feels a need to return any favor done for him and he has a hard time accepting gifts from others even if he technically worked for them. Why would I ever have him act selfish? It would contradict his other characteristics entirely, just as I feel it would Ike's.

    In some ways I don't know if Ike's leaving can entirely be considered selfish. His ending is verbatim "Once he saw stability returned, Ike left on a journey to lands still unknown. He was never seen again." Meaning it was probably at least couple of years before he left, and in all likely-hood he would have tied off as many loose-ends as he could during that time. Made sure all of his friends and family would be alright before he left.

    Let me counter your OC's example with one of my own. In one story I'm working on one of the main character's defining traits is her tendency to bottle up her emotions and be generally a very stoic person. This is a pretty big flaw for her as it makes communicating with others difficult, she has trouble connecting with people, and only has two friends for the bulk of the story. However there are parts where she emotes, or does connect with other people for a number of reasons depending on the circumstances of what's going on in the story. And it doesn't contradict her character because "stoic" is not the only part of her personality. Similarly Ike is very selfless, but moments of selfishness don't necessarily seem entirely out of place or out of nowhere. Off the top of my head for instance chapter I think 7 of PoR has Ike leaving Elincia, Mist, and Rolf on their own to go looking for Greil which strikes me as a bit selfish, though not unwarranted given the circumstances.

    I like the look of your character by the way! Ralph is a cute name.

  8. Just now, Anacybele said:

    Oh yeah, it also said she turned away all suitors. But yeah, who knows, I guess.

    I bet you those suitors were after her because IKE'S BLOODLINE! Fits in with what I said before about Ike's reputation affecting his friends and family even while he's far away and that's why I felt like his leaving was selfish on his part when he never ever acted selfish...

    I'd be surprised if that wasn't the reason for a good chunk of her suitors.

    It might be a bit selfish but it also seems pretty in line with his character if you ask me. Ike does what he wants, and is such a blunt person I can't see him putting up with all the fawning and drama caused by his reputation. And like EricaofRenais said before; Ike leaving would decrease the pressure on his friends and family. Probably not right away, but in the long term people would come to realize that Ike did not leave a change of address and the attention would peter out. Besides this bit of selfishness can be read a kind of a much needed character flaw. Ike isn't infallible and not necessarily the perfect hero, I think it humanizes him.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    That still doesn't cover Boyd and Mist becoming 100% canon while every other possible RD pairing is entirely optional (save for Largo and Callil, but they were established between the two Tellius games, not at the end of RD). I don't think IS would make one RD pairing 100% canon while not doing the same for the rest.

    Honestly I don't entirely have an answer for that, I have not finished playing RD (the fight on ebay is hell) so that might change once I do, but still by the same logic I don't think Priam has to 100% be a direct decedent of Ike. Maybe Mist had a kid at some point out of wedlock in her non-Boyd ending. Who knows? I don't think that that would be out of the realm of logic in a world like Tellius. 

  10. 4 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

    The existence of Priam (who is Ike's descendant) means that Ike has to have a relationship with a woman at some point in his life. Which means both Ike X Soren and Ike X Ranulf aren't cano


    2 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    I agree, because even though it's technically possible that Priam is from Mist's line instead, I doubt IS would go that route the same way they did with Marth and Anri. Priam screams Ike all over, both aesthetically and in some of his personality traits, so suddenly saying he's from Mist and not directly Ike feels pretty trollish. Plus, Priam being from Mist's line would 100% canonify her pairing with Boyd, and that's not fair to the other RD pairings that are completely optional (Mist's default ending says she remains single).

    Yo I'd just like to chime into this bit of the argument because it has never sat right with me as a good argument for why Ike must have gotten with a woman with: genetics are weird, it is absolutely possible that Mist could have a kid that is pretty much the spitting image of her brother, and for that kid to continue generating more Ike-alikes down the generations to Priam. I have a cousin who looks and acts waaaay more like one of our aunts than he does ether of his parents, it's actually a little creepy how similar they are.

    Pfft can we not just say "Ike is probably bi or something" and end the whole argument? 

  11. 5 minutes ago, MrSmokestack said:

    How could you not like square-shaped pizza? You're getting 33% more pizza per piece. Unless you're willing to say "no" to more pizza?

    Easy! Square shaped pizza is all well and good but once you get to those pieces in the middle it inevitably ends up a total mess! As a naturally messy eater myself squares are never the way to go for pizza. I find it much easier to just steal the whole box if I want more. 

  12. Just now, Anacybele said:

    I heard the thing about magic costing HP, but never knew if it was changed for the remake. I guess it wasn't which is disappointing. That makes me want to use mages less because I just know I'll get them killed because they lost too much HP attacking to take another hit from the enemy.

    You might be surprised just how little this ends up hurting most mages in the long run. Most spells only cost between 1 and 8 HP, with the highest cost spell being 10 and by the time you get these spells I find that it hardly matters between the naturally decent HP pools and (in my case at least because I am using all the mages I can) backup who can heal the cost of the higher damage spells. With one exception all of my mages can take at least a couple of hits from most enemies or the wonky hit rate of the game prevents them from being hit at all.

  13. 9 minutes ago, Midnight Torch said:

    You could just get a Pitchfork and use it on Faye or any other unit

    Oh I know I just don't really care for Faye as a character, and she ended up outclassed pretty quickly by Clair stat-wise anyway. I'm making due just fine, I just find it kind of amusing.

    8 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I don't want to bench Faye though, I wanted a Pegasus knight to use.

    I went back through that dungeon before, there were no bad guys left.

    Well, I didn't know what it was at all, so imo, the devs should've pointed it out.

    You by no means have to bench Faye and I've seen plenty of people get a lot of mileage out of her as a pegasus knight. You'll be getting a second one in I think two chapters anyway so more flying horsies all around!

    You might have to run in circles a few times but they will spawn pretty regularly. Over by the cart near the shrine if I recall correctly.

    I'm not faulting you for not knowing, and maybe they should have mentioned that yes white magic= healing. I'm just saying it isn't necessarily bad game design. I probably should have put that directly into my original post.

  14. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Too many people are quoting/replying at once, and there's no way I can keep up, so I'm not even going to bother quoting anyone here.

    I'll just say that it's too late to make Faye anything else, and I don't have a mage right now, so no magic available to me. Kliff isn't leveled enough to be made one. So it looks like I simply screwed myself already and can't continue. I don't want to start the game over either when I've already done a few fights.

    And white magic is healing? Game didn't make that obvious at all. Again, poor design.

    Also, I didn't mean that this game should be EASY because of my FE experience, I meant that it shouldn't be really hard on the easiest difficulty. Not necessarily that it should be easy.

    You can make it just fine without Faye being a cleric. I made mine a Pegasus knight too, and she has made an excellent bench warmer for the bulk of my run.

    Just go back and grind in the dungeon if necessary to get Kliff those last few levels it really is not difficult unless you're doing a no grinding run.

    White magic being healing is something that pops up in a LOT of other fantasy media, it's one of those things that is well known enough that I can see why the developers didn't feel a need to point it out. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Gustavos said:

    I went for the door, man. It's a slow, single file trip around with 'goyles and arrows hounding me. Everyone's too weakened to survive the bow knight/cantor/dread nerd power hour upon reaching the door

    This was my strategy too. I finally beat it like an hour ago.

    Then I played the "get lucky with crits and hits" game for like five turns on the turnwheel. 

  16. I went out of my way to make Seliph work And carry me through the first three months of the game. The only reason he doesn't have maxed out hero merit is because I got Soren and Ike right about the time it was introduced and I've been working more on them ever since. 

    Incidentilly Ike and Soren are my first units to max out hero merit. Though Olivia, Azura, and Lucius are not far behind as my trainer team. 

    My original primary team also included Michalis and mRobin who were main stays with Seliph until I started mixing it up more. 

  17. 4 hours ago, phineas81707 said:

    So, uh... remember that prediction I made about Boey and Mae based on trends? Well... they knew Blue Tome Experience is a terrible skill, and made it Mae's minor. No Desperation fodder for us.

    Does anyone know what Boey's minor is yet?

    Boey gets to keep his Earth Boost skill line as a 4* according to the wiki. Pretty interesting choice I think. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, DehNutCase said:

    Shanna is more common than Fae, though.

    Unless by metagame game you meant making it easier for us to get level 3 skills.

    Edit: Can't wait for more 5* only healers to wreck any chances of pulling decent units from colorless.

    RIP any hope of getting Jaffar and any more Kageros. 

  19. 1 hour ago, phineas81707 said:

    Renewal fodder versus Desperation fodder. If IS wants to play the metagame game, Boey will be demoted.

    Honestly I wouldn't be all that surprised if both Boey and Mae get demoted, but I see your point. 

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